The Campus is 1 year old!

The Scrapbook Campus came to life in July 2011 (although it came online in February 2011). Our first course was the Basic scrap course, which walks the student through all the basics and then the more advanced tools, functions and techniques to create digital projects.

Over time, it has expanded to include Element creation tutorials, live workshops, tips and tricks, and even a Scripting course. So now, it is time to celebrate our first anniversary, and we want to party with all of you; without the students and visitors, a Campus would be just a ghost town! And we are far from a ghost town, thanks to you.


Let’s celebrate with a big draw

In order to thank you all for your support and participation, here is a “little” promotion for you. Whether you are a registered student to one of the courses, or a registered visitor to the Campus, or even just a passer by, you can ALL enter in this draw. There is almost $400 worth of prizes to be won, so go for it!


What is there to win?

Of course, you want to know what’s in it for you. Well, you will be pleased to hear this:

1st prize:


a complete set of ALL the workshop packages – Worth $180

2nd prize:


a downloadable copy of Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate – Worth $99

3rd prize:


one course from the Campus (Basic, Element or Scripting) – Worth $75-$79

4th prize:


a $25 gift certificate from Persnikety Prints

How do I enter?

However you are related to the Campus (student or first time visitor), I am giving you several ways to enter. In fact, I am giving you FOUR possible entries (only one entry per method).



1- Just post something (anything) in the comments below, as long as your name/email is available so i can identify you. So, just by posting, you are entered in the draw (not too hard, is it?)




2- Link to a digital project you did (whether it is a scrapbook, a signature, a card, etc.) where you DID something on your own, or from scratch and tell us what it is that YOU did. Did you hand draw something? Did made the rip on the edge? Did you create a seamless pattern for a paper?




3- Browse the net, galleries, forums or search in your own digital stash and give a suggestion for an element, a technique or a trick you would like to learn to do (or see me teach others, if you already know).




4- Check out the Workshops section and tell me which workshop has been the most useful to you (if you attended or viewed them) or which one you think would be the most useful to you (if you didn’t attend or view them).




The final draw will occur on July 4th. Yeah, it is a Wednesday! It is the exact day when our first student joined the Campus (and that student is still with us now, one year later).


Is that all?

Of course not! We will also have other stuff for you, but we don’t want to overwhelm you, do we? So stay tuned and you will see!

But in the mean time, go ahead and enter for the draw. Post in the comments below, link us, give us suggestions, and tell us about the workshops. We are waiting for you (and tell your friends too!)

(if you post on Twitter, remember to tag @scrapbookcampus and if you post on Facebook, tag us with @scrapbookcampus)

For Photos That Matter

51 thoughts on “The Campus is 1 year old!”

  1. maybe you have gone over this and i have missed it … but i cannot stop jaggies appearing when i use fonts

    sometimes i get them other times i dont ,
    i have psp 7 x2 x3 and x4 and i get them in all of these on and off

    please aunty cassel do your stuff help me by doing a class vid workshop …i am SURE i am not the only one…and while your at it maybe throw in the dpi so i can say i understand it and not fib…

  2. the lesson i found the MOST amazing wasnt on a workshop but in your tips it was the black and white photo with a colored item

    how easy and simple and quick and such fun.. i loved that and am still playing
    with my photos with the effect thankyou.

  3. #4. On the workshops, I find them all so useful and full of information, but I have to say the use of “tubes” was the best.

    I had no idea I could manipulate a tube in so many ways. Also learning about the settings was so informative.

    Thank you again for all the wonderful information.

  4. #3.I would like to see a webinar on the alpha channel.

    Also on the campus, classes for PSP on how to use the tools to our advantage, such as what kerning, Leading and tracking mean when using the text tool.

    How to use and create vector shapes.

    Best way to use the Pen tool, and what all the settings mean.

    How to correctly use the Clone tool, also what all the options mean.

    Difference between a raster and vector layer explained.

    when resizing an image, and using the drop down window, which is the best to choose for resizing smaller images or for increasing to a larger size.

    A tutorial on how to make and use masks would be very helpful as well.

  5. #2. I created a tag using vector shapes, filters and also your scripts.

    1. Started with Palette maker script for the colors
    2. Cog wheels all made with script and then filters
    3. Wire look in background made with the tule lace script on the right side were made with glass pebble script
    5. Steampunk text was made with the layered text script

    This was fun and challenging for me. I normally use elements from others. Making my own was so much fun. I tubed 2 images and colorized, the rest of the tag was made from scratch.

    Thank you Cassel, never could have done this without your wonderful scripts.

    Link to view the tag:

  6. 1. Happy Anniversary on the Campus Cassel.

    I have so enjoyed the webinars and look forward to them in the future. Your a wonderful teacher and so patient. I haved learned more about psp from you in a short amount of time, than I knew in all the years I have been playing with the program. I cant thank you enough.

