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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Beautiful cat! Great layout!
  2. Day 7 The glass atrium at Opryland Hotel. I'm glad we went when we did. Today, you need a ticket, an appointment time and pay to park. I notice some of you are posting more than one photo in the same post. How do you do that. I am not seeing that option. What am I missing?
  3. That's me when I can't have ice cream!
  4. Love the background! Perfect!
  5. Z = zinfandel A sweet, inexpensive wine...they say...I have no first hand knowledge. I know a lot of folks who celebrate Valentine's with wine.
  6. Thank you, Susan. The flower is Bird of Paradise and the words are symbolized by the bird of paradise.
  7. Day 4 If you have never visited the Opryland Hotel, do so if you ever get the chance. It features a glass atrium and surrounded by 9 acres of indoor gardens, winding rivers and waterfalls. The flowers are amazing!
  8. Day 3 I created several kaliedoscopes...they are in PSP image format and I cannot see the layers...there are more than one kaliedoscope in each PSP image. Yes, I could open them and PSP and give an accurate count...but not right now.
  9. Day 2 I created 5 different plaids. Think I would like this one better if I lowered the opacity of the background.
  10. It has been an unbelievably busy week here. I got day one and two partially done but then was not able to scrap...thank goodness for Friday and Saturday (today). I am caught up until Day 7 lesson arrives. I do not like to use patterened backgrounds so this was a challenge for me. I did it but am not sure I like the results. I made many plaids, kaliedoscopes and linoleums until I found something close to my likeing it. I went all the way back to December, 2008 for these photos. Friends and I met in Nashville and toured the Opry Mills Mall, Opryland Hotel inside and outside Christmas decorations and attended the Grand Ole Opry in the Ryman Auditorium, the original home of the Grand Ole Opry. Sadly, there are no photos of the Opry. It was a great trip...one to be remembered. This is Day 1.
  11. Carole, I also love chocolate but enjoy the simple candies. The fancy candies don't interest me too much. Hershey's is my favorite. Yesterday, I took Hershey Kisses to all the pickleball players. One of our players brought red velvet cupcakes for everyone. That's the extent of my Valentine adventure this year.
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