
Forum for Jan 2019 Scrapbook Bootcamp

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Lobby Suggestion Box Forum for Jan 2019 Scrapbook Bootcamp

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  • #24530
    Art Kuiper
      • 47
      • Rookie

      I am really enjoying the Scrapbook Bootcamp. Although I use Paintshop Pro for a lot of work, I still find that your tutorials and cheat sheets show me new ways to do things.

      However, maybe I’m missing something but try as I might, I cannot find the forum that goes with our bootcamp. When I login in I get so many forum choices that I don’t know where to enter my comments and results.


        • 2522
        • Superfan

        The section is inside the Showroom. The direct link is this:

        Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019

        Come over. We have a lot of sandwiches so far! 🙂

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