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Everything posted by Sharla

  1. K = Kolkwitzia Amabilis (Beauty Bush)
  2. I've aways meant to but have never got round to it. I do, however, appreciate the smell. When it's flowering it gives of a light garlic scent - I love it but I know some people hate it. In the UK you tend to find it in woodlands.
  3. Week 17 We have a small patch of wild garlic in the garden. The photo is of wild garlic flowers. I really like how bright the white came out on the photo.
  4. Hi Carole, I hope you’ve had a wonderful day. May the year ahead be filled with joy and happiness and all you love.
  5. Week 16 All the conifers in the garden have new growth. The photo is of new cones on a fir tree - I just thought they were cute.
  6. Week 15 At last I managed to get a half way decent photo of a goldfinch – two of them waiting for me to stop peering at them so that they can get on with eating the Niger seeds.
  7. E = Echinops (The Globe Thistle)
  8. Corrie, Happy Birthday and all best wishes for a wonderful trip.
  9. It does and is surprisingly loud for a little one!
  10. Week 14 Sorry, I’m so late. My photo shows one of the delightful chaffinches that visit my garden.
  11. Week 13 Two rooks getting ready in lots of time with nest building
  12. Week 12 At last, the taller daffodils are opening. These are in our local churchyard – I just loved how vibrant they looked.
  13. Week 11 This collared dove is a regular visitor to the garden. She is perched on a walnut tree branch but behind her you can see some pink and white blossom on other trees - spring has definitely started.
  14. Week 10 This photo was taken as the day was coming to an end from an upstairs window. It was taken extending the zoom on my little digital camera as far as it could go to capture trees and a snowy hillside a long way in the distance past chimney tops and roofs. I haven’t altered it in any way because I rather like its bleak moodiness at the end of a grey day.
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