
Love Story Challenge 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2020

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  • #39093
    Peggy Jentoft
      • 45
      • Rookie

      This was a little easier  but its not coming naturally . did they have layer groups in PSP x5 because I don’t seem to remember these procedures I did make a plaid but changed it into a pattern . this is my oldest granddaughter 9 in this picture  but about to turn 25  in real life the day before I turn 72 and the day after my youngest granadaughter turns 7.

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Jnet you have created such a pretty page, well done my friend.
        Trish, a beautiful romantic page, well done Hon.
        Barbara, what a delightful story and a lovely page you have created as a tribute to Rahne, well done.
        Sue, your pages are always simplified and beautifully showcase the true subject matter. I always admire your photography and pages, thank you Hon.
        Lynda, you are a sweetheart and a true romantic. This page, I suspect, is just the beginning of a beautiful love story. Well done my friend.
        Leslie, your page oozes a love of nature and showcases it nicely, well done.
        Shutterpixi, I love how you have achieved this page, the colours are lovely and well suited to the subject, and, I love the plaid frame. Well done my friend.
        If I have missed anyone, my apologies. It is delightful to peruse your work over my morning coffee. Thank you my friends and thanks also for your lovely comments regards my efforts, muchly appreciated.

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Gabrielle looks a real cutie Peggy and I’ll bet she is a beauty now. Love the colour scheme my friend. <3

          trish williams
            • 805
            • Superfan

            My  Nan loved her  Hydrangea was her Favourite plant, I took a cutting to keep it going,  use some hydranga heads from various kits , some I place behing the page layers and faded them out, . The grundge I made into another mask and put a copy of the photo in to extened the view text is, Dalston and Emporium

              • 335
              • Enthusiast

              I’m laughing … I tried. I can see it will take a little getting use to it.

                • 2522
                • Superfan

                Cristina, that background is really interesting and being monochrome,  it lets the photos shine!

                Jnet, I am glad you learned another trick for the text. Amazing how we can learn everywhere.

                Trish, that is such a delicate layout. You have a lot of details yet it does not look crowded at all.

                Barbara, it seems like you worked out the use of the mask. I think you might add some shadows to the elements on your page to give it a little more “volume”.

                Sue, you also had fun with the text!

                Leslie, you did great with the mask. As far as the “text” that comes with the template, it typically is rasterized when it is a psd template so you cannot edit it. But even if you could, you would likely want to change the font, the size, the color, etc. So when you see such a layer, it is just an indication where to add the text on your own.

                Shutterpixi, that plaid border is a great addition to your project. And that photo is so great!

                Peggy, you are doing good. It takes a while to get comfortable with masks but once you get used to them, it will be much easier (just like riding a bike).

                Trish, those are beautiful flowers. Considering the volume usually associated with those flowers, you might want to consider adding a large and blurred shadow to give them that impression of volume.

                Marita, this is a great result if this is your first try with masks! Looking forward to your next projects!

                Lynn Young
                  • 62
                  • Junior

                  All the images are Julie Faber-Miller.

                  Annie Tobin
                    • 2938
                    • Superfan

                    Trish, I love hydrangeas and my grandmother always had them in her garden. This is a lovely page my friend, well done. <3
                    Marita, I am impressed, you have done a beautiful job, well done Hon.
                    Lynn, you have created a lovely nature page, well done Hon.

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      Hello Scrapbook Campers.  This is my day 2 presentation.  Thanks for takin a peek!

                        • 252
                        • Enthusiast

                        Love story and masks are not really a loved up place for me, but with my usual determination I have succeeded in my some what weird fashion.  I was going to use my wedding photos, which had much more love, but when I was looking through my face book feeds this morning I came across this image and it just took my fancy so here it is. I took the flower from House of memories and the paper is a Daudous design.  I hope Day 2 is more compatible for my sense of humour.

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Oh Shirley, this is an absolute delight, well done Hon. This hen most obviously loved her “chicks”. I suspect you have a wicked sense of humour, you are, after all, a kiwi, yeah?

                            • 252
                            • Enthusiast

                            I don’t know how far my sense of humour will go with this project Annie.  I couldn’t download the suggested mask as I got a box come up saying this file  doesn’t have an app with it for performing this action, so because I had so many issues with the last flaming masks, I loaded one of my own psp.  The paper is from rush ranch, the elements were from various designers from my stash. This was our last Anniversary as my love passed away 8 weeks later on the anniversary of our first date so we did have 62 yrs in real. The star is bright that shines above me.

                            trish williams
                              • 805
                              • Superfan

                              Thank you Carole and Annie for your comments,  yes Carole I also thought it needed a large shadow, but it seemed to interfer with the balance of the layout, and as they were/ are supposed to be sketches representing the real flower in the picture I decide to leave them as paper so as not to detract from the photo, but looking at it now, what the size change has done to it, I agree with you it does look like its missing something, perhaps I will go back and re dress that, as it doesnt look like the original I meant it to be, thank you for the critisism, much appreciated. xx

                              There are so many wonderful pages on here, surprising how many things  we chose to love, that make our lives happy. and the wonderful layouts created to show that off, well done everyone xx they are all beautiful xx

                              Jnet Allard
                                • 179
                                • Junior

                                Vos pages sont toutes magnifiques, j’aime tout.  Bravo!

