
June Word Challenge – AGAIN

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges June Word Challenge – AGAIN


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  • #13520
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Since members of the Campus seem to like to be challenged, here is another one for you.

      Once a month, a single word will be given to you and you will have to use it in your layout/project.

      In June the word will be AGAIN. It can be used in many ways, whether you have an event that is repeated or even used in a negative way like “Never again!” if someone got into a “messy” situation. Use your imagination and creativity.

      Are you up to the challenge? Post your projects in this thread (it can be older projects you did; nobody would know if you don’t tell) or, if you want, our PSP Scrapbook Showcase pinboard on Pinterest is always there to showcase what is being shared in the Campus (if you need an invite, let me know)

      Royanne Hewko
        • 132
        • Junior

        I tried to do the theme (the apple does not fall far from tree), so that is why I put apples in the background.  Sharisse our daughter some 30 years ago put cream all over her face.  Then our granddaughter (Sharisse’s daughter) put cream on her face.  I scanned in the old photo of Sharisse and used the digital of Lexi.  Put a small black frame around the pictures.  It is so amazing our life comes right back at ya!!!!

          • 2522
          • Superfan

          Oh that is funny Royanne! I bet you get a good laugh remembering those anecdotes!

            • 858
            • Superfan

            Royanne, a great page! and very creative use of the word “again” for this challenge. loved the idea of the apple theme. put a smile on my face while viewing it.

              • 4
              • Rookie

              This is a couple of pictures of when it snowed back in 2014. I couldn’t think of a lot to do so I came up with a snowy background and then the two pictures I took of the snow the same year just different months. I hope this is alright.


              [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640"]Snow Again Snow Again for the word of the month.[/caption]

                • 858
                • Superfan

                liltiggerlvr, welcome to the forum if you are new. it is great to see every ones projects. You have let us see what a difference a month makes. the 2nd photo looks as though it must have been much more of a bleak day. Thanks for showing it.

                I pondered what I would do for this challenge and then I came across 2 photo’s I had with 2 baby Koalas. As I looked at them, I got to thinking, baby was off to do some investigating. I made the mask and used it on the 2 photo’s. The tree and the Koala in the background was overlayed into the  paper using the multiply blend mode and then lowered the opacity. With the map of Australia i used Cassel’s Hammered Metal Script on it to create the button.

                best wishes,


                  • 1558
                  • Superfan

                  lLots of things going on here! Nice to see that.

                  Royanne, that is really funny that mother and daughter did the same thing 30 years apart, and you are lucky to have both photos. Good memories.

                  <span style=”color: #000000; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;”>liltiggerlvr, I am happy that you decided to share your page here. I think every project is important, and by looking at the photos I can see that it was a cold winter. Lately, we have had very little snow here. Thanks for showing us.</span>

                  Dawn, your page is lovely with these two cute baby koalas. Your mask is very pretty… something for me to learn in the future: to do my own masks. Nice idea of using the map of Australia with the script. Perfect.


                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    I had no idea of what to do for this challenge. I looked at many photos and still nothing. Then I found a few photos that I thought it could work. I have been watching some paper scrapbooking videos and came across with Project Life. So my page is kind of Project Life scrapbook,  which has a very simple layout with pockets.

                    I used Cassel’s freebie Notebook-LoosePage1 and PlaydoughAlpha. I also used a free clip art from

                    Sheila Hogg
                      • 468
                      • Enthusiast

                      More great work and love them all and the way the word ‘Again’ has been interpreted.



                      Sheila x

                        • 4
                        • Rookie

                        Very cute idea Cristina Hanlon.


                        I love the koala bears AprilDawn


                        Royanne yours is cute too.


                        I am not new just don’t post much but thank you for the welcome.

                          • 858
                          • Superfan

                          Hello Cristina, thank you for you kind comments on my layout. Masks are not that hard to do, I am sure you would enjoy making them, if you have some nice brushes that you can use.

                          Cristina, your layout is terrific! A very creative idea to use a pocket page like you have done, and the use of the cartoon clipart is great and catches the eye. I have seen the project life pocket pages and it is very effective . I have noticed that Cassel has a script and template for this idea…I am thinking to get them… as your project  has inspired me to give it a try. Thanks for showing it . well done!

                          best wishes,


                            • 1558
                            • Superfan

                            Thanks, ladies, for the nice comments.

                            Dawn, I was struggling with this challenge; I made one layout and after I had finished it, I didn’t like and deleted it. 🙂 …It was after that that I thought of adding a clipart, a card with ingredients (to fill the hole) and so forth.

                            Cassel has great scripts and I am sure I don’t know half of it.  I have a few and some I haven’t even tried yet. 🙂


                              • 858
                              • Superfan

                              Hello Cristina,  you are not on your own, I will often do a few layouts and delete each one till I am happy with the result.  The joy of it all, is the challenge itself.

                              best wishes,


                              Marlene Lingham
                                • 241
                                • Enthusiast

                                I’ve been away so have only just started on the June Challenges. This is my offering for the word AGAIN. It always amazes me how the Australian natives can regenerate after a fire, many of them require fire to propagate, but it is also very hard when the fires destroy homes and, more importantly, lives.

                                Sheila Hogg
                                  • 468
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Love the stitching Marlene and great info about the fires. We only get a snippet of news about them here in the UK but understand they can be and often are devastating. TFS



                                  Sheila x

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Marlene, glad to see you back.

                                    To see all this devastation and losses of homes and especially lives caused by bushfires is very sad. Fortunately, nature regenerates itself and plants grow back again although it takes some time.

                                    Like Sheila I also like very much the different stitchings and the texture and color of the papers. Nice work!

                                    Marlene Lingham
                                      • 241
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Thank you Sheila and Cristina. I tried to get the colours of the papers to represent the orange glow of the fire, then the dull brown of the aftermath and finally the green of new growth. Can’t take credit for the stitching, I forgot to say I used a template from CVW at Speedscrap (I’ve had it a while, hope the details are correct!).

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