Featured Resource – Backup File Locations

When working with PaintShop Pro, you might use just the default settings to store, save, and use the various supplies. That is fine, but it has some limitations. You can read more about organizing your supplies in this article. In some situations, you might need to reinstall your current PaintShop Pro or reset it to factory default. In this case, any custom File Locations would be lost and you would have to redo them again. But there is a little-known tool to help you.

Backup File Locations

Levifiction, a skilled scripter, has created a set of scripts to address this situation. You can download those scripts (you need both) on his site. Unlike most scripts that you might be familiar with, you need to save these two scripts in the TRUSTED scripts folder. The reason is that it will create a file with the information about the File Location you already have so that the second script can retrieve that information.

How to run these scripts

As their names imply, one script will back up your File Locations, while the other will restore them. So, if you need to uninstall/reinstall your PaintShop Pro, or are instructed to reset it to default, run the FileLocations - Backup script. It will create a backup of the FileLocations.loc. If you are running a 64-bit of PaintShop Pro, it will also create a FileLocations64.loc file. Once you have reinstalled/reset your PaintShop Pro, you can now run the FileLocations - Restore script. Make sure you use the correct file: the FileLocations64.loc if you are using the 64-bit program, or the FileLocations.loc if you are using the 32-bit version. Don't mix them up.

When to run (or not run) these scripts

As mentioned before, there might be times when you need to uninstall/reinstall your PaintShop Pro. That is a great time to use them. If you are asked to reset your program to default, you would also lose the File Locations. These scripts will save you time.

If you have to install a new version of PaintShop Pro on a new computer, it might not be that useful since the File Locations point to a variety of folders that might not be on your new computer.

If you just installed a new version of PaintShop Pro, and want to keep the File Locations from your previous versions, there is a feature under File > Import > Content from Previous Versions. This would do the same thing, in a single click so it might be better.


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