                                Merci pour vos commentaires,  ils sont appréciés

                                J’ai appliqué un pinceau abstrait sur mon papier


                                  • 335
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Four …maybe five tries later … I guess I can live with it. But I am going back to master that plaid. That kept me befuddled! My plaids looked pretty horrible. I get the concept, it just wasn’t working for me. I was pretty tired from a long day. Maybe this morning some mojo will kick in. 🙂

                                    • 28
                                    • Rookie

                                    Nice to make your own background paper with simular colours as the photo used!

                                    Cassel thanks for showing how to adjust the space between the lines.

                                    This is our granddoughter (with great love) at the age of 15 months … a couple of years ago.

                                    trish williams
                                      • 805
                                      • Superfan

                                      day 2 revised

                                        • 335
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Yeah … I got the kaleidoscope, but mine came out too small. Will have to play with that some more. Fun to learn, but I can see, just like any other “project” it’s all about the tools, isn’t it?

                                        Sue Thomas
                                          • 1598
                                          • Superfan

                                          Let me introduce you to Tomi!  He’s still going strong.  I was given his mother just before she gave birth to  a litter. Tomi being one of the kittens.  She was jet black in colour, 4 of the kittens were  tabby, and then there was Tomi.  She became  pregnant again, so I gave her to a neighbour. I kept  Tomi and  one of his sisters, she went off and didn’t come back 4 yrs ago. Tomi is strictly an outdoor cat.  He behaves more like a dog, comes when he’s called, and constantly talks to me.   I used the kaleidoscope pattern in the frame .  I wasn’t quite happy with the colour of it, so used  the colourize tool.  The background paper  was created using an overlay.

                                          trish williams
                                            • 805
                                            • Superfan
                                            Sue Thomas
                                              • 1598
                                              • Superfan

                                              Thank you for the very  kind comments on my projects, they are very much appreciated.  I’m really impressed with the high standard of work put into the  pages posted.  Not only are they  unique and very personal to the creator, they are also of great inspiration to us all, whether  you are a regular here or a newbie.

                                                • 519
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Thank you so much, Annie and Cassel, for your kind comments!

                                                  • 519
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Peggy – Beautiful colors and a lovely picture!

                                                  Trish – I agree about the Hydrangeas — they are beautiful and bring back such wonderful memories!

                                                  Minka – Great job with the turtles and fish!  I like the colors and quote you chose.  Your day 2 image of the seashore is gorgeous.  You’re right about getting away from it a bit — always helps me!  Well done with your day 3 Tweet Tweet, too – great photos!

                                                  Lynn – Love the outdoors images you captured, and such truth to the words!

                                                  Annie – Beautiful love image!  And such a nice effect with the faded image!  Great caption — fits it perfectly!

                                                  Shirley – Great photos of the hen and her “chicks”!  Your decorations work well with it.  Your Day 2 anniversary image is beautiful and a wonderful tribute to the love of your life.  Well done!

                                                  Jnet – Another beauty!  Very nice!

                                                  Lydia – Such a cutie in your picture!  You did her proud!

                                                  Sue – Nice job on Tomi!

                                                    • 519
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    My Day 3.  This Killdeer was one of several walking around our yard.  I played around with lots of colors, patterns, textures and effects/plugins to get the background for this. I made my own mask and frame, and chose bevel # 6 for the border. The font I used is Qwerty Ability.

                                                    Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                      • 39
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      Day 1 Repost – I updated the Text to indicate where we were (as if it was not obvious). lol

                                                        • 28
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Day 3 … love in the zoo !

                                                        You can chose: love or hate this animals!

                                                        Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                          • 39
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          Here is my day 3 post.  In keeping with the Niagara Falls theme it is a picture of the falls from our restaurant at night.  The Kaleidoscope was created from part of a picture of all of us on the boat (earlier in the day) with our red raincoats on.  It’s a little busy, but it shows the kaleidoscope effect so I’m keeping it for now.

                                                          Now I’ll try to create the plaid pattern from yesterday (day 2).

                                                          Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                            • 39
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            Well, here is my attempt at a plaid background.  I thought I’d try to recreate my Grandmother’s “McArthur” plaid/tartan.  I need to spend much more time on it, but I think I’m on the way.  The yellow should be consistent all the way around and the grey should be a combination of grey and black.

                                                            Barbara Hall
                                                              • 99
                                                              • Junior

                                                              Sue Thomas:  thanks so much for your very detailed description of techniques you used.  I really appreciate it.


                                                              Lynda:  Though you wouldn’t know it from my scrapbook pages, my main interest in photography is photographing birds.  The lens I’ve used most is one that zooms to 250mm, but I wanted to be able to get more detailed shots and I have a limited budget.  I ended up getting a bridge camera (Canon PowerShot SX60HS) which zooms to forever.  I’m so happy with it.  I’m able to get really good close-up shots of birds that I couldn’t get with my regular zoom lens.

                                                              trish williams
                                                                • 805
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                here is my page 3.

                                                                This page was inspired by Annie,  your tag reminded me of a jester pattern, then this page Carole labeled Joker, and we are nearly at mardi Gras.  Cause here in UK Mardi Gras is Shrove Tuesday to us, so this should be a picture of pancakes.

                                                                Picture i have had for a couple  of years, the back ground paper I used and swirl effect, beads also from my stock  as is the face mask. Mask was was pixel scrappers . x

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 283 total)
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