Lesson 3
This is a continuity from the previous lesson about using the Text editor. You will see how you can also add comments without breaking the script. We will also look at how Python decides which image to use when executing some commands.
(33 minutes)
If the video above is causing any issue, here is a copy on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YxdKvOZYp4o (please, do not share)
Play around with editing your script. Record other scripts if you want. Use other effects, like Inner Bevel, and see how they look inside.
Try to cause syntax errors on purpose and see what shows in the Script Output Palette.
For your homework, tell us what you did. If you want to share a screenshot, that is great (remember to resize the image to a maximum of 600 pixels). What kind of errors did you get? How did you get them? Do you have questions about that lesson?
Nothing will break so experiment. The worst that could happen is that you will get a syntax error, but that will also tell you where to look to fix it.
The forum thread is here.
If you are using Notepad++ and want to set your Tab to mean 4 spaces, you go into Settings > Preferences, and on the left, choose Language and on the right side, you will see a checkbox for "Replace by space".
If you are REALLY curious (and not afraid), open one of my scripts. Of course, they are much longer and do include many commands that you won't understand, but you will also recognize some familiar segments.
NOTE: you might have noticed that some assignments are asking you to create scripts and save them with the name TEST. In many lessons, Suz has included various scripts also called TEST. I suggest that you rename all the scripts from the lessons with ss- if they don't have it (ss = Suz Shook). That way, you will remember which ones came from the lessons and which ones came from making your own. In addition, inside your Restricted scripts folder, why not create a sub-folder called Scripting Course, where you can put all those scripts specifically designed for the course. They will be faster to retrieve in the future. It is not a necessity, but it could be useful.