
Love Story Challenge 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2020

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  • #39244
      • 519
      • Enthusiast

      Jnet – The embellishment you added highlights the beauty of your flower.  Wonderful combination and such a beautiful result!

      Sue Thomas
        • 1598
        • Superfan

        Here’s my day 4 of the Love Story challenge.  This was an easy page to create, as I had previously made the masks.  The  Shaped Text tutorial can be found  in the Lab.  The frame   is a combination of a brush, a font and a preset rectangle.  Which looks a bit quirky, but then so is the relationship between Tess and Tomi.  So I’ll  call this page quirky love!  🙂

          • 519
          • Enthusiast

          Sue – Beautiful day 4!  Great job!

            • 519
            • Enthusiast

            Annie – Your image is so lovely, and I like how you kept the kaleidoscope background from dominating. I think your floral corner is the part that really pulls it all together and makes it wow. Very nice!

              • 519
              • Enthusiast

              Cassel – It was easy to create my own mask following your instructions (I’ll admit to having the benefit of going through this challenge last year). It’s quite freeing to be able to make a mask that suits my needs rather than having to rely on a pre-made mask of someone else’s that might not be what I want. Thank you!

              To all those folks who are struggling with masks, I have to agree with Cassel and others who have urged you to hang in there and keep trying. You’ll have that “Aha!” moment and after that, you’ll be so happy!

                • 519
                • Enthusiast

                My Day 4.   This rosebud is from an old-fashioned rose in my flower bed.  I didn’t put a frame around the rose, as I wanted a simpler, more basic look.  The background was done with a lot of playing around and trying different things, but the part that is most noticeable is the texture followed by the plugin Simple – Diamonds.  The fonts I used, starting at the top, are Scriptina, Sophistica 1 and Trebuchet MS.

                  • 1558
                  • Superfan

                  First of all, thank you so much, Annie, Shutterpixi, and Carole for your kind words on my project. <3

                  I have to say that you, Annie, and Shutterpixi are creating amazing and creative layouts. Sue, your work is beautiful, and I am loving how you are lately creating the frames.

                  Everyone, even the ones that are saying that are struggling, is doing a fantastic job, showing beautiful pages, and touching journaling.

                  I am glad I am participating for the third time in this challenge, always learning, getting more comfortable creating masks, and being inspired by you all.

                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    Here is my Day 2

                    Template 2 (by Cytisia) –  Love WordArt (by Alinamaria PBS Escale Amourese) – Painted love heart (by Palvinka) – Tag with string (by Janet Scott-PixelScapper)

                    I duplicated the background paper layer and changed the blend mode to Multiply for the colors to pop up a little bit more.

                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      Day 3

                      Template (Lady DCS template2 avril 2016) – Winter Beauty Edges3 (Palvinka) – Paper and Penguin ( KAagard Winter Wonderland) – Heart (Nicky PBS Escale Amourese)

                      For the penguin, I used a technique from Carole’sPopUp Masterclass.” Although not evident with this layout size, I used the kaleidoscope pattern in the title.

                        • 28
                        • Rookie

                        I have to admit, like Barbara said, I don’t use the shortcuts …

                        I digitise a lot for embroidery and … my brain can not remember those shortcuts. (grrrrr)

                        Everyone: beautifull pages in scrapbooking!!!

                        Me myself I use PSP for my pictures in family-friends-wedding- albums, and I’m learning here a lot!

                        The pictures of the birds are really spectacular!!!

                        Day 4: playd with several masker-layers

                        Peggy Jentoft
                          • 45
                          • Rookie

                          well that was fun and easy The  paper is from a  Dea Spina kit   a Persian Appeal, from my old stash and a paisley brush from a font.  the photo is my oldest child.

                          Leslie Gifford Cook
                            • 39
                            • Rookie

                            Wow, with all the downloads and installs I know I never would have figured this out from any manual.  Thanks for the great instructions Cassel.  And thanks to the other participants for their great inspirations.  Here is my Day 4 Mask, still pretty basic, but I added a frame from Bootcamp and coloured the text based on the butterfly wings.  My cold is almost gone so the brain is starting to work again.

                            I’m trying to create a circle logo with writing around the border.  I saw a post today that had a similar text art, but I’m not sure where it came from.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

                            Gerry Landreth
                              • 173
                              • Junior

                              I tried different fonts, mostly cursive, but it was clear that I need to work on spacing to make it look seamless.

                              These are my great-niece and nephew. The former “baby of the family” is doting on the new “baby of the family.”

                              Peggy Jentoft
                                • 45
                                • Rookie

                                the previous post was day 4 this one is a version of day one with the photo I originally planned to use.

                                Sue Thomas
                                  • 1598
                                  • Superfan

                                  Leslie    You are probably referring to text on a curve.  I posted something similar on scrapbooking with PSP a short while back.  I’ve attached it, using one  of Cassel’s lace fonts.  The other  is text  around a mask.  You have to create a circle or ellipse using a preset shape, convert  to path, then by hovering  over the circle with the text tool, click.  Then start typing.  There is a tutorial on the blog.  I’m sure Carole will direct you in the right direction.  In order to have text at the bottom, you need to duplicate the circle, convert to a path, select the pen tool,  right click in the circle, select edit, and click on reverse path.  Then  start typing .  I’ve attached 2 examples for you to see.

                                  Barbara Hall
                                    • 99
                                    • Junior

                                    day 4:  this is my dog Teddy.  I don’t know where I got the belt frame but I think it’s kind of cute, sort of like a collar.  His toys are scattered all over the house so I decided to give him some toys here too.  The carpet and the toys are from pixelscapper and I think they’re adorable!

                                    A couple of days later. I’m not sure about this. Tried something else.