  7. What a wonderful gift prize Cassel. I can’t believe it’s only been a year. I’ve been learning so much from you. Thanks so much for all you do. Hugs Lorraine

  8. I look forward to all of your PSP tips in your newsletter. I have learned some valuable things by reading them. Thanks for all that you share with us. Here’s to many more birthdays!

  9. Hello,
    Félicitations pour ce 1er anniversaire qui sera suivi de beaucoup d’autres.
    Cassel, ton travail est d’une remarquable qualité et ton dévouement est sans borne.

  10. Entry #4:

    Although it’s not actually a Workshop, I found the “Interlacing Elements with Paintshop Pro” ( very informative and useful for the kind of projects I like to make. The video is in the Tips and Tricks section of the Campus. I’ve only attended one of your Campus workshops so far but thoroughly enjoyed it. I think that both “Are you afraid of Vectors?” and “Get the best shadows ever!” would both be helpful topics for me.

  11. Entry #3:

    I think that this technique that I came up with might be useful to scrapbookers. I use it to create translucent elements for my greeting card and calendar collages. There are two tutorials but they both use the same technique. In the first one, I make some embroidered fabric look translucent. In the second one, I show how to edit your jewelry elements so that you can see through the gems to the background behind them. These two tutorials are posted on the Corel PSP tutorial forum and here is the link:

  12. Congratulations cassel!

    I love your course en all of your scripts too! There is nothing in the Netherlands, so I’m happy that you are given this wonderful and learning course.

  13. thank yuo so much CAssel to host this celebration!!!

    I will be very happy to learn how to do some amazing feary paper, with some deep…like famous designers can do!!!

  14. hi cassel,
    happy birthday
    4th july is birthday too only i am 55..
    i would love you to show us all your neat scripting tricks teehee ALL of them…
    love your workshops .i am an addict.

  15. Hello, Happy 1st Anniversary, of many I am sure. Thanks for all the tutorials and for making PSP fun to learn and play with. Your instructions are very easy to follow. You are also always there for me when I have any issues, thanks a bunch!!!

  16. Happy, happy #1 anniversary! I love this site dedicated to PSP.I have tried the element classes and Love the Webinars. I’m pleased you used my photo in the Changing Seasons Lesson. The Brush Work workshop was very well done. Please keep up the excellent work for PSP users.

  17. Congratulations on your first birthday.
    I make all my own graphics for all the work I do. You can find them at

    Working with vectors is always something I get asked about so I think that would be a good workshop.
    Unfortunately as much as I’d like to get to the workshops they are usually on when I can’t get to them. 🙁

    All the best for another fabulous year ahead.

  18. It is so hard to pick just one of your webinars because they “all” have taught me things I did not know how to do and am grateful I could attend them. The most useful one for me is the vector one, it helped me to be able to create my own vector artwork.But in all truth they “all” help me to be a better designer 🙂

  19. I would love to learn to create more elements like how to create realistic looking diamonds, candles, metal backgrounds and elements,and how to make our own textures to add to our materials properties.

  20. I have learned so many things that I never knew I could do with my PSP X2!!I am looking forward to all of your tutorials and webinars!! Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us all!!

  21. I would be interested in learning how to make celebration elements: balloons, candles, cakes, presents etc. The balloon technique I am sure could be used for many other things.

  22. The webinar “Brush Work in PSP” was extremely useful, I had been looking at the Brush Variance palette but didn’t really know how to use it, now I have all sorts of ideas. There are also many elements that use brush variances and I understand these batter now. A webinar I would find useful is one on masks – how to create them, how to use them and so on.

  23. I have just been given the Element Creation Tutorials as a birthday present, and have been having great fun looking at and trying them all. Can’t wait for the others to come. I have learnt many new techniques and simple ways to use Paint Shop Pro that I would never have discovered for myself. Thanks.

  24. I love your site, I have enjoyed your classes and just recently had to jump back into them to remember how to do something for the project I’m working. Please continue the great work in the coming years!

  25. Bonsoir,

    je m’inscris pour cet anniversaire. Vous avez consacré beaucoup de temps à ce site pour nous faire partager vos connaissances.

    Pour une idée, savoir faire des papiers abîmés (tattered edge backgrounds) ou coins de papier retournés. Je ne peux pas vous envoyer une photo à partir de ce site, mais je pourrai vous l’envoyer par mail.

    Je m’appelle Mireille (

  26. #4

    The webinar “There is more to the Text tool than just writing!” is amazing. I had no idea how to do anything except type words and this webinar SHOWS how to get text going around, say for a postmark. Also learned how to get text to follow any kind of a vector line, even a wavy one.


  27. Cassel’s Mitred Corner Frame is one of my favorites. One just has to have a straight image and it will make a frame from it. It can be a ribbon, a Dover decoration, or can even be a strip of paper.

    Here is one I made recently. If I did the links right, it will lead to an album where you can see the plain image (a dull B&W newspaper article) and the image with a frame added – it made all the difference in the world.


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