
Love Story Challenge 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2021

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  • #52837
    Sue Thomas
      • 1598
      • Superfan

      Linda, have you looked for it  in your junk/spam folder, it could possibly be in there, sometimes that has  happened to me, if not don’t worry Carole will check it out when she can.

      Linda J Walker
        • 142
        • Junior

        Yes Sue, I checked my spam folder.

        There has been a problem in the past–I had registered for one challenge, didn’t get the confirmation email, then forgot about it, and missed the challenge. This time I registered but didn’t get confirmation, registered again but didn’t get confirmation again. I contacted Carole and she had to add me manually. I got Day 1 and Day 2. Not sure if they get lost in cyberland, or there is a hiccup somewhere, or maybe I am just a problem child! I don’t really know. I don’t know if posting them here in the forum would help–not really sure if this is a public or private page.

        I’m probably over thinking this. I know Carole will look at it when she can, but it just adds to her workload.

        Ann Seeber
          • 1372
          • Superfan

          Thanks, Sue. I’m not sure where to place it in relation to the mask layers??

          Sue Thomas
            • 1598
            • Superfan

            Ann, create the frame on a new layer,  place the layer above the mask layer, move and resize to your liking. The frame isn’t part of the mask group.

            Ann Seeber
              • 1372
              • Superfan

              Sue, I did it! Created the frame I wanted. Soon I’ll post the new design. Thanks for your help!

              Ann Seeber
                • 1372
                • Superfan

                Here we go, great grand Magic said it was her turn for a mask! lol

                Made the background paper  using the Kaleidoscope tool; the fonts are Mama and Pirate Bay. I hear tell Magic’s totem is the giraffe, so here we are! I even remembered to give the frame a shadow… 😉

                Gerry Landreth
                  • 173
                  • Junior

                  Day 3 – Corinne

                  Corinne has two older brothers who understand their place in the sibling hierarchy, also known as Corinne’s World. She turns six in April.

                  The kaleidoscope colors came from the bridge of her sunglasses.

                  Frame/Mask – Melo Vrijhof’s Mixed Media 3 Spill Frames from Pixelscrapper. Font – Spicy Rice (appropriate!)

                  Anita Wyatt
                    • 174
                    • Junior

                    Hello everyone. I am a newbie and this is my first challenge. I like the great tutorials  on this site and I enjoy  learning more about all the tools in PSP. This is my Love Challenge for Day 1

                    Donna Sillia
                      • 45
                      • Rookie

                      Thomas loves to help his daddy at work in his bowling pro shop. I made the bowling ball and pins. For the background, I used the kaleidoscope effect and the balls and bubbles. I adjusted the color.

                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Donna Sillia. Reason: wrong size
                        • 335
                        • Enthusiast

                        Corrie … you are absolutely right! I would love it there, but now-a-days, unfortunately, I am not so great on the hiking long distances. I bet the sky there at night is fantastic with no city lights to dim it. You’re lucky to get to share in such a wonderful spot. Everyone is making such awesome pages and it’s exciting to see what everyone comes up with. I have NO BABIES to share with any of you. My only grandson is mid twenties and I know he would not appreciate me plastering his face on something. LOL I am sticking to other things I love … which are easier to come up with pictures. I didn’t have a really BIG picture for this one so used smaller ones and AI to resize. I used the same mask on each one but rotated the mask so they would look a bit different. The mask was a Melo one from Pixel Scrapper. Honestly I would tell you her last name, too, but I couldn’t pronounce it if I tried never mind spell it! All three of these lighthouses are a popular bike ride at home. The background was fun to make, although I thought it looked a little bit too much like a snowflake. Seeing as they are buried in snowflakes right now, I guess it’s okay. Love seeing what comes up next! So far, a fun challenge, right? :o)

                        Mary Solaas
                          • 555
                          • Enthusiast

                          OK – I finally did Day 1.  Wrapping my head around this “rig-a-maroll” way to get the mask to work.  I guess that the previous training in templates was just sliding pictures into the spots provided.  This, instead, is dealing with masks!  Learning something new!!!  Stuck to the tutorial but had to go over it several times to get my head to accept it!!  Glad I joined this challenge as I am really learning something new.  Followed pretty much the outline and this is the result.  Boy I sure love all the freebies you gave us or steered us to!!  Thanks!!

                          Everyone – you are doing a fantastic job and I love all the different takes on “LOVE”

                          Mary Solaas
                            • 555
                            • Enthusiast

                            P.S.  I forgot to tell you that I used the eraser tool to remove some of the mask covering the faces of my 2 sons on the right and left of the picture.  Also used the eraser tool to soften the edges of the photo – which Carole had told one of us to do so that the edge blended in to the mask.  This has been work – but it has been fun!

                            Anne Lamp
                              • 320
                              • Enthusiast

                              Love story challenge 3

                              After over 50 years he is still the love of my life. And they said it would never last.


                              laurie solaas
                                • 147
                                • Junior

                                I really struggled with Day 2. My plaid turned out really tiny. I couldn’t figure out how to make it bigger. I also struggled with the text on this one and also with moving raster layers. But, I learned a lot.

                                Susan Caron
                                  • 28
                                  • Rookie


                                  I must say I’m really enjoying everyone’s creativity…and I’m loving the background manipulations I’m learning too!

