
Theme – Writing

Although scrapbooking is often about photos, it is mostly about stories. You can write stories, you can type them, you can print them. But did you ever create a scrapbook page about writing? Let's see a few ideas for layouts about writing.

Tell a story

With writing you can tell a lot of stories. You can write about that unforgettable day you had with your sister or that one beautiful flower event last Saturday. To be honest, you can write almost anything. A love letter, a poem, a simple phrase you love from your favorite book or your child’s first poem he ever has written or even a shopping written by your three-year-old. Turn that beautiful writing into one of your favorite pages for your digital scrapbook. A memory keepsake that you can go back to anytime you want.

Layout by Doreena


Kids' handwriting

Add your child’s writing to your layout. You can use anything that they wrote. It could be a school paper they did, a poem they wrote or even a letter they wrote for their teacher at the end of the school year. Have you captured them writing a letter to Santa? That would be a wonderful addition to your layout too!

Layout by Bonnie


Layout by Mindyradio


 Letter to Santa

Christmas is almost here! Have you caught your little one writing a letter to Santa?

Layout by Ellanvannin



Writing done by hand can be simple or elaborate. Some people have a wonderful handwriting, and they use it for special projects, like wedding invitations, greeting cards, and such. Of course, some of those end up being done digitally, but there is always going to be a manual part to it.

Layout by Jess Townsend


But if you are doing calligraphy, remember to practice.

Layout by Melissa Shanhun


Writing does not necessarily mean it has to be done by hand. With technology, typing on a keyboard is ever present around us, whether we want to write a letter, a grocery list or a message to a loved one. Even little hands get used to keyboards!

Layout by Joyce1946


Although we might usually think of writing as something to do on paper, notebooks, or maybe on the computer, we can also write outside, on the sidewalk with a chalk, on the beach with a stick, or even on a wall with a spray paint can (also known as graffiti!). Either one could be worth telling the story in a layout.

Layout by Hulda P


What will you write about, in your layout about writing? These are only suggestions because I am sure you can find many more reasons to create a layout around a "writing" theme. What other ideas would you think of? Share them in the comments below and if you already have a "writing" layout, share a link to it too.

cassnotebook-400In order to add a little support, download our lined notebook. I have even included some loose pages too! How will you use them?

Simply click HERE to get your notebook.


For Photos That Matter

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