                                    Also, I went back and redid days 2 and 3.

                                    trish williams
                                      • 805
                                      • Superfan

                                      Wow there are a lot of beautiful tags on here, well done everyone xx


                                      Carole you havent lost your chance, shove Tuesday, pancake day isnt until Tuesday.

                                        • 252
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Hi All

                                        My day 4, I used another photo that was on my f/b feed yesterday.The brush was one I had previously downloaded.  The paper and elements were from rush ranch.

                                          • 335
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          I am 1600 miles away from home for the winter.  Don’t have any photos here of family … but while I like it here, I miss my home.  Can’t wait for spring so I can go back.

                                          Barbara Hall
                                            • 99
                                            • Junior

                                            Minka-lovely page!

                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              Sue, a lovely day 4 my friend. I really appreciate the frame, very clever. A big thumbs up to quirky love! <3

                                              Annie Tobin
                                                • 2938
                                                • Superfan

                                                Barbara, you did a terrific job on this page. Teddy is too cute and sure has a cheeky look about him. I do love the belt frame and it works well for this project. Your background page is lovely, well done.
                                                Cristina, lovely work on both pages my friend. The penguin is really cute and you did a terrific job with him, he looks as if he is part of the family! <3
                                                Gerry, looks as though you are not going to have problems with masks! Job well done and cute family to boot!
                                                Leslie, the frame you used is delightful and really suits the painted lady butterfly. Love your background paper too. Well done!
                                                Lydia, a beautiful use of colours for day 4. They generate a calmness and serenity for the occasion. Well done Hon.
                                                Minka, a lovely use of a mask for this project. Simple and very effective, well done.
                                                Peggy, you are coming along in leaps and bounds! Love your day 4 … persistence pays!
                                                Shirley, a gorgeous page my friend. Showcases that beautiful photo perfectly. Gotta love bear hugs! ;D
                                                Shutterpixi, Stunning … both the photo and the page you have created to showcase it. My kinda page Hon, well done!
                                                I hope I haven’t missed anyone. If I have, please forgive as all the work is really amazing. You really are a creative bunch!

                                                trish williams
                                                  • 805
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Made the mask from a brush I already had, added 3 layers of paper each faded out, a paing splash to just lift the colour a little, added a faded frame and a graphic to finish  Text  is Charline.

                                                  Annie Tobin
                                                    • 2938
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    You put some work into this Trish and it shows. A delightfully nostalgic page my friend, well done!

                                                      • 2522
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Sue, really nice effect on that frame. Very original. Those lace frames are so fun too.

                                                      Shutterpixi, very delicate effect on that background. Was it actually on purpose or did you use random settings until you found something you liked?

                                                      Cristina, I love those brush effects. Are they added by you or part of the background paper? The penguin is a fun touch.

                                                      Lydia, you did a great job on the shadow of the pillow! I am sure you will find great ways to showcase wedding photos with masks since they can give such a delicate effect when they have faded edges. You might become known for a new style? 🙂

                                                      Peggy, I was trying to make those projects simple and quick, so the focus is on using the masks and learning more about them, instead of adding complicated steps or elements. You are completing those projects faster now?

                                                      Leslie, I am glad you are enjoying all the new knowledge and new supplies you are gathering through this challenge and other Campus activities. As for the text on path, check out this tutorial.

                                                      Gerry, if the letters are too spread apart, you can adjust that. It is called the Kerning, and you can find it in the Other options of the Text tool. Select the text and find that Other options icon (it looks like three faint horizontal lines) and in the dialog box that will appear, find the Kerning. Set it to 0 and see if the spacing is how you like it. If it is still too spread apart, lower it (clicking the up/down arrow right beside the value will increase/decrease by 25 at the time).

                                                      Barbara, I love how you are taking this opportunity to actually TELL a story with those pages. Those are great memories.

                                                      Shirley, awe… such a nice and sweet photo! My modo is “when something goes wrong, there is something to learn”.

                                                      Minka, where are you from? That page is super simple, yet it is beautiful!

                                                      Trish, that is a lovely photo and well showcased too.

                                                        • 68
                                                        • Junior

                                                        I’m off to a slow start on my second time at the Love Story Challenge.  Here is my first page.

                                                        I spent quite some time trying to get the underlying greyish “pattern” that was part of the initial background paper to show. I turned that into a mask but I could not see any of the artifacts, either leaving it white or trying to negative image that layer.  I have gone over the instruction video many times trying to suss out where I’ve gone wrong, but after trying this process 5+ times without seeing the results I gave up on it.  Too bad as I really liked that pattern.  Guess this will have to do for now.

                                                        Paper and elements are from PixelScrapper’s Love Birds bundle.

                                                          • 519
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          Thank you, Cristina, Annie and Cassel!

                                                          Cassel – I had some ideas on what I wanted to do, but that changed the more I played with it. When I applied the texture (fine canvas, I believe), I liked that look and did some fine-tuning with it. That led me to then use Simple Diamonds to further tweak it, and after that, I adjusted the opacity of about 3 different colored layers to get the shade I wanted.

                                                            • 519
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Cristina – Your day 2 picture is lovely (such a great family photo!) and what you did to make the colors in your background stand out worked well. Looks like everyone is indeed having fun in your day 3 image! I think the kaleidoscope pattern makes the title look snowy – nice effect!

                                                              • 519
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Gerry – What terrific family photos! You put them all together very nicely – great job!

                                                              Annie Tobin
                                                                • 2938
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Day 4.  I decided to use one of the paintings (hundreds) I have from DeviantArt.  So, this one is a little fantastical.  Cassel, you mentioned that this tutorial could be addictive, well heck yeah, I love it!  Thanks for takin a peek!

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