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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Wowzers! that background is a beauty! Love the robot, how did they manage to keep it standing?
  2. LOVE the colors and that's a fabulous template. those flowers are so pretty, wish we had them here. I like the tips of the flower.
  3. I love ring binders too, they are great when you need to add more info. I did divide my lessons up as well. Like to be organized....hahahaha. I say that with a straight face when I'm complaining about how UNorganized I am. A true Gemini.
  4. That's good to know. I've had some problems with fonts in general. Cutting off parts of their glyphs, no matter how much room you give the font. It happens, considering the source of the fonts and the validity of the origins of the said font. Everyone making the same fonts, it's not hard to figure out what's going on. I still use them.
  5. I am famous for thinking of who I want to text then just start texting them (unknowingly I havent select there name, it just the last text I got) and the then I get a text from someone who is most confused. Almost blew my nieces surprise engagement when i was texting back and forth with her soon to be fiance (at the time)about him coming over to make the engagement ring, and she had texted me when i was texting with him, I answered him on her text. She was confused and I had to make up a story right quick. Luckily I have that reputation she never caught on....and I did this TWICE in a row that night! Thankfully once the ring was done and polished up, he went home and proposed and she phoned and we all cried!
  6. Okay, I had to rub my eyes too. I shot butterflies? Cool! Reminds me of Bambi, "that's okay, you can call me flower". those are the LBJs butterflies in my shots (Little Brown Jobs), it's a new crossover species. ? kidding aside, I'm thinking this must be for another layout and my name was used by mistake. Or you know when you are thinking of something not related to what you are typing, but you type the word you are thinking of and not the ones you mean.
  7. Cool job you had. I love metal. I was a silversmith and just sold all my silver/supplies/tool last year to buy my new camera. And just sold the last of stuff, one of which was a 36" x 96" 21 or 22 gauge sheet of copper. It was for foldforming but I stopped doing any metal work when I moved here and had picked up my camera again. I also did a lot of glass stuff (melting it, Lampwork and Fusing). I have a much smaller now, but still too much stuff in it (all paper arts stuff). I started in photography when I was 17 and was even a minilab supervisor for years, then put it down to do other arts and now I've come full circle back to photography again. this is where I'll stay, with a little bit of paper arts in the mix.
  8. This is great Mary. I was also toying with a spreadsheet for the labs. It started from the Vector workshop. I had printed (in booklet form) the lessons (and coil bound them) and it occured to me there is really good lessons with Vectors in the Labs so I want to keep track of ones that have tutorials using Vectors. One detail I'm wondering. Do I include text in this, as text is a vector but it's almost a subject unto itself. Also, I want to follow a similar thing to what Rene does with her scrap layout spreadsheets. And then I want to do........(insert the zillion other things I want to do - I need a 42 hour day!)
  9. 123 Challenge accepted. Here's my result. Photos are mine through my dirty dining room window. I havent been taking pictures of the bathing birds lately but they have been very vigilant about their hygiene...until now, when I want to photograph them. they have become shy and bath when I'm no where near my camera. Here's the details Background paper: bgazarek-crisp fall fair, paper 02 Solid Green paper: Billie Ireland paper solid 01 Plaid paper: Jessica Dunn-rustic wedding plaid paper 09 Banner: Sheila Read-Oh Lucky Day Rainbow flag banner Duck/Frog: Gina Jones-I love the rain duck 02/brad 02 I forget where the water drops came from and now I cant find them again. Alpha: cass-rusted Alpha - freebie from the store I made the frame from the Faming 101 Masterclass. I had used it when we did the Build A Kit workshop and really liked it. I exported it as a pspframe too. It has a leather texture that I dont know where it came from, it just had a number on it with no other identifiers.
  10. I remember doing the paper clip in the lab too. I should go back and try it again now that I have a better understanding.
  11. Thank you. This is just up my alley, the way I'd like to see it. This will get rid of all the little scraps of paper I scribble on, that mean nothing to me weeks later when i pick up the paper and wonder what it was for.
  12. These are really nice shapes.
  13. Gremlims did it! I hate when that happens. Usually for me it's an email....a looooong email and then I hit between buttons and it's gone.
  14. I totally agree Corrie, the point about spending too much time on it excel. That's time away from what we should be doing .....playing with PSP. I am someone who can organize myself into not doing the hobby I was organizing for in the first place. I have to watch myself. I can take days to organize something and then not do PSP stuff. I'm trying to break that habit and create first, organize second. I spent most of today (after many errands) getting a new program loaded. It was super picky, took me (read: my husband had to do stuff to the computer - driver updates, turn off Norton, clean up some other techy stuff I never want know about etc) several hours to finally get it loaded. Now to learn how to use it. At least they have a supposedly good manual and lots of tutorials. (ha, they have nothing on the Campus...bar none, the Campus has the most tutorials EVER!)
