
5 ways to use Tire Track picture tubes

If you want to create any travel/vehicle related project, using tire track picture tubes can add a fun and unique effect. The picture tubes are available for download in our Theme of the month - Transportation blog post. As you know, those directional picture tubes allow you to simply draw with your cursor to trace those tire tracks. But how can you use them? Let's have a look at a few fun ways.


Since you can draw with these tubes in any way you want, you can have fun drawing curvy paths, straight lines, zigzags, spirals, anything you want. Your project can have a single track, or you can double it for a more "realistic" effect.


Create a frame

Since these tire tracks are tubes, you can draw them in a straight line by using the Shift key. Just click on one corner, hold the Shift key, click on the second corner, the third corner, the fourth corner and come back to the start, always holding the Shift key. You will get a set of straight lines using this trick.

You can frame a photo, or a story.


Create letters or numbers

Again, since you can hand draw anything with these tubes, you can also write letters, digits or full words. Remember that it might not be as precise as writing with a pen or a pencil, but you would get the idea and if the letters are large enough, you have more room to work.



Tracks would normally be dug in the dirt, so how can you do the same with these tubes? We might not consider this as "engraving" per say, but those tire tracks can easily be manipulated to look like they are really deep in the dirt.


Ribbons and tapes

Since ribbons and tapes are usually straight elements, it is very simple to add some tracks to them. Once merged or fused to the ribbon, those tracks can become part of any ribbon/tape effect, whether it is folding them, tying them, threading them, etc.


As a trick, if you don't want the tracks to be black on a colored ribbon, use the Soft Light blend mode and it will show as a the same color, but different lightning. This will also allow the texture to show through, and if the ribbon (or tape) is multicolored, all those colors will still be displayed.

Will you create a travel/vehicle related project? It could be a scrapbook page, or a card, or maybe a poster.

Can you think of other creative ways to use your tire track tubes? Share them in the comments below. And if you create a project using those tire tracks, link to it in your comment. We would love to see your creativity.

For Photos That Matter

6 thoughts on “5 ways to use Tire Track picture tubes”

  1. Thank you Cassel, will go and do it. Is the pinterest board just for things we have made from an idea of the campus or can we pin other stuff we have made and want to show and give if anybody likes my stuff. That might be a good challenge, to make something to give to other members. What do you think?

    Sheila xx

    • The pinboard is called PSP Scrapbook Showcase, so I guess you can showcase anything you do with PSP. It is great when you can link to a tutorial, a class or a product you might have used or have been inspired from. As for something to give, yes, I guess it could be something interesting to look into along with a way to share stuff in a “controlled” manner.

    • Wow! Sheila. Talk about a creative way to use those tracks! I actually had to look twice to realize they were, in fact, tire tracks! I never would have thought of that! Very creative! Could you pin that on the Showcase pinboard?

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