
Double Take Challenge 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Double Take Challenge 2021


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  • #56915
    Jnet Allard
      • 179
      • Junior

      This is my day 1

      I will put my doubled page on FB

      sandra jones
        • 107
        • Junior

        This was difficult for me.  I couldn’t get my photo in the middle aligned right.  I don’t usually make my photos into background so of course I don’t like my page much, but I did finish it lol.   Thanks to Henry’s help on how he did the double layout I was able to accomplish that.

        The kit I used was “Beary Hoppy” by Angel Wing Scraps

        Jnet Allard
          • 179
          • Junior

          I hadn’t noticed that there were 3 pages. I continue my comments here.

          Jean, beautiful big family! beautiful grandchildren. Only one photo made me look elsewhere … either the one with the snake 😉
          For your day 2, the young people seem very interested in these old planes. Surely an interesting visit.
          Your day 3 is interesting. Brave children hold a baby crocodile in their hands.

          Henry, it’s so much work knitting but how beautiful and satisfying when it’s done, well done your wife

          Raymond, pretty and your pages show us that these two are on vacation. I like the addition of elements in the rectangle.

          Laurie, pretty colorful photos with a black background that looks very distinguished, I like. Your day 2 is as pretty as the first. I like black but I wonder if I could manage to combine it like you do.

          Bonnie, these cats are cute. Black and white looks so funny – the ones from 2021 are pretty too with all that blue and those sporty people

          Ann, many young people having fun and what a beautiful memory your granddaughter will have a very beautiful memory of this day

          Gerry, a beautiful family with many young children. It creates such vibrant family gatherings.
          With your day 2 you take me back to Cathedral Grove, a visit I loved doing a few years ago

          Sandra, nice model and I love what you did

          Anne, a trip to the south, it’s always pleasant with its hot sun and above all, having nothing to do

          Sue, bravo for this other page with mum deer, she is very pretty

          Annie Tobin, oh wowww what a beautiful bird, I love its colors!

          Sandra, these pretty little children. They seem very happy about their Easter day

          I place my double page since up there it separated


          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            My Day 2 Double page. The photo is by my grandson Will Lennox. You can see the village far in the background out on the point. The headline font is Childish. A very simple layout with a couple of beachy embellishments. The photo speaks for itself.

            Mendocino was once the stand-in for Jessica Fletcher’s New England village on the tv show “Murder She Wrote.” The director had problems with the sun going down on the “wrong” side and when he flipped the film to have it as a rising sun he ended up with some seabirds flying backwards! 😉

            Corrie Kinkel
              • 1078
              • Superfan

              My Day 2 Double page. I intend to use my theme “The colors of spring” for every day of this challenge because I simply like to work with a theme. Day one was green and this day is yellow. I used fewer slats otherwise they became to thin for the my photos. I have a lot of photos of flowers and still making more. So this is a good opportunity to show them. Hopefully this time I upload this in the right order.

              I like all the work done and again so different while using the same starting point.

              Lynda DiGregor
                • 1047
                • Superfan

                Well, I’m getting started late.. I’ll try to catch up. This is day one

                Ann Seeber
                  • 1372
                  • Superfan

                  This is the Day 3 project, so I’ve finally caught up! I’ve showcased my “day job” – the Warwick Drive-In Theater, owned by my daughter Beth. She’s the grandmother of baby Sonya that you’ve seen on the Campus.

                  The posters and map are from Google who provided them for marketing purposes. This is a full 7200 x 3600 layout. I’m grateful that PSP2021 does such a great job of enlarging photos!

                  Bonnie Ballentine
                    • 1643
                    • Superfan

                    Day 2, 2018

                    Bonnie Ballentine
                      • 1643
                      • Superfan
                      Bonnie Ballentine
                        • 1643
                        • Superfan
                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Hello Scrapbook Campus.  Lots of beautiful work going on here … thanks to you all for making my morning cuppa all that more enjoyable.

                          This is day 2 … I am going to try and get day 3 done today so that I will be all caught up!  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  😀

                            • 2522
                            • Superfan

                            Jean, it is ok to change the template since you need to use the shape that suits your photo. The idea is to make something that consistently flows from left to right. For your day 3, even if the pictures have a different color background, I don’t find them mismatched at all.

                            Gerry, that is a clever tweak to add something under the squirrel. It shows that you are noticing those “unrealistic” details and know how to correct them. I have to say that the choice to showcase those trees is a perfect theme for those thin rectangular shapes!

                            Henry, I was kind of wondering where the other page was! I thought maybe it was not uploaded correctly or something like that. I didn’t state how to start a double-page yet, because the idea was to use two separate pages first to “make them” a double. If you ever want to print an album, you would have to upload each page separately. However, don’t worry, the explanation will come later (although you already guessed it!)

                            Jnet, very elegant on your Day 1 project. If I could mention something is the fact that you have a photo that would be in the middle of the double-page it would be cut off if you ever print an album. If it is a photo that is less meaningful, it is ok, but otherwise, it is safer to avoid putting something in the middle that can be cut off or misaligned (like text too).

                            Sandra, since the middle photo might get cut off *IF* you were to print it in an album, it is ok if it does not perfectly align. You did a good job to avoid cutting someone’s face!

                            Ann, you are almost ahead of the challenge as the panoramic photo will be used on Day 6! shhh! 😉 When you had mentioned Theater Drive-in, for some odd reason it didn’t register in my head what it was (duh!). I had forgotten about those! (strangely, I live walking distance from an old one!). I just facepalm my forehead when it clicked in my mind!

                            Corrie, those are going to be fantastic pages showcasing all the flowers. With all the pages you can make, you can even print a complete album! Talk about a conversation starter when you get visitors!

