
Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022


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    Bonnie Ballentine
      • 1643
      • Superfan

      Day 4

      I went way back for these pics…2013. We went to the Maryland State Games and only had 3 players…no subs! I was playing down 2 age groups…10 years. We played really well that day and won gold. It was a funfilled day!

      Bonnie Ballentine
        • 1643
        • Superfan

        Day 4, part 2

        I went way back for these photos also…2012 and 2013.

          • 108
          • Junior

          QP 4 – Sunset

          Anita Wyatt
            • 174
            • Junior

            QP-4Extra I used a few of my Valentine projects, some of them showcasing the fur-kids, then added the Heart Cluster from KSD Designs. The font is Fiolex Girls. I had that for quite a few years  and cannot recall where I found it. I am having a lot of fun during the workshop. Thank you Carole!

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Anita Wyatt.
              • 2522
              • Superfan

              Susan, yes, in a way, you have to give up a little flexibility, for the speed of creating a page. That Eraser tool is so friendly once you know it!

              Euka, what kind of reptiles do you have? My son had ball pythons for a while. Although I was not thrilled when he brought home a dozen, I learned not to mind them.

              Monique, congratulation on the grandchild!!! Welcome to the grandmas’ club! It is interesting to see the same photo on different pages.

              James, maybe you can call it a “Shoat”. My son built a “Sh-igloo” one winter! I even made a layout about it!

              Pirkko, you really change the colors a lot! Great way to make those pages unique.

              Ann S., such a nice addition with the birds. That wedding party photo was perfect for that wide area! Panoramic photos are perfect for that page.

              Trish, nice and colorful photos.

              Paul, are you coloring with PSP or by hand? When I was a teen, I colored a large mandala (~3 feet diameter). I kept it framed, but it got damaged in a flood 🙁

              Anne, looking forward to our spring (but the groundhog said it would still be a while).

              Corrie, did you eat the other cookies?

              Julie, even with photos from Unsplash, you can still tell an interesting story for all.

              Mary, quick-pages are not using masks but just holes, which is why they can “show through more than one area”. If they were masks, it would not happen. You will see that in the Masks Workshop, next week.

              Jean, those times seem to long ago, right?

              Anita, you have a well-travelled cat!

              Sharon, don’t over-think!!! Just enjoy the quick process.

              Bonnie, I love those pickleball photos: everyone is always smiling!

              Linda J Walker
                • 142
                • Junior

                Carole is early tonight, or I am late, or maybe both!

                I went waaay back for these photos too, August 2010. A time when we still had kids at home.

                It takes me so long to pick the photos, I over-think it too. This one needed a wide photo and had to think about what to look for. And can you use the selection tool instead of the eraser?


                Susan Ewart
                  • 763
                  • Superfan

                  Thank you Julie.  I love them too.  I could watch them for hours.

                  Ann Seeber
                    • 1372
                    • Superfan

                    QP4-Extra: Adam, My Hauspanther. We adopted him from the shelter when he was two (lower right photo) and he’s 12 this year (large photo). He spends his time sleeping, of course, or up high, guarding his territory from his annoying younger “sister” Eve. He loves to guard me in the bathroom where he insists on having the sink filled with water so he can drink from the “pool.” I have a meme that describes his mindset perfectly, which I’m posting here, also.

                    Edit: I’ve experimented with the Selections/Freehand/EdgeSeeker and once I added a layer beneath the template I had another place for a photo, which I used at reduced opacity to give the impression this Big Guy was watching over my Hauspanther from the clouds. 😉

                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Ann Seeber. Reason: Added another photo
                      • 335
                      • Enthusiast

                      Here is my QP-4

                      Paul Donati
                        • 18
                        • Rookie

                        I use PSP  Carole. Find it relaxing.

                        Paul Donati
                          • 18
                          • Rookie

                          QP Day 5

                          Pictures of my new garden.

                          trish williams
                            • 805
                            • Superfan

                            Carole I cant load QP5 it just says http error , could you please explain what that is   thank you x

                            trish williams
                              • 805
                              • Superfan

                              it must have been listening, I had been try for an hour  it looks like it has now decided to load.
                              QP5  We are in the middle of Storm Eunice so only one thing on my mind x

                              Susan Ewart
                                • 763
                                • Superfan

                                Ann, I love your Hauspanther Adam.  And thank you for a new term.  I have one too, her name is Sumi.  She and her “sister”  Saya (pronounced Si-ah) were adopted as 1 yr olds, they will be 4 this year.  She is the second panther that has “owned” me.

