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Everything posted by Sharla

  1. The photos are from pixabay. The papers are as simple as you can get - just colours.
  2. Project 5. The main image is the book cover. The Mary's Meals' logo and the bottom phrase are from the charity's website. The papers are mine.
  3. I haven't had chance to watch the Q&A yet. The problem just seemed to appear - I think a few weeks ago.
  4. Below the standard palette there are a list of other palettes and when any of these are selected then the swatches show. I've given an example below. Sorry if I'm not using the right terms. If I select the standard palette I just get a grey section and no coloured squares - I'd like the coloured squares back if I can.
  5. In the materials palette when Standard is selected the area beneath it is just grey - no swatches appear. If any of the options are chosen then the swatches display below the name. I assume I have set something somewhere to cause this but I don't know what. I've tried lots of things and no resets have worked. Any ideas?
  6. Project 4. The papers are mine, the main image is the book cover, the other two are public domain images. The main font is Calligraph421 BT. The two bits of clipart were free vector graphics but I had so many web pages open that I now I can't remember which site they came from - sorry.
  7. I love your layout and your photos are delightful. Barnacle geese arrive in their thousands every year on the Solway Firth and we drive out to see them in the winter. I've taken many photos over the years but with little success - I get side tracked with watching them and miss the shot. One day...
  8. My Project 3. I made the papers, the book cover images are from the books themselves, and the clip art is from freepik.
  9. Thanks for your comments Carole - all good ideas but I'm just playing at the moment. I already keep an image and summary of books that I've read in A5 folders with plastic inserts - just as an aid to remembering what I've read and listened to. Before ebooks and audio books it was easy - the books were on the shleves to see but these days a lot of mine are no longer visible in that way. What I don't do is record my thoughts and feelings about books - I rely on a feeling (and memory) being generated by the cover. Using books as a theme for this bootcamp is pushing me to learn how to do things differently as, apart from the book images, I'm trying to explore how to create papers etc..
  10. Project 2 - Book number 2. The papers are my creation, the book image from the book cover, headphones a bit of vector art I copied and adjusted. The 'home' in the title is Cornwall for the heroine who is catapulted away during WW2 A very long gentle story. I listened to it whilst doing jigsaws in the winter. It took me weeks to finish it...
  11. Thank you for the suggestion. Her work is wonderful.
  12. I thought I'd like a change away from my photos of flowers, birds, trees and cathedrals. So, I am going to use books I have loved as my themes for each of the bootcamp projects. Project 1 is Crow Country by Mark Cocker. He writes about his love of birds, in particular the covid family - rooks, crows and jackdaws. It is a lovely piece of nature writing set mainly in Norfolk in the UK and, many years ago, it inspired me to take more interest in birds. The images are all from the book cover. The words are the title and subtitle. The two papers I used were made by me - a simple colour fill with a texture added via EFFECTS then TEXTURE EFFECTS.
  13. A delightful page that made me smile. I love your colour choices.
  14. Hi everyone. Thought I'd give bootcamp anther go - it is strange how you still always learn something. Here's my table.
  15. X = XT (according to Dictionary.com xt is an abbreviation for 'Christ').
  16. I skipped ahead to lesson 4 as I just couldn't find an idea for lesson 3. For lesson 4 I used a free template from Yin designs which I then adjusted a bit. The photos were all taken in my garden.
  17. U = Ultra large Easter egg
  18. Absolutely beautiful. Really well done.
  19. And with great success. It never occurred to me to use them horizontally...
  20. I found lesson 2 a challenge with finding photos that would fit. In the end I went with an autumn theme - the photos were all taken locally last October.
  21. My Day 1 double page. The ruins of the first Cistercian monastery in the north of England, founded in 1132. Near Helmsley in North Yorkshire. The quote says: “Everywhere peace, everywhere serenity and a marvellous freedom from the tumult of the world.” St Aelred, 12th century Abbot of Rievaulx
  22. I really like your pages and the background paper works brilliantly.
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