
BOOTCAMP January 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP January 2021

Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 192 total)
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  • #51561
    Leslie Gifford Cook
      • 39
      • Rookie

      Here is my second project.  Got this picture of a Woodpecker building a house last summer and thought it would be good for this.  There is no “ink” writing on this project so all of the pieces have drop shadow to give that 3d effect.

      Looking forward to seeing everyone’s projects.

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Here’s my second project, a photo out my kitchen window after a heavy snowfall in early January. I got lucky and picked up a mega kit entitled Iceland so I have lots of snow stuff to use, especially the papers, the photo frame and the pine cone. The trees are from the Corel winter clipart package. As usual, I doubled up on the title, shifting the lower white layer to the left so it looked a little snowy and I did add a drop shadow.

          • 14
          • Rookie

          This is all you get today.  I spent hours and hours AND HOURS on this.  I started over (meaning shutting down PSP and starting fresh) at least half dozen times.    Got to this point and got the drop shadow on the photo.  Tried on the stripe. Nope. Tried on the lettering.  Nope.. Even clicking on each layer.  I give up.  I am going out to shovel snow to get my frustrations out.  Oh, I did download a few of the free Pixel Scrapper, MrOverlay and Inkydeals.  They are stuck in a zipped folder that I cannot unzip.

          Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


          REDO  (happy face!!)   I think I figured out why I was having so much trouble yesterday.  I was going way faster than my computer could keep up, so when I hit the drop shadow I expected the effect to hit immediately and when it didn’t of course I clicked on it again, and again and when that didn’t help I just was so frustrated by then I walked away.  Today the computer cooperated so much better and look at the results.  I am a happy camper cuz not only did I finish the assignment, I did it without any instructions.  Things are sinking in.  I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement. Thank You.  So, I still can’t open the zip files where all the fun stuff is hiding.  I actually created all the extra stuff I used to create my masterpiece.  I am indeed proud of what I did.  I have come along way.  Thank you Carole for your patient, slow and precise instructions.  You rock at teaching!!!

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Clarine. Reason: Try Try again!!
          Lynn Young
            • 62
            • Junior


            Swan Image by Patrick Robert Doyle (Unsplash)
            Jessica Dunn_224513_copper-spice-marble-paper_cu (Pixel Scrapper)
            Jessica Dunn_240149_nesting-mask-4-heart_cu (Pixel Scrapper)
            Sheila Reid_56578_our-house-nov2014-blog-train-brown-corrugated-board-paper_cu (Pixel Scrapper)
            Adellia.otf (Creative Fabrica)

            Julia de Bary
              • 9
              • Rookie

              Jan 15, 2021

              Here is my 2nd project of the bootcamp…I would like to be better…but for that I need more creativity..that it seems I do not have it….:(

                • 1
                • Rookie

                Hi All,

                Over 15 years ago I did some tutorials in PSP7 and now finally I am retired and I will have time to learn PSP. I am configuring my PSPX9 (no idea where time went ?). I attended this month’s Master class and totally like Cassel as instructor. I am a little behind but I have the intentions to complete this Bootcamp. Amparo


                Julia de Bary
                  • 9
                  • Rookie

                  Jan 15, 2020

                  Hi Cassel;
                  You are right I did not drop the shadows on all the elements on project # 1. I just added it,. here is again for you!

                    • 45
                    • Rookie

                    Hi Cassel; while snorkeling under the North Pier in Kralendijk, a curious Tarpon passed me a short distance away. He was certainly taller than 1 meter (over 3 feet).  Jacques

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      Ann you are such a sweetie. I just felt like doing another of the Day 3 project using the other freebie that Carole gave us access to! You are right about the calendar though … I am always the last one to post as Cassel’s posting time is Northern Hemisphere and as I am Southern Hemisphere (half a day ahead). What you girls and boys receive for the 15th I don’t receive it until the 16th cos you get it through my night time which is your day time … does this make sense, cos it doesn’t to me, ROTFL! Anyway Ann I did love your New Dane In Town, fun to peruse, and your After the Snowfall is fab! Thank you my friend, enjoyed browsing your pages. ;D

                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Simple and beautiful Lynn, well done. 🙂

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Hello Clarine … oh I can so understand your frustration! When I first started out with PSP there were times when I had to walk away in tears of frustration. But over the years it came to me and now I love it. I cannot help you with what is going on for you but I am sure Carole will come to the fore. That said, I really love what you have done with this … those colours are a match made in heaven! Chin up my friend and don’t give in!!! ;D

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Well I think what you have done is lovely Julia so you have some creativity that is for sure. Keep on keeping on … looking forward to more of your pages. 😉

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              You have the ability to bring on a holiday mood Jacques! A lovely fun page and it is a pleasure to view your work. ;D

                              cindy harris
                                • 449
                                • Enthusiast

                                Thank You  learned a lot.


                                Hi All

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Hi Bootcampers.  Day 4 – Adventure.  Photo by Filip Mroz from Unsplash.  It is of  Drake Bay in Costa Rica.  Scrap kit used was Pond Life by Janet Scott of Pixel Scrappers.  Froggie is looking a bit hungry so Dragonfly had better watch it!  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

                                  Ann Seeber
                                    • 1372
                                    • Superfan

                                    Leslie: Your woodpecker layout is awesome! Everything coordinates nicely with your theme. Good job!

