Are you unhappy with your photos?

There are some easy fixes!



Do you have photos that are too dark to see some details?



Do you have photos with buildings that are about to collapse?



Do you have photos where you wonder where that fog is coming from?


Or do you have pictures that just seem to need a little boost to look better?


You can fix most of them

in less than 30 seconds

using ONLY basic tools

in Paintshop Pro.


That is right.

  • No need to read long technical explanations.
  • No need to memorize multiple settings.
  • No need to get any outside plugins.


There are super simple and super quick ways to fix many issues with not-so-great photos. Whether you took a picture with a bad camera or bad settings or at a bad time of day or from a bad angle, you can make them better.


You just need this super handy ebook, that will show you 8 ways you can QUICKLY fix those photos using very simple tools and commands. Whether you are using an old version of PSP8 or the newest one, PSPX7, this book will illustrate those tools and commands in YOUR version.  



Click the red button below
and I'll show you 8 super simple ways
to improve your photos with Paintshop Pro
so you can start fixing them TODAY.

For only $7,
you will be able to fix hundreds of your favorite photos
(and even improve those that you already find ok).


You will then have beautiful photos to share
with your family or friends,
or to create digital projects with.

Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.