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Jannette Nieuwboer

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Everything posted by Jannette Nieuwboer

  1. We do have here a sort of game like that. But the word must be related to the previous one. And sometimes even using the same letters. plus a few extra. Although it might have another meaning.
  2. ? I've heard that before. But Yes. I understand completely now. Sometimes it is very difficult to learn something from another language. I just have to wait a day because I'm too tired now, it's already late here. And tomorrow we have a new challenge from boot camp.
  3. If I understand correctly, I could now add the word boat in response to Sue. When I think of a river, the next thing I think of is a boat. Or are we still supposed to respond to the word pumpkin?
  4. It may sound a bit stupid, but I don't quite understand what the point is. Is the intention to add a creation or just words that are related to each other?
  5. It is clear that you already know something about photoshopping. Chapeau.
  6. Angelo, to make a background like was suggested in tutorial 5 can also be made of 2 colors from your photo. I did that with my lunch photo. The color red came out of the jam and the beige came out the bread. Angelo, per creare uno sfondo come suggerito nel tutorial 5 puoi anche creare 2 colori dalla tua foto. L'ho fatto con la mia foto del pranzo. Dalla marmellata è uscito il colore rosso e dal pane è uscito il beige.
  7. my 3-year-old granddaughter is also called Nika. Anche mia nipote di 3 anni si chiama Nika. I did this in Google Translate because I don't speak Italian. L'ho fatto in Google Translate perché non parlo italiano.
  8. hence the name Nika for the cat, a Greek name. Da qui il nome Nika per il gatto, un nome Greco.
  9. Day 5: My lunch. Not that I'm that good but I need to eat very "healthy" cause of a weak metabolism. I had to make a closeup to make it more visible.
  10. Actually, Carole's page is even better than Corel's. Because she explained a few things at the beginning of her summary. Not all of them work and there are always those who do not provide guidance. You can tell that they are old because they sometimes act very strange. For example, I have one of poppies, which appears on your screen in all directions. ?
  11. I missed one and another here as I was busy with the boot camp the last few days. ?
  12. Now I've read the newsletter I understand better what you wrote. You wrote about the gifts habits. Not the other habits. For example the sweet treats. As wel as 'Zwarte Piet' Black Peter who put naughty children in a bag to drag them to Spain.
  13. @Mary Solaas You've got al 4 seasons completely. Chapeau?
  14. Indeed a big screen: 17.3 inc. And the flowers in the photo are Asters. from seeds. We sow them at the end of spring or early summer and they bloom in October. For about a month. nice closure of autumn. This is not a perennial Aster plant.
  15. Indeed I had it but it was already in my bin. I had a quick look this morning but didn't find it then. I had a reaction cause I saw Corrie's report about Santa this morning so I understand there had been a newsletter. SORRY!!! I will read it right now.
  16. Carole again didn't get the newsletter this week. I do get the tutorials.
  17. Corrie you forgot the chocolate letter. A shoe gift was a letter made of chocolate. Generally the first letter of your first name. Nowadays they are richly decorated with all colors of chocolate. But back in the day it was just thick chocolate with frontal diagonal stripes like in blue Yeans. And you also forgot the gingerbread men. Also, tippicle santa time-related.
  18. Lesson two. Table setting. The supplies are set on a marble table. Easy to clean.
  19. Lesson one. I made a print of my screen to show how I usually work when I'm creating. I set the '23 to English to become better acquainted with the English digital jargon in PSP. I also have the '18 working, but it is set to normal Dutch. I deliberately opened two windows. I will submit the best.
  20. ? I didn't see that one. I had looked into your 'yellow pages' or you had, but didn't find it. I tried JBR and ABR, and both they did in my case. Maybe on another device one has to take another route.
  21. Yes, Yes, Yes. ? the technical support from Corel has written today again to my address. There is a way inside PSP to import abr and jbr files. It's a route to go and it works terrific.
  22. Awwww ANN what a lovely little guy you have as grand grandson. If I still had one of those, I would show it off too. My youngest granddaughter is 3 years old now. Time passes so quickly.
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