                                Here are my pages for today.  One from Sardis pond and the extra page from another pond on a driving adventure  somewhere in British Columbia (CAN).

                                Ann Seeber
                                  • 1372
                                  • Superfan

                                  Susan: Thank you for your kind words. Here are my Hummers, hopefully arriving soon!

                                  Corrie Kinkel
                                    • 1078
                                    • Superfan

                                    QP-Extra5:  We are in the same Storm Eunice, it has crossed the Channel and it’s really a heavy one. Code red for most parts of the country; all flights and trains no longer operate, schools closed earlier and we had a very rare countrywide NL-Alert urging people to stay at home.

                                    A couple of weeks ago I got a photo of Davos in Switzerland where at that time a snowstorm was raging and so the connection to today was made. The font for the word snowstorm is Snow Bold, which a have for a while but never had the opportunity to use because this probably will be a winter without snow for us.

                                    Carole the cookies were very tasty!

                                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Corrie Kinkel.
                                    Anne Lamp
                                      • 320
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      QP 5 This tree is about a block from me and luckily the owner of the house doesn’t mind me taking pictures of the tree even if I have to get up close to get some of them.  I have been taking them for quite a few years now.

                                      Linda J Walker
                                        • 142
                                        • Junior

                                        Love to see all the photos. It makes me happy to know I am not the only person who takes photos of hummingbirds and flowers, and trees and ducks and cats and snow and sunsets!

                                        I used a couple of photos from my garden last year. Today is a cold February day. But 2 days ago it was 60 degrees, which is pretty darn nice for February in Pennsylvania! It made me think of spring. The font is ‘Beautiful Moonlight’, and I prefer to work with text in points. I worked in advertising and design, and we always specified text in points. Old habits are hard to break. I could probably still find a point gauge in my desk!

                                        Ann Seeber
                                          • 1372
                                          • Superfan

                                          Linda: Beautiful sunflowers! I worked in advertising for newspapers and used points when we were still using lead type. Not so much after the switch to paste-up. I can still read upside-down and backwards, though. 😉

                                          Sharon Cope Carriere
                                            • 51
                                            • Junior

                                            I have not received Page 5 for the Quick Page Workshop. Where can I find it?


                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan

                                              I’m behind but here is day 1. This is my youngest grandkid from 2014. Yes, his name is Max, Not short for anything. 😉

                                              I changed some of the colors. Also Quick Page Extra- My mother-in-law and me.

                                                • 2522
                                                • Superfan

                                                I have not received Page 5 for the Quick Page Workshop. Where can I find it?

                                                It might be somewhat delayed. I didn’t get mine either, although it is said to be sent.

                                                Julie Magerka
                                                  • 144
                                                  • Junior

                                                  QP=5  These two critters were brother and sister, and they adored each other. Not mine, but belonged to a member of my family. We all loved them dearly, and they are now over the Rainbow Bridge, together again. Happy to use their pix here.

                                                  Mary Solaas
                                                    • 555
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Everyone is having fun and posting such wonderful pics.  I said I was not happy with some of my earlier pages, so I have several I will be posting now.  I gues I wasn’t sure about the colors in the extra quick page 2 and searched through a lot of files until I found one in my “backgrounds” folder: Grenada, Spain a picture from Microsoft.

                                                    Mary Solaas
                                                      • 555
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      And now to Quick Page 3 and QP 3 extra.

                                                      Bonnie Ballentine
                                                        • 1643
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        My mixed doubles pickleball partner and I at the 2019 National Senior Games.

                                                        Bonnie Ballentine
                                                          • 1643
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Pat Boone has played basketball for several National Senior Games. In 2019 we finally got a photo of him with our team. Interestingly, he plays for a Virginia team.

                                                          Pat Boone was a teen heart throb during my teen years. A very wholesome young man with an amazing voice. He also wrote Twixt Twelve and Twenty as a guide to growing up for his fans. I still have my copy…a bit worn and tattered but I still have it.

                                                          Anita Wyatt
                                                            • 174
                                                            • Junior

                                                            QP-5  Workshop: Larger Window box Flower picture is from Art Explosion. The smaller is a photo I took of my flower basket, made the background transparent and filled with color from template. Font is Samantha Upright.

                                                            Linda J Walker
                                                              • 142
                                                              • Junior

                                                              Ann – Some skills you never lose!

                                                              It is so much easier to change the type spec on a computer 🙂

                                                              Anita Wyatt
                                                                • 174
                                                                • Junior

                                                                QP-5Extra: Used picture of the city of Rothenburg in Germany. Font is Samanta Upright.

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