                                    Clarine: I love your photo and your color scheme. I think if I was that stuck I would click on the Need help? tab on the right side of each page, knowing Carole/Cassel would email me privately and get me out of any mess. Try it!

                                    Lynn: Your swan layout looks great! I just found Unsplash myself so I’ll have to try some of their photos.

                                    Julia: I like the colors used in your second layout and your photo is beautiful; to me that’s creativity! Keep practicing, things will jell better for you as you try more layouts. Your first layout turned out really well – love that rosy paper background!

                                    Amparo: Welcome! Hoping to see your work soon!

                                    Jacques: Your embellishments always make me chuckle! 🙂

                                    Cindy: Pinks and blues.. your layout is very sweet.

                                    AnnieT: What can I say.. very interesting how you used your background paper as a pattern to fill your headline text. That’s a technique I should use more often! Thanks! 😉

                                    And last but not least, here’s a joke I got from a friend in Sweden that I can’t stop laughing at, hoping it brightens your day too:

                                    Jennifer Leighton
                                      • 21
                                      • Rookie

                                      Day 5 Second Project, todays project I used    Sheila Reid at Pixel Scrappers kit

                                      Everyone’s projects look great!

                                      cindy harris
                                        • 449
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Hello All,

                                        Oh I had so much fun didn’t want to stop, so made another one naming day5b.   I used the free download from PixelScrapper. 

                                        On the day5b I used the Script I bought from Our Store that Our Teacher made, they are GREAT.  Creation Cassel

                                        I used the Bow Script and I used 2 of the Date scripts and used a Scatter Confetti maker.  I have Tubes I bought and started to use but I  was just getting carried away so had to stop and not make it so busy.   What Fun, Our Teacher and this program is so fun once you are comfortable with everything which I am not  yet but it so fun.

                                        Totally love our Teachers tubes and Scripts, I cant wait to get my name in the Drawing.  I want one of the new scripts I hope I win.  I will buy it but saving my money to buy the Diamond Membership for February. Though If I win a membership then I can buy the script…   Love having things to look forward to.

                                        Cassel has helped me so much get thru this 2020, don’t think I could of make it with out this.  Its been so hard loss of income and being a almost locked down alone in my home.  Though I did get to start seeing my family but because I have now Parkinson’s and heart problems they shield me to keep me safe.  I really hate Cov19.

                                        Also thank you to everyone that has been so nice to me.  Love you all.


                                        cindy harris
                                          • 449
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Hi All,

                                          Had so much fun I remade my lesson calling it day5b, it was so fun Using our Teachers scripts from her Store


                                          I used a few of our Teachers Scripts the Confetti and Date Stamps and Bow Scripts.  They are so Fun and Fast!

                                          I used the kit from Pixelscrappers

                                          thanks you all  Great Teacher and Friends.   🙂

                                            • 2522
                                            • Superfan

                                            Sorry for the delay in the daily update.

                                            Annie T. I am also intrigued by those photos of the Project 1. What are they? any idea in the photo description? For the Project 2, I find it cute the way you did the title.

                                            Ann S., did you get the assignment for the Project 1 yet? I see you did the Project 2 there. I love how you created that show top with very little work! Very creative. I would tend to suggest a much larger yet blurred shadow on the pinecone. It is, after all, quite thicker than any paper of your project.

                                            Mary, is it possible that you only see one image because your images are tabbed? If you go to the Windows menu on top, do you have Tabbed documents checked? If so, Uncheck it and you will be able to see all the other images at the same time. For the Dropper tool question, do you mean that you don’t get the Dropper tool to appear or that it does not change the color of the text once you pick the color with the tool? If the Dropper tool works but it does not apply to the text, it might be because the text you want to change has to be highlighted. Could that be the issue? As for the availability of the tutorials, don’t worry. As long as you keep the passwords handy, they will stay available. For your project, I would recommend that you use shadows that are smaller; large shadows suggest that the element is either very thick or floating above the surface. Can you cut them to half what you had?

                                            Annie, we have hundreds of tutorials inside the DIAMOND membership to detail how to make various elements. You can even see some projects where members are posting their projects in the forum. If you see threads titles mentioning Lab numbers, that is usually someone posting projects made with the tutorials inside that particular Lab module. If you want to read a bit more about it, you can check THIS page.

                                            Leslie, over time, my eye has been trained to catch those details! I hope you don’t mind when I point them out as I think it is a matter of helping everyone train their own eyes to them too. For your Adventure project, your shadows are great and I like that you chose to add shadows to the title BECAUSE it is not ink. That is a great reasoning. One detail I would suggest is to have a larger shadow on the house element. The reason is that it already has some inside shadows suggesting it is thick, so unless you want it to look like it is indented inward (which could also be an option, although unusual) you would simply want the outside shadow to match it. But I have to say it is a very unusual situation.

