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Everything posted by MoniqueN.

  1. Hope you will be well soon!
  2. Mwuah........Maybe the photo doesn't fit the background, the linoleum maybe better for mats, or there's something else, but I don't know what I don't like much. Datestamp script from Cassel, font is bree serif Photo is my own.
  3. Lesson 5 My, my, what a project tis is/was! And not because of the lesson, but I couldn't find a brush that I thought was ok for this photo. I ended up with this, nothing special, but ok for this lesson. Spent all afternoon on it 😞 Text translation: As if it rains......... font Bree serif Photo is my own taken at a museum.
  4. Wat voor plantje is dat? Ik herken het niet😎
  5. What a great idea to put a ribbon on top/bottom. Usually you put them somewhere on the canvas in different angles, but not where you put them πŸ™‚
  6. I love the dots coming out of the mask on the left. Great find!
  7. Love the quote too! πŸ™‚
  8. Marisa isn't Dutch is she? I think there is a Dutch designer, Melo Vrijhof on the team of pixelscrapper.
  9. Day 3 and 4 πŸ™‚ "Zo gaat de molen" is the title of a Dutch song for children, my granddaughter loves to sing it with me, well I sing, she does the movements (she is 2 years now since thursdayπŸ₯³) The kaleidoscope I totally forgot it was in PSP, was nice to use it again. Sometimes it's nice to have a "calm" pages, with not too much things added. Day 4 is a shipyard form the old days from the Netherlands. It closed in 1947 and rebuilt in the museum in 1948. Font is Bree serif and I used a brush form the link Carole had in her lesson.
  10. Famous actors on both shows! (Don't know these shows)
  11. Love the plaid here! πŸ™‚
  12. I still have the original psd file, (used it today) would you like me to send it to you?
  13. Day 2 "Green" In earlier days green was a colour to show you had money. Green was too expensive for the "common" people. Nowadays green is still a colour people use for their houses, it matches well with the colour of brick. Baskerville old face is the font. Photo's are my own, taken at the Openlucht museum .
  14. The shadow came out of the shadow nowπŸ€ͺ🧐 (Shadow bottom right was missing in my previous uploaded lay out πŸ™‚
  15. @Cassel, yeah you were right! Changed it now πŸ™‚
  16. I wrote down the script you mentioned, will have a loo at it tomorrow πŸ™‚
  17. My first lay out for the mask workshop is about mills (duh) The text says: The Netherlands are famous for tulips, mills and cloggs. These photo's are taken at the "Openlucht museum" in Arnhem (Netherlands) I forgot to write down what font this is for the title, the the text is (I think) Baskerville old face.
  18. I had a post it with all the steps on the edge of my monitor😎
  19. On page 6 a new member advertising about a study abroad πŸ™‚
  20. Carole can see those posts probably in her forum spam folder. It happened "a lot" some time ago πŸ™‚
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