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Everything posted by Sharla

  1. B = Brittle Stars ( type of star fish)
  2. Week 26 A marigold flower (calendula officinalis) catching the sun.
  3. Ann, I love the way you look after these cats - it is such a great kindness.
  4. E = Etrog (a large, oblong yellow fruit that resembles a lemon and is thick with a bumpy exterior)
  5. X = Xarel-lo Grapes
  6. Congratulations Carole, it looks great.
  7. Q = Quandong (a type of peach found in Australia)
  8. Week 25 Strawberries and lots of them – I’m picking them every day now as are the blackbirds!
  9. Y = Yuzu (a citrus fruit)
  10. Week 24 We have a couple of broad based planters filled with water and pond plants. The birds like to drink from them and I get to enjoy the flowers. This year the Yellow Flag Irises have done really well – this photo is one of them in the rain.
  11. X = Xigua which is apparently a type of watermelon
  12. A photo of a fully open campanula flower looking for the sun which is nowhere to be seen.
  13. Canada geese are very common in Europe. In the UK they were introduced hundreds of years ago and you can find them in most places where there is inland water like ponds and lakes. In the winter the numbers increase as some migrate here but even without them we have many thousands. To us they are a common sight - its other types of geese that are interesting!
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