
Love Story Challenge 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2020

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  • #39710
    Jnet Allard
      • 179
      • Junior

      Merci Carole pour ce beau challenge, encore une fois je me suis amusée et j’ai appris certaines choses dont la lettre B pour faire apparaître le pinceau.  Je savais qu’elle existait mais ne l’utilisais pas.  Je vais le faire maintenant car beaucoup plus rapide de voir arriver mon pinceau qui était lent avant parce que j’ai plusieurs pinceaux (ah oui, j’ai oublié de dire que j’avais utilisé Water Brush pour les pages jour 5 et 6

      Félicitations à tous pour votre magnifique travail!

      Pour ce jour 7, un hibiscus dont la fleur est géante, elle fait certainement 6 fois la grosseur de la feuille (je joins la photo utilisée)


      Lynda DiGregor
        • 1047
        • Superfan

        Peggy, your ice cream is delectable. I love the roses you accented with

        Lynda DiGregor
          • 1047
          • Superfan

          Jnet, Love your Hibiscus.  One of my favorite flowers. My mom’s house in Mexico has many just like yours. Well done!

          Lynda DiGregor
            • 1047
            • Superfan

            Minka , Love your into the woods theme. Looks like it should be a CD cover

            Annie ,  Great work as usual

            Peggy, Love your traditional hearts and flowers

            Everyone has done such a phenomenal job it would take seven days to mention everyone so just know all the work here is appreciated.

              • 48
              • Rookie

              Well, I had some things come up this past week and have only been able to do the 1st day of the challenge. But I am glad that I did it, because I now understand masks and I really like them.

              This is me and my boyfriend Greg. The top pic is from 2017 at Disney World. We had just arrived from the airport. The bottom 2 pics are from 2012 & 2014. I wanted to use more recent pics, but I liked that all 3 of these were in black & white and thought it would look good. I think it turned out ok. The top pic was pretty small & I had to re-size it larger, which made it lose a little quality.

              I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do the rest of the challenge right away, but I do have the tutorials now, so if I can’t do them now, I can practice later.

              Sue Thomas
                • 1598
                • Superfan

                Thank you Carole, for the complimentary  comments on my pages.  They make me strive to be more creative, in creating unique effects, like the frames.  As for the masks in day seven  I created the oval one,  for the word butterfly, I would reduce the opacity and hardness,  as I  brush outwards then merge visible.  Thought I’d try something different, and it  worked. The main mask, I used a water colour brush, the text isn’t mine. I did  something simillar to what I described in the native sparrow.   Placed it under the brush mask after merged group

                I used the exact same sizes, so they match perfectly.


                Sue Thomas
                  • 1598
                  • Superfan

                  Thank you Carole, for the complimentary  comments on my pages.  They make me strive to be more creative, in creating unique effects, like the frames.  As for the masks in day seven  I created the oval one,  for the word butterfly, I would reduce the opacity and hardness,  as I  brush outwards then merge group. Thought I’d try something different, and it  worked. The main mask, I used a water colour brush, the text isn’t mine. I did  something simillar to what I described in the native sparrow.   Placed it under the brush mask after merged group. I changed the text white, and put a black background, making it a mask.
                  I used the exact size photo so they match perfectly.  I added a blinds texture to the oval mask after merging.  I also used the brush, white, low opacity to remove some of the text.


                  trish williams
                    • 805
                    • Superfan

                    Finally got there, I use the pattern from myy letter  challenge to make the paper instead of polka dots, photo is mine, my husband and granddaughter, thte heart are elements I had and the text was refreshment Stand.

                    Everyone work has been so amazing, congratulations everyone for a job well done xx

                    A big thank you to Carole for setting this challenge, and for all her constructive comments, well appreciated. we all I am sure look forward to the next.  xx

                    Jnet Allard
                      • 179
                      • Junior

                      Carole, j’ai mal lu pour la page 5, tu parlais de mon texte et j’ai pensé à mon fondu sous la photo.  C’est un texte sur les hibiscus que j’ai copié/collé – dupliqué 4 fois et je l’ai placé sous ma photo.  J’ai utilisé l’efface pour pâlir quelques zones

                      Merci à chacune pour les commentaires sur mes pages

                      Gerry Landreth
                        • 173
                        • Junior

                        I’m running behind but here is Day 5 which proved to be a challenge. I was unable to replicate the snowflake effect in Cassel’s example. I have submitted a copy in hopes someone may be able to guide me out of my mess.

                        Rather than ditch the snowflakes entirely, I used them to create the polka dot effect in the video.

                        I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and help. This has been a very positive experience.

                        This is my great-nephew who turned two a few days before Christmas tree shopping.

                        Sue Thomas
                          • 1598
                          • Superfan

                          Nice work Gerry, I can’t see anything wrong with your snow flakes.  Other than the white ones perhaps.   You should have used the  colour black,  as black will block, and you’ll get the background paper showing through.  As you used the  colour white  to preserve the image of your great nephew.  Don’t panic,  we’ve all been confused by masks at some time or other, and  no doubt will do in the future. Persevere, as masks create really cool effects.

                          Gerry Landreth
                            • 173
                            • Junior

                            I’m catching up today. Exploring the Bokeh effect was interesting.  I went through many iterations before realizing that I was obsessing on the background, which is only one layer (pun intended), at the expense of the final product.

                            Sue: Thank you for the thoughts on my snowflake mask dilemma. I reviewed creating masks in general and will double back on that. It is a useful technique.

                            These are 4/5 of my great-nieces and nephews at Thanksgiving. They are a very close bunch.

                            Gerry Landreth
                              • 173
                              • Junior

                              Here is the Day 7 project. After putting together the basic layout, I felt the wire font wouldn’t give me the effect I wanted for this picture. I will use it another time.

                              This is my oldest great-nephew in 2008.

                              I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge. It has inspired me to explore Paintshop Pro beyond the basic manipulation of photos for websites. Scrapbooking has taught me a lot.

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