Building is working towards a goal. It can be building with Legos to bring the imagination to reality or a bird building a nest in preparation for its eggs. Whatever the goal is, the process of building is both enjoyable and tiresome, but in the end, it’s a very rewarding experience.
Have you ever built or seen these under construction?
If you’ve got snow, you’ve most likely built a snowman! It’s a great exercise for creativity, for both kids and grownups! Did you use a necktie instead of a scarf? What did you use for the eyes and mouth? What kind of hat did your snowman love?

Kids at work
Kids are always at work, aren’t they? You’d know something’s amiss if the house is suddenly silent as a church! However letting the young ones get to work also uses up their energy and encourages their creativity.

Almost all kids have had a Lego set at least once in their childhood and some adults have never outgrown the fun of building with Legos! These building blocks can be very therapeutic and thus knows no age.

Whether you are building a home or remodeling, it’s a great way to get everyone involved. From the paint colors to the furniture to the little details, everyone will likely have an opinion on which is best. What was your favorite remodeling project?

DIY Furniture
When you are short on budget but need a new furniture, what’s the best way to go about this? Do it yourself, of course! Building your own is not only affordable, it’s also a good way to re-purpose outdated furniture.

Sand Castles
What was the biggest sand castle you have ever built? I’m sure it brought back some very fond memories. A trip to the beach won’t be complete if you haven’t spent a good amount of it under the sun building a sand castle.

There’s something magical watching a bird build its nest. Mother Nature truly has a few tricks up her sleeve and makes life absolutely beautiful. Have you ever seen a nest up close?

Gingerbread House
Gingerbread houses are usually built during the holidays, and perhaps it’s a family tradition for many of us. Building a gingerbread house is just half the fun, the other half is eating it!

Perhaps one of the easiest things to build is friendship. You meet someone and you just click. You just feel that connection. You just know you’ve met a kindred spirit.
A true friend is low maintenance. You don’t need to talk all the time, but when you talk after some time, it’s as if no time has passed. A true friend will always be there for you and makes a good time even better!

Do you have any picture or story of someone building something? Did you ever build forts out of blankets, chairs, and cushions? Or did you have other types of building toys like Mecano or even playdough? Tell the story with a fun scrapbook project!
If you have any photos of kids (or grownups) playing with the traditional Lego (c) blocks, how about getting these picture tubes of building blocks?
Simply click HERE if you want to get these tubes. Since they are Picture Tubes, they can ONLY be used with Paintshop Pro. This download includes 2 sets: one with shadows and one without shadows. You can use whichever you want, depending on your project.
1 thought on “Theme – Building”
Love them, thank you:)