  15. This spreadsheet shows the lines, but i dont print the lines. It's a blank except the bolder lines.
  16. I would set it up in Excel. I have a "Bullet Journal" but it's my own take on a true Bullet Journal. First is designing is determine what information you want and IF you want separate areas for it. Do you want catagories in a book, eg. Medical, birthdays, hikes, bike rides etc etc. or do you want to do it linear by date...that's me. There is drawbacks to that. If i had a Dr's appt and wrote the results and three months later I want to remember it, I wont. Well, okay, I also have that on a calendar, but other things I mean. Do you want to hand write it or make it electronic (it would give you tons of sorting/retrieving options that hand writing doesnt). Below is my bullet journa. you will see there is no verical border line by thurs/fri. that's where the page ends. this is two pages and I coil bind them (with a cover and when you copy on the printer you are putting the paper through twice, once to get the one side and again to get the other side on the back, so that the pages work in order. thing i do to set up (because the pages are generic): I put the date number beside the week (eg. MON 26) above the days of the week line I actually write the week (eg. June 26 -July 02, 2023) the first little set of rectangle boxes are my work days and hours....I have start times (which change often) and no end times so it's blank. the big section is where I write everthing I have to do that day or want to remember below is my workout stuff below that was when I had medical stuff or recovery physio stuff I had to do the second page is straight forward you can see what I use it for I make a small circle then write the task and when I'm done the task I color in the circle so i know it's done. Undone stuff get transfered to another day. I used a traditional bullet journal and it did not work for me at all, but I used it for 6 months to see what I liked and what I didnt and what wasnt working about it. This is more my style and I refer back to pages in it often. But it doesnt help if you want to remember when you last went to..(insert some place) but dont remember when. that's when maybe a binder with an overview month (1 page calendar) and then broken down into catagories using a binder. So you could look for what ever it was you wanted over 12 pages of the calendar and then from there you'd know where to look, whether by date or by subject. One thing I know is this kind of journalling is ever evolving until you find something that works for you. I have journalled my workouts (I call it a log book) for almost 30 yrs now. But the bullet journal is only about 5 years. I was a list person, but my lists were various little pieces of paper and I was always losing them. This book just contains them. You know yourself best, try to figure out the method that YOU will use. And you will have to tweak it to make it just right.
  17. I remember you telling about your digi scrap spreadsheets. How cool to have all the info at a glance. I always think I will remember, or I write info on a piece of paper when I'm doing a layout. then of course I lose it, or recycle it. and it takes me right back to thinking, why didnt I set up one like you did. Originally I thought it would be an onerous task to go back and figure out what I used/did. But now I realize I should start from now and go on and not worry about what I did before. If at all possible, would I be able to see a little snip of part of a spreadsheet to get an idea of what info I want to collect and how to set it up. but not when you are so busy right now, when you are back to scrapping again. thanks
  18. That's really cool. I like the shadowing on the cup/saucer too. I think I need to schedule in time regularly for Vector practice/play. This will also help me going forward with the LABS because they have Vector Tuts in them too.
  19. I know what you mean about the job. Sometimes I wish i was retired, but then that means I'll be that much older. I still maintain to my friends I'm going to win the lottery...WITHOUT buying a lottery ticket (I dont buy them), then i'll have all the time in the world...I hope. ? Glad to see you carved out some PSP time. I took the day off today and finally going to choose the RAW editing software I will go with (Looks like ON1is in the lead - it's the most like Lightroom...but a standalone..and on sale!).
  20. Hahahaha, that is hilarious!
  21. Good to hear your husband is doing fine. That must be a relief. Hope you enjoy the Vector workshop. It was a real eye opener for me. I loved it...even the hard parts.
  22. Lesson 7 Extra I used a preset shape and the Hue Map to change the colors of the beads. Added bevel on the wire part and shadows and placed on lightly textured background. Thunder and lightning, it's 1am and I cant sleep. gotta get up at 5am. I'm going to tired tomorrow. Thank you Carole, this was a great eye-opening workshop. I never thought I would understand Vectors and managed to bumble through them in the few labs I've done. This workshop has given me more confidence in using them.
  23. Lesson 7 This is cool. I had only used the knife once before for a lab. I did have to duplicate the 'S' vector layer twice for each side of the 2. It is hard to grab the right nodes to peel back. I had less than 50% average for grabbing the right one. And sometimes had to make the only one I could grab (the wrong ones) shorter so I could see the other node. Is there another way to do it? I need to still make the multi colored beads. Might get it done tonight. I loved this class. I sure was clueless about Vectors before, now I'm a little more informed. One key thing I learned...when I want to "convert to path" I need to switch to the pen tool. I kept forgetting it and that option would be greyed out. Questions: in case they are burried in my text above and you miss them. Is there an easy way to select the right node after using the knife tool. what if the wrong one (the one you want to keep) is ontop? can I shorten it a bit so I can grab the node I want? Is this correct? when I want to convert to a path I ALWAYS need to switch to the pen tool?
  24. I love the textures in this and how the wire for the beads is oxidized. Great background.
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