Day 2
Now that you have your PaintShop Pro set up, you are ready to start. But just like a child can't just get up and run, you need to understand one of the most basic concepts with graphics programs: LAYERS.
In order to make it as clear as possible, here is a demonstration of what layers are, and how they can be used.
First, download the EXCERCISE files here (beware, it is a BIG file). You will need to unzip it as it includes two separate .pspimage files. You will see them used in the video. Then, watch this tutorial.
You can now download your Cheat document about using layers.
Resize the table file (with your sandwich on the plate) to 600 pixels. To do that, go to Image > Resize and select 600 pixels. The window should look something like this:
You can now use the gallery and upload your sandwich in this folder. Then, go to the forum, and show us your lunch and tell us the story of that lunch. It is always fun to read those stories.
HERE is a tutorial on how to share your image, from the gallery into the forum (so you don't upload it twice).
Then, wait for tomorrow, as we will start our very first layout.