



Your are now registered to the Inspiration A to Z event.


If this is your first visit in the Campus, we need to make sure your "file" is in order, and mostly, that the email we have for you is the correct one. We just sent you an email so you can confirm that we have the correct address. After all, you don't want all those wonderful ideas to be sent to your neighbour's. So just check your inbox for that confirmation email.


Click on the link in that email so we will know there was no error in the address.


If you are already a member of the Campus, then your email should already be on file.




Sometimes, the confirmation email might take a few minutes, or it can be dropped in your spam folder, so check in out in a bit. (you can use that little yellow tab on the right of the page as a "panic" button to contact me, if you have not receive it within an hour!)


Then, you will be all set for 26 days of fun and new ideas for your scrapbook projects!