Last year, we had amazing set of themes per month. Now, it gets more interesting as we start our first month of 2017 with hair as our theme for January. We can do a lot of things with our hair. Whether you have short or long hair, you can do different styles with it. Here are some layouts that may inspire you with your next scrapbook project.

First hair cut

Do you have photos of your child’s first haircut or the time he/she played with her hair or tried new style (when they decide to trim their bangs, just to see what it will look like)? A large majority of children will have tried this at one point or another, and you might have that story to tell. But otherwise, it could be all about the first trip to the barber, or maybe the time you cut their hair at home.

Layout from JustLyn


Layout by Melo Vrijhof

Bad hair day

Hair can have a mind of their own. Some people have easy to manage hair, while others often struggle with them. A bad hair day can be common or unusual. Which one is your case?

Layout from Desilu3131


Layout from Renee CK


Beautiful hair

Some people are blessed with not only easy hair to manage, but beautiful hair. Sometimes, people will have beautiful natural hair color, others will have super shiny hair, some will have very long hair, others will have magnificent natural curls.

Layout from Srob15


Layout from LovelyMissKait


Crazy hair

Did you or your child tried a different hair color or hair style? You can use it with your layout too! It could be for a Halloween costume, for a school theme hair day, or just for the fun of it. Why not?

Layout from Phellewell


Layout from TexasMomOf4


Layout from Crazy T


Layout from Justine Hastie


Doing hair

This is a fact of life. Unless you are bald, you will have to do SOMETHING to your hair in the morning (if you don't want just a natural "bad hair day"). Do you curl them? Do you straighten them? Do you style them?

Layout from Doreena


And furthermore, it could become a special time to spend with your child while doing their hair (as long as they are not too tangled!).

Layout from Zanthia122


New hair style

How about an opportunity to showcase that new hair style you’ve tried for the very first time!

Time for a selfie!

Layout from AllisonLP


Layout by Rachel Martin

Special occasion

Sometimes, a special hairdo is in order, for a special occasion. Wedding and graduation will often be those occasions for a unique hairdo.

Layout from Laurengirl


Showcase your hair stories too! Which one will it be? A beautiful hair day? A bad hair day? A crazy hair day? Don’t forget to share it with us through in the forum or on our Facebook page.

We can’t wait to see your work!


In order to add a little unique touch to your next "hair" project, you can get these three picture tubes that will let you create long braids, in any shape you want. Whether you want to create a "hairy" frame, add hair to your relatives for a funny picture, or you want an extra long braid from Rapuntzel, you can do it with these picture tubes.

Simply click HERE to get your picture tubes.

For Photos That Matter

14 thoughts on “Theme – Hair”

  1. Thanks for these, not sure at the moment where I’ll use them (I’m not a scrapbooker but use PSP for social media memes) but they look so cool I’ll have to find a project to use ’em.

  2. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the braid tubes, I could definitely use them in one of my collections I’ve been working on. Also, just purchased a few things from the store….1 was the donut script. Oh my gosh, I could of used that not so long ago. I finally came up with my own donut designs and spent a long time making donuts for another collection. Next time, I’ll be able to add some of your scripted donuts as well.

    I am so impressed with everyone’s hair layouts. Everyone did a wonderful job of it!
    Have a beautiful Thursday everybody!

    • Glad that you like them. I would love to see some of your results.
      And keep an eye on your inbox as I’ll send you some additional tutorials on how you can use those braids further.

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