                            Lynda, I like how you have such varied colors on your project!! Looking forward to more!

                            Bonnie, for the Day 2 project, I like how that shape of image is not typical of what you would expect for those photos, but it makes them so creative. Keep showing us those photos!

                            Annie, those are such interesting photos of birds we are discovering. May I suggest that if you have text that is wider than one piece of “paper” that you could use a separate one, to add it. Would you write over two sections if you were doing it on paper?


                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Hi Campus Friends.  This one was very easy so I was able to put it together in a snap.  These birds need no introduction!  Thanks for takin a peek.  😀

                              Linda J Walker
                                • 142
                                • Junior

                                I am signed up for this challenge, and I am getting the emails–BUT I seem to be having some computer problems, so I am not sure I will be able to participate this time 🙁

                                I am loving seeing what everyone is doing — I enjoy the inspiration!


                                cindy harris
                                  • 449
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Love your work everyone

                                  You guys are so Good,  I going to look over all 3 pages here and Ill keep trying.     I am still trying and I couldnt d/l but going to go retry.   I get so frustrated at times

                                  Sue Thomas
                                    • 1598
                                    • Superfan

                                    Day 3, I used scenes that I  take through the horses ears, of the landscape.

                                    Annie, what interesting Tawny Owls, the info you  wrote about them is fascinating. Their expressions are quite something! 🙂  I love your  chicken page, such rich  colours, everything about Australia is bold and  brightly  colourful. Well done.

                                    Everyone is creating fabulous, interesting pages. I feel quite exhausted after my trip around the world from  the comfort of my home.

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Thanks Cassel, I see what you mean. Had I wanted it flat as in a magazine display I should not have put shadows on the photos. Otherwise I should have separated out the text onto different layers in line with digital scrapbooking. Never too old to learn! 😀

                                      Barbara Hall
                                        • 99
                                        • Junior

                                        First, Happy Birthday to Carole! (And happy unbirthday to me since I just went shopping and got some great scripts/brushes/tubes!  Thanks, Cassel!)

                                        Day 2.  My local park has a pair of black swans and they finally were able to hatch some viable eggs.

                                        Barbara Hall
                                          • 99
                                          • Junior

                                          Day 3.  My yard is chock full of green anole lizards and I like photographing them.  This one’s almost finished shedding its skin except for that pesky bit that’s stuck to its back leg.

                                          Ann Seeber
                                            • 1372
                                            • Superfan

                                            Barbara: Those two layouts are really nice! Informative and charming. Well done!

                                            Barbara Hall
                                              • 99
                                              • Junior

                                              Ann:  Thanks!

                                              Carole:  I was just reading the directions of scripts I downloaded from your store and I’ve been instructed to save some of them in the restricted folder.  I don’t think any of the scripts I’ve gotten from Corel specify where to put them (or they did and I didn’t read the directions, which is possible!) and I’ve made folders for them with labels that are meaningless to anyone except me.  Despite not being in the correct folder, they work.  So what difference does a specific folder make for a particular script?

                                              Gerry Landreth
                                                • 173
                                                • Junior

                                                Rudy was excited about being a mask model to help promote COVID precautions. After so many creative assignments, he was not impressed with the latest one.

                                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLE!

                                                Ann Seeber
                                                  • 1372
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Gerry: My, Rudy is handsome in his Phantom of the Opera mask! Your layout works perfectly. Well done!

                                                  laurie solaas
                                                    • 147
                                                    • Junior

                                                    Beauty in the Winter- One of my favorite times to take a hike in the woods is in the Wintertime. No bugs! These pictures were taken in the Smokey Mountains, east Tennessee in late winter/early spring. I live in Memphis where it snows (if we are lucky) once a year. So snow for us is a real treat! On this trip, we were gifted with fresh snow.

                                                    I love everyone’s beautiful pages! It is wonderful to see so many different approaches using the same guidelines. Great work everyone!

                                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                                      • 1047
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Just want to say “Happy Birthday”and thanks for the great deals in the store.


                                                      sandra jones
                                                        • 107
                                                        • Junior

                                                        I am a little out of my comfort zone using so many photo’s, but I am getting used to it.  It still is taking me forever to decide which pictures to use.  Maybe if I didn’t take hundreds of pictures of my grandkids it might help lol.

                                                        I used a kit called “Boho Beautiful” by Ooh La La Scraps.

                                                        Every one’s pages are so awesome.  The creativity is just amazing!


                                                        Happy Birthday Carole!!  And thanks for the wonderful sale.

                                                        Raymond Easley
                                                          • 65
                                                          • Junior

                                                          The picture edges were used under Image-Picture Frame-Edge Brush. It was a component of PSP.  On my 2nd Day I used a mask from Arasimages. Today is 22 April and they should fledge within the next 3 to 4 days. Last year after 30 days they built a nest and had a 2nd brood in the same house.


                                                          Hello All, When I see all those great looking layouts, I am a little reluctant to post mine, but I spent too much time on it to not post it. I will admit that I did not catch on how you did the background papers, so I just did it the usual way. I will go back and figure it out on a later date.
                                                          Hope you are having great day, Carole, Happy Birthday again.

                                                          laurie solaas
                                                            • 147
                                                            • Junior

                                                            Henry, your page is beautiful! I like how the background is crocheted. The colors are great.

                                                            Ann Seeber
                                                              • 1372
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Here’s my Day 4 assignment. I used the cass-scatter photos script and then went from there. No room for embellishments. This place is just 6 miles down the road from Warwick Drive-In. It used to be called Action Park and was considered the most dangerous amusement park ever created. We locals called it Death Valley. They’ve cleaned up their act now; I assume.

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