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Susan Ewart

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  1. that's fascinating Ann. And really inspiring.
  2. Possibly the late '70's or early 80's. This is a really nice layout.
  3. I am also quite captivated by this photo. You can see so much detail in the part below the bloom. It's so interesting.
  4. I have done that, even to the point of separate letters, move them into place (rasterize of course), then do something different to each and merge visible when we want to use the magic want to select the top or bottom portions to make into a mask. So many options. it's true they fast to make, but take a looooong time to do because of the some many options and the kerning to get it where and how you like, which is just as you mentioned. You often have take out a letter, put it on it's own Vector, and then since you did that, it's back to the kerning again. Still it's fabulous technique that non graphics people say WOW!
  5. thank you Corrie. I'm sure I learned it from Marie-Claire a few years ago. Sometimes if I like most of the script, and it's not working the way I like, I will break up one word into two separate Vectors (a few letters is one vector, the rest of the word another vector) or even I might have go as far as one letter as a separate vector, especially if it's just the one causing it not to work. then move everything into place where I want and from there make the raster version of each and merge them (or merge visible to a new layer and work on that) keep the background frame separate or merge it too. Usually I do this, but I will also have duplicated that background frame in case I want to do something different to it or be able bevel the word differently than the background so it shows up looking more 3D on the background frame. So many options of what you can do. It's a great technique isn't it? Looking forward to seeing more of your creations from this technique. Sometimes, when the text works perfect, it's a fast technique to do.
  6. What a beautiful girl and an equally special and beautiful moment you got to have with her. I love the layout and the border is perfect for this layout.
  7. I love this. I have been creating these to. I want to create more with generic sentiments (happy birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year etc). It's fun to decide which "counter"(the enclosed space in a letter such as; p, a, b, e, q etc) space to add or subtract when you select the top and bottom portions with the magic wand. That butterfly and the flowers works so well with your template/mask.
  8. me either, I figured I didnt have a choice.
  9. Now I see it's all in the words (I am not good with words), and why spark didn't spark much creativity in me. hahaha might have to give it a second chance.
  10. Funny, you mention that. I was just thinking if there was a separate screenshot program available. thank you for the info. I have bookmarked it and will look at it when I get home from work. or tomorrow since it will be midnight or after when i get home. It's smokin' hot here (35 celcius) I will be a wilted flower and might not want to turn on the computer.
  11. Do you need or miss the Express Keys? I'll have to re-read the blog post to remember what those keys did.
  12. yes, Apple just got fined 30 Billion or something ridiculous like that, very recently for the app store situation. Europe has good practices, you are lucky to live there. I think North America might still be the wild west in that respect. I will check out the the FB thing. I just presumed I would be part of the learning for the AI whether I like it or not. Didnt they deal with some issue over being able to use anything we post (photos, layouts etc) to promote FB. I'll try to put much better work on there...🤣, it might be scary what it will learn from me. Either way, I will likely never know if they are actually doing what they say they are doing (reference: the doorbell cam company, which as Rene mentioned in a post was 5 yrs ago....yet it's still front and centre in the techy news and still not yet resolved, nor has the company apologized).
  13. Just google Microsoft Recall. Here's a snippet or two about it. You can read about from most techy sites. Sorry, I missed getting the name of the writer for the first post. Some said it's only in a certain series of laptops and it's part of the Copilot suite. It's hard to know who's right, but one thing I do know...it wont be MS. It's supposed to be locally stored, but well, that isnt always the case. This new shiny awesome feature has to cost money, that money is likely our data. One could say, that's the price of this feature, I would say, what a way to fill up my Hard Drive, I'd rather be buying scrapbook kits instead...those companies can have my data if they keep putting out something that is meaningful for me. Remember, these are just a littles snip and could be misunderstood out of context. Best to check it out. I'm sure I cant do anything about it, so it is what it is. Presented at Microsoft Build 2024, Recall is described as a "photographic memory" for your PC, making local Windows searches much faster by constantly taking screenshots of everything you do.May 21, 2024 From Forbes: What is the recall feature in copilot? The Recall feature allows the Copilot + PC to aggregate information about the user as the PC is used. The on-board intelligence extracts information about users as applications, emails, schedules, and other such personal information through a series of screen shots.Jun 20, 2024
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