
Meet Benthai – a guy in a female world


Digital scrapbooking is an area where most adepts are women. Whether they are scrapping layouts, designing products or teaching the techniques, most of them are women. In this wide female world, we can find a few guys who are getting known too. It is time to mean Benthai from Benthai Creations.

BenthaiWe know you as Benthai, is that your name?

My real name is Benoit.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Well I am 45 and used to work as a teacher teaching languages (Russian and French). But 15 years ago life had other plans for me... I got badly sick and had to make some choices!! Now I am a freelance translator and designer.

How long have you been a digiscrapbook designer?

I think that was almost 5 years ago.

Do you have a specific background in arts, graphics or such?

If you mean any diploma or study! I have friends-professional designers and I've learnt and still learning from them as I ask questions (too many.... as they say!!!!) and they answer me!!

How did you come to digital scrapbooking?

I was a member (and then co admin) in a forum dedicated to digiscrapbooking exclusively using Photofiltre (and Photofiltre studio) softwares. We wrote tutorials about digiscrapbooking, how to create everything needed for a layout from A to Z. Then I started to create more and more papers and elements... I am not a "geek" but I love everything "e".. or "d"..(electronic or digital) and the challenge to create elements or papers attracted me.

Do you do scrapbooking or just designing?

I seldom make layouts... I most of the time design Commercial use products.

What are your favourite or most frequent subjects in your layouts?

I would say love or spirituality. For me a layout is more like writing an open letter to everyone to share feelings, a message.

Did you ever do paper or traditional scrapbooking?

Yes I did some, but only small things like: cards, personalized mail supplies (mail paper, envelopes), bookmarks, personalized calendars.

Many people can identify your products by your papers. How would you describe your style?

Wow… that is a question pretty hard to answer!! Honestly I don't know as everything about creating is very instinctive or intuitive… for me. I just love colours, light, fine textures, painting... and I think (or hope) that all that can reflect in my papers!!

Since your avatar often shows you, we know you are a male designer, which might surprise some since digital scrapbooking is often thought of as a female hobby. Do you think that being a male designer in a female world has advantages?

For me… certainly!! (just kidding!!)

Did you ever get some odd comments or reactions when people realised that you are a male designer?

Odd?? No...surprised..yes...but always pleasant and very welcoming!!

What was the first product you created or sold in the digiscrap world?

If I remember well… it was a pack of staples with and without drop shadows... but I didn't keep any preview of it.

What programs do you use to design and/or scrap?
To design I use : Artrage StudioPro, FilterForge, SketchbookDesigner Pro, DrawPlus
PhotoFiltreStudio, Blender, Inkscape... very soon Illustrator CS6… and a Wacom Intuos 4L tablet!!

As a digiscrap designer, what would be your dream?
A dream?? Me??? I am a big dreamer!! I dream of having a huge party with all my friends designers from all over the world then we could meet each other for real and have great food to share together!!

For Photos That Matter

2 thoughts on “Meet Benthai – a guy in a female world”

  1. superbe interview…je te connais un peu mieux maintenant…entre nous, on n’en reste qu’ua français et anglis…mais I’m impressed by the russian!!!
    au plaisir Benoit

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