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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Thank you Corrie. the little 6x6 puzzle is really fabulous because each puzzle piece is on it's own layer and it asks if you want to group them (I did) so you can take the whole group into the layout as is. then I could choose which pieces to pull out. I wish I had moved the smaller ones to the background so it would look like pieces on a puzzle mat, I thought of that later. I did duplicate the layers of pieces I took out (then hid the layer) so I could rotate the pieces. If in the future I wanted to put them back I would just hide the rotated one and unhide the orig. The other two puzzles you choose, with the brush tool, which ones you want to separate. They are fun scripts to use. My friend really liked the layout...she did not like that we both are now 59! How did that happen?
  2. I really love the August Moon layout. Outstanding! And the script you did for the muffins had my head going in circles, very impressive that you can make "a little script" any 'ol time you want.
  3. This was a quickie for one of my best friends (since we were 12 yrs old!). She recently moved to Scotland (7 hours ahead of me), and I left it until the last moment - life happens, right? She loves birds and puzzles and all the silly stuff I wrote about. I used 3 different puzzles and a HUGE THANK YOU to Carole for helping with an issue. They are really fun to play with. And good if you need to do a layout quickly (although no layout is ever quick for me). Fonts are Gravity Wanders (CF) and Alex Brush (from a freebie sight). And I re-used the tight diagonal paper from the Lab 14-9.
  4. thank you Sue, I didn't notice that at first, and now I'm under the gun for time to get it to my friend and before I leave for work. I have I think all of them with lines at the eyes. I should know better. Being in a hurry is not a good recipe for a good layout or an excuse for not paying attention (that's when I should be paying even more attention!).
  5. Thank you so much for your quick action with my troublum (yes, this is a word in my vocabulary....cross between problem and trouble 😁). It works like a charm and I got my layout done for my besties birthday tomorrow....which is coming soon as she is now 7 hours ahead of me (in Scotland). I appreciate the swift action. I will download the new ZIP so I have a copy of the new files. My image was fairly large so I understand also why sometimes it would make a double selection in a different area.
  6. Aha! Here's the layers palette. I highlight one of the double pces. One layer is blank the other is a double size. Weird gremlins at work? I presume the other layers are like that. I could see the correct amount of layers I just didnt look close enough to see some of them were blank. Turns out my cache was already at zero, but I still did a clean up and my browser cache too. You never know, right?
  7. I closed PSP and then wanted to get a screen shot of the actual error to show you. So I opened it again and it ran this time and it seemed more like it was having a seizure, weirdly blinking and jerky movements. I ended up with the odd double sized pieces. I have emailed you a test run I did on PSP 2021 (as my 2022 hasnt been pointed to the new path yet). I have used two other puzzle scripts yesterday with no problems at all (the rectangle 20x15 puzzle, cass-JigsawPuzzle & the triangle one, cass-JigsawPuzzle2). And I chose to have some pieces out of the puzzle. That is very cool BTW. I needed to have a square format puzzle so I bought the one in the store. I did try the rectangle puzzle on it and the pieces were squishy as expected.
  8. I just downloaded the cass-Puzzle6x6 and tried it on a square image (2527 x 2527 px) and I am getting an error saying the preset shape is not there (in the preset shapes folder), but it is. I tried putting the pspshape in again and same error. I got the error the 3-4 times I tried. Closed PSP then got it to work but the puzzle pieces are odd, missing the puzzle lines in some parts so the pieces are twice as long. Not sure what's happening or what I did wrong. Here is some screen shots. The error is line 147. this is what the red error says: ---------Command Execution Failed--------- Command Name: PresetShapes Error Text: Specified Preset Shape not found. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string.", line147, in Do RuntimeError: Specified Preset Shape not found.
  9. M = Mounds (remember the jingle: Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't) I loved them both because they have coconut in them.
  10. I agree a bow/knot will look great. a technique that fast to do, to make an element, can really personalize the layout. What I really like too, is that you can make so many elements with both the striped ribbon (2) and the tight diagonal and then add different textures and techniques to it. I think I'll start a list of tutorials to remember for when Build A Kit comes around again.
  11. D = Drinks, to wash down the yummy snacks.
  12. Fabulous Corrie! Lab 14-9 is good one isn't it? Like Ann said, the flair button looks great. The striped paper (2) is going to be really good for frames, I also used the blinds texture, it makes it look like a thick ribbon. I like the colors you used in the striped paper. And, your placement of the stairs is neat, it reminds me a bit of the game, snakes and ladders. Your new stairs look great.
  13. Oh please do look at that. That would be cool.
  14. Yes, thank you. I knew to save them in the Brushes folder, I just didn't know which background folder to use. I was going to choose 8-10, so it's a good thing you set me straight. I will use BG - 11. By the way, I have a bunch of Dozi's brushes and they are so small and get blurry if you try and go to big in size, can you make a brush bigger and still be sharp?
  15. Which folder do I add to the Brushes folder. (Background 8-10 or Background 11). I am using PSP 2023 and I'm not sure what the numbers in the Read Me file pertain to in the "years" versions (I think it's BG 8-10, but not sure). Thanks.
  16. Even the pigeons stayed up on the power lines. the hawk was look around and up at his audience. All birds except the blue jay were just chillin' . I thought it was weird. The merlin flew in the next day and the it had 6 magpies in tow and they kept darting at it and picking at it's tail feathers until it left, about 1 minute later. The merlin is quite small but a real power house hunter and if it's flying around the school field the my house backs onto, the magpies are on high alert (Merlins eat the magpies chicks).
  17. I didnt know they existed. that sounds devine though.
  18. T= twizzlers, my mom's favorite (red licorice)
  19. Here's what the tile looks like and I colored just the hawks by selecting (magic wand -opacity) the transparent parts and inverting the selection, then flood filled on separate layer with a gradient.
  20. here is the outline version of the what the Tight Diagonal looks like. I would be a very busy paper at that size.
  21. Lab 14-9 or Sketch 13, you decide. I started out doing something for the sketch challenge and ended up watching the tutorials for the most recent Lab (14-9). the items are: Striped Ribbon (2) Tight Diagonal The Striped Ribbon turned into the frame around the outer edge. I added a texture (blinds) and some noise and then duplicated and made a frame that I beveled. This is a quick and very easy to do tutorial. I kept my layers separate so I could decide on the background color (dark green looked better than white - it looks like black lines in the frame, but it's actually a dark green). The Tight Diagonal is really cool and easier than I expected. I did graphic of a hawk line drawing I found at Creative Fabrica. Then I used a blend mode and lowered the opacity as it was really busy and dark. Remember this tutorial when you do the Build A Kit next year, it will make for great papers. The hawk flying in and the hawk head are from Creative Fabrica and I changed the color of the feather on the head, used a blend mode, lowered the opacity and used the eraser tool to grunge it up a bit. Fonts are from Creative Fabrica; Gravity Wanders (Title and the journaling) and Gudea (yellow quote), Gudea might not be from CF. Background paper is Brook Gazarek (Digital Scrapbook). The birdbath I had took off the pedestal for a crow that had a bad leg a month ago. It turned out to be the favorite of the birds and squirrel this yr. This hawk flew in and stayed in the bath (it was hot out) for more than 20 minutes. The magpies gathered and watched very intently and then a lone little blue jay flew in to a branch 3 feet above the hawk and gave it a good talking too. All the birds were well behaved as this was big bird. When the Merlin flies in, the magpies endlessly taunt it and nip at the tail feathers. It's a much smaller bird. It was very exciting. I don't know what kind of hawk it is.
  22. me too! But I'm a disaster when it comes to baking.
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