Reply To: Out of bounds tutorial issue

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Let’s talk PSP stuff Out of bounds tutorial issue Reply To: Out of bounds tutorial issue

    • 2522
    • Superfan

    Hi Ken, let’s see if I can help you out, in text format.

    Re “Select the layer with the frame and activate the Pick tool  Set the mode to Perspective and narrow the height of the frame on the side of your out-of-bound element.”

    I tried various icons (4 arrow headed crosses etc) and eventually narrowed the height of the frame on the appropriate side. I noted the green nodes on the corners I think I dragged one of them to get the result. But I am not really sure how I achieved the result I wanted. Can someone please enlighten me on the correct thing to do here.

    Was the mode set to Perspective? If so, the node on a top corner will go up and down, as the bottom one on the same side will also go up and down in the opposite direction to create that perspective. Did you get that done in that way?

    I am now looking at the original white square frame and the new white frame that has perspective inside of that.

    You should not have two frames. Maybe you created one directly on the original image? But even if you had two, the one from the image itself would get deleted in the next step. Or, if you have a frame on its own layer, not on the image, maybe you can just hide it if it is not needed?

    If you want, can you post a screenshot of what you have so far?

    Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.