                                  Here is my day 3

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Susan, Corrie, Cristina, Jennifer, Lynda, Jnet, Barbara, and Sue … beautiful work my friends, all so different even using the same layout, I love them, thank you. ;D

                                    laurie solaas
                                      • 147
                                      • Junior

                                      I was telling my mom that I thought my image needed a border, and she showed me how. Yeah Mary Lou!

                                        • 8
                                        • Rookie

                                        Day 2 Challenge

                                        I’m catching up !!

                                          • 8
                                          • Rookie

                                          Hi everyone ….i’m new here !!

                                          Day 1 Challenge

                                          Have some catching up to do !!

                                          Annie Tobin
                                            • 2938
                                            • Superfan

                                            Oh wow Lynda! What a family of good lookin gals! Love your page my friend, well done. ;D

                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              Beautiful job on both pagesGabriela, well done Hon. 😉

                                              Annie Tobin
                                                • 2938
                                                • Superfan

                                                A delightful page Laurie, well done. 😉

                                                Annie Tobin
                                                  • 2938
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Hi Linda. I have been missing out on getting emails as well. I always check my junk folder just in case but they have not been lurking there. I missed most of the emails for the recent bootcamp but simply went by previous ones I had done. I don’t know what the end results are as again I missed out on getting emails. I think there is a little cyber worm that likes playing havoc! I wish you well with this love challenge. 😉

                                                  laurie solaas
                                                    • 147
                                                    • Junior

                                                    Thank you, Annie!

                                                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by laurie solaas.
                                                      • 2522
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Mireille B, bienvenue dans ce challenge. Oh, je vois de superbes pages en perspective. Vas-tu créer toutes les pages sur le même thème? Ce sera un super album!

                                                      Annie T, that blue plaid really makes those white roses stand out.

                                                      Susan, beautiful showcase of your love. Since you have a “busy” background with the plaid, maybe you can add a bit more shadows on the smaller photos? Your background on Day 3 is very subtle overall, which makes it great and not busy at all.

                                                      Corrie, it seems like the view is breathtaking. I am not sure I would be able to walk that far myself!

                                                      Cristina, are you going to offer those pages, un-pixellated to your subjects at the end of the challenge?

                                                      Jennifer, on that page you say the mask is grey, it does look correct. Is the opacity of all the layers set to 100% inside that mask group?

                                                      Lynda, nice family photo! I am curious to know what font you used. I love that one.

                                                      Jnet, that background paper perfectly matches the photo!

                                                      Barbara, what a neat theme for your pages! I am glad that you took on that journey into scrapbooking with us. You have come a long way!

                                                      Ann S., as Sue answered you, yes that white frame was simply added afterward. I used the Rectangle tool (vector) so I could rotate it without losing any quality before converting it to a raster. Since you used the same font I used, MAYBE you can try to use the extra “tail” at the end of the name. Check this tutorial on how to access those glyphs.

                                                      Linda, did you get that Day 3 email? I think that since you joined a little later than others, your emails are timed a little later too.

                                                      Sue, you are always making such lovely wordart pieces! Thanks for helping Ann.

                                                      Gerry, great photo and that background paper is quite fitting!

                                                      Anita, welcome to the forum and the challenge. I suspect that on the page you posted, you had hidden the mask layer, which explains why the photo is displaying completely (instead of “through” a masked area).

                                                      Donna, I see that you are following my lead in using the same name title through the pages for continuity. Since those blocks are supposed to have some “depth”, have you considered adding some drop shadows to them?

                                                      Minka, that is a great idea to re-use the mask. You are the creator of those pages so have fun making them unique!

                                                      Mary, I also agree that it is a little convoluted to go through all those steps to create a mask, but after a while, you will see that it will become an easy routine. If you really want to go faster and “cheat”, there is a script that does it for you. If you really want to, HERE it is. You said you use the Eraser to uncover the faces. Since it is a black and white mask, you could just brush some white, on the mask part to “uncover” that area.

                                                      Anne L. glad to hear that you proved them all wrong!!! Beautiful page.

                                                      Laurie, if your plaid is small, it is possible that you started with a small piece to create the stripes. Is that possible? I think you have layered your photos/masks wrong. I see the photo on the bottom left seems to be inside the mask group for the top photo. Can you check that?

                                                      Gabriella, welcome to the Campus! Beautiful dog! I am curious what font you used for the titles. It is lovely!

                                                      Sue Thomas
                                                        • 1598
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Thank you Annie T  and Carole for your kind comments. You’ll notice Carole that I will be sticking to love themed quotes word art in my pages.  As always they will revolve around my best friends, and towards the end wildlife.  I was pleased to help Ann out. If I notice that anyone needs assistance,  I will help. I don’t have the knack that you have in giving  instructions.

                                                        Annie Tobin
                                                          • 2938
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Day 3.  I do love working with masks.  Thanks Carole for helping this old brain to retain the knowledge.  Font used for the title is Lakeshore Drive.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  😉

                                                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Annie Tobin. Reason: As per Carole's suggestion I put the wire element above the photo and frame
                                                            • 252
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Hi here is my day 1, I finally got there. Thanks for your help Carole. My french is not very good. lol

                                                            Sue Thomas
                                                              • 1598
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Beautiful page Annie,  I love the rounded edges on your frame.

                                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                                • 1047
                                                                • Superfan


                                                                Awww, I love your  backyard romance.

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