                                            Clarine, you are so determined! When you say that the drop shadow didn’t work on the strip of paper and the text, do you get a shadow layer added in the Layers palette? Were you using the same settings as for the photo? Can you post a screenshot of your Layers palette once you have added shadows if they don’t show on your project?

                                            Lynn, that is interesting to use a mask! And good for you to not add shadows to masks. Let’s clarify that using masks is a more advanced technique that is not covered in the bootcamp.

                                            Julia, creativity comes from looking around, including this forum 🙂 Did you forget the shadows on the strips of paper on the Fall layout? or maybe you just hid them and forgot to unhide them before saving?

                                            Amparo, glad to see you joined. You still have time to catch up.

                                            Jacques, I am sure a lot of participants are jealous of your fantastic photos and the fact that you are doing all that (we are expecting over a foot of snow later today, and seeing your surroundings makes me jealous… in a good way)

                                            Cindy, I love the soft colors of your second layout. I have a couple of suggestions for you. For the text, I think it really needs some fill as the outline is quite hard to read. Then, for the photo, I suspect you didn’t resize it proportionally. You look quite squished in that photo! I have seen the original photo and this one is definitely distorted. Oh, and when you use a datestamp, typically, it is made of ink so there should not be a shadow.

                                            Jennifer, great layout. Thank you for linking to the supplies you used. It can definitely help others who will like to get it.


                                              • 4
                                              • Rookie

                                              Using PSP 2021. I had to check  “advanced A1 power settings to resize the jpg.

                                              Ann Seeber
                                                • 1372
                                                • Superfan

                                                Cassel/Carole: Yes, I had posted the first project “New Dane in Town” on message #51526 (I went back and looked) but I’ll post it again here along with a second  layout for Adventure #2, which I call “Pink Sky Before Dawn.” In this one I used another photo out my kitchen window. The pink sky is natural, my iPhone doesn’t do depth of field unless it’s a portrait. About the only thing not changed from “After the Snowfall” was the photo frame as I couldn’t find one that was better. The elements are all from Corel’s Winter Clipart collection (including the bird and branch!) and a snowflake scatter from one of my Iceland kits. The papers are from my VAST collection of papers! 😉

                                                Edit: And here’s a revised version of Adventure #1- “After the Snowfall” with the shadow much heavier on the pine cone. You’re right; I like it better myself!

                                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Ann Seeber.
                                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Ann Seeber.
                                                  • 7
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Hi Cassel I will post my 1st lesson here I hope that is good I had posted this lesson before but elsewhere on the forum I am not that handy on the forum and I don’t know where to post it . Tonight I’m going to take a look at the diamond membership site.

                                                    • 14
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    Thank you Annie and Ann for your kinds words of encouragement..  I sure appreciate that.  It sure is fun to see all the creations from each lesson.   I am totally not a creative person.  It takes me along time to come up with ideas for a project.  Getting to see what others have done helps a lot.  Until tomorrow….

                                                    Annie Tobin
                                                      • 2938
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Cassel … each photo is of a single faded and aging bloom and each by separate photographers. The technique they use to bring only the faded bloom to be nestled against a very dark background is just beautiful. The search parameter I used in Unsplash was ‘faded flower’. Ooooh … teacher caught me out … tis not my artistic bent with the title it is a font “Eclipse” and I have a few like it. Truth be told I have way, way, WAY too many fonts and even though I use NexusFont for ease of access I have not yet put my fonts into groups and sets … probably make things a lot easier! ;D

                                                      Connie Collier
                                                        • 55
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Here’s my first lesson attempt!

                                                        cindy harris
                                                          • 449
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                             Thank you Teacher!  you rock

                                                          I didn’t know they uploaded on my end didn’t show sorry for the doubles.  Wifi problems all the time because I live out

                                                          of the city.      AND LOVE EVEERYONES WORK… SO GREAT

                                                          Annie Tobin
                                                            • 2938
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            My 2nd page for Adventure.  The photo is another from Unsplash and was taken by Ruslan Bardash.  The kit I used is one by The Teapot Lady and is called Pieces of Memories.  Font used for the title is CK Celebration.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

                                                              • 2522
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Elaine, welcome to the Bootcamp. Is that the photo you had to resize? How large (or small) was it to start? I know this is a sized-down version of the whole page but how did you find the result of the sizing up?

                                                              Ann S. I am sorry that I must have skipped over your New dane layout. As for shadows, I drill down so much to people about not using huge shadows that make elements look like they are floating and they are listening! But yes, in some situations, they are needed!

                                                              Annie, you are doing great in posting your page. Keep it up. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

                                                              Clarine, if you need inspiration, one thing you can do is scraplifting. That is a case of “copying” an existing layout that you like. Obviously, the copying will never be identical, since you don’t have the same kits as the copied layout but it will give you something to start, and after a while, even if you are STARTING with the idea of copying a page, you might just tweak it to suit your need, your photos, etc.

                                                              Connie, glad to see you already used that photo you had planned to use from the beginning. You managed the shadows very well. Good job!

                                                              Connie Collier
                                                                • 55
                                                                • Junior

                                                                Here’s a simple one for the Adventure lesson. I tried to make a smudgy little date stamp for it.

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