Lesson 16
Although you had a little peek into the command ReturnLayerProperties in the last video, we will dig a little further down. You will also get access to a new resource that will help you check out various details of different commands. You will be amazed how much information is stored in various dictionaries in your PSP!
(17 minutes)
If this video is causing you issues, here is a copy on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bvlXiIr7Mjc (please, do not share)
The written lesson refers to some documents that can't be accessed with the given links (remember that this course was initially written over 15 years ago!). Here are some updated links:
Scripting Guide (2015) - pdf guide only
Scripting Guide bundle (including the Guide and sample scripts)
Scripting API Documentation (PSP2019 - the most recent at this point)
This lesson is more about finding out where a lot of information is hiding.
What information can you think could be used, and in what kind of context? It does not matter if you cannot code a script using all that data. You just have to start thinking with those data in mind.
Here is a little challenge for you. Although you can code the whole script, start thinking of the various steps needed to create a postage stamp based on any image that would be active. Try to think like a script. Think in terms of actions that can be done without "looking", just with numbers and data available. How about you list all those steps in a forum post? You can post your challenge in the Scripting Practice thread.
The forum thread for the module is here.