
Layout A Day – A FREE registration for you?

scraphappierLayout A Day (also called LOAD) is a fun project led by Lain Ehmann to give us a little push to get some scrapping done. Whether you are a paper scrapper or a digital scrapper, this project can be the inspiration you need. And you can win your registration to LOAD213! This time around, the theme is ScrapHAPPIER and it sure will be a fun time.

LOAD – a new twist on an old idea

ExerciseCreating one layout per day might seem a bit much, don’t you think? Well, for some, maybe. But it can also be a challenge to get us moving forward. We all have plans to finish the layouts to showcase our last vacation photos, or the photos we have of the kids from last summer, or maybe a “baby book” while the child is already 5 years old! We would love to be able to scrap every day, a little bit, and get things done. But just like starting to go to the gym, we often feel like “I’ll go tomorrow”. Then, tomorrow comes, and the next day and then we realize it is the end of the month and we paid our membership without really getting our money’s worth out of it.

Now, imagine yourself taking that gym membership with a friend. The day you will feel like “I’ll go tomorrow”, you also think “but I’ll miss out on a fun chat with Suzy” and the anticipation of meeting your friend is just that little nudge you needed to decide to go TODAY.

LOAD213 is going to be that little nudge you need to get scrapping. You want to finish some layouts. You want to hear that little voice that tells you “yes you can do it today”, and you will get to meet friends (not just Suzy, but many more too).

Why do LOAD213?

Why not? Of course, if you don’t want to scrap, if you don’t have any photo that needs a layout, if you don’t want to stretch your imagination a bit, then LOAD213 is not for you. But, I am sure you want the challenge. You want the fun. You want the inspiration. You surely want the chitchat too!

A layout EVERY DAY?

CalendarWell, yes and no. This is a challenge in a way. If it were easy, it would not be a challenge would it? But you don’t have to finish one layout every single day. If you can, that is great. If you can’t, you still get the prompts every day, and you can catch up over the weekend, or on a quieter day. Nobody is keeping tab on how many layouts you created, if you were “on time” or even if you followed all the prompts. You are just expected to have fun.

I can’t finish layouts that fast!

Maybe this will be out of your comfort zone. Maybe you usually take hours to tweak your layout until it looks perfect, but you know what? The fun is not in the “perfect layout”, it is in the process, and in the memory it holds. Who cares if the buttons are perfectly aligned, or the ribbon is perfectly folded, or that you have a trillion little paper pieces in that cluster? You might feel odd at first, leaving a “not-yet-perfect” layout but maybe tomorrow, or next week, you’ll look at that layout and totally forget what you felt was missing. It will still have the memory, the photo, the feeling you wanted to share. And that is the most important.

GoWhen do i start?

You are in a real hurry to have fun, to create layouts, to get an outburst of inspiration! You still have a few days to wait. LOAD213 is going on for the whole month of February. But you also have to register.

Now is the time as there are still a few places left, but not that many!


But you said it is free?

Actually, it might be free for you. How? By commenting below. If you ever registered for a previous LOAD challenge, tell us what you liked about it. If you would like to give it a try for the first time, tell us why. On January 27th, I will draw one winner among those who commented. If you have not yet registered for LOAD213, you will win one seat with all the bells and whistles. If you have already registered for LOAD213, and you win, I will refund the full amount of your registration. There is absolutely nothing to loose and everything to win, literally!

Tell us know: what do you like about LOAD or why would you want to join in the fun?

Draw will be done, at random, on January 27th, 2013.

For Photos That Matter

22 thoughts on “Layout A Day – A FREE registration for you?”

  1. I am a scrapper, but an incredibly S.L.O.W. scrapper. LOAD sounds like an amazing way to push myself past the perfectionism to get pages made and stories told. Hope I’m the lucky one!

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