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Susan Ewart

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  1. Thank you Corrie, this is good information. I'm looking for a bush that blooms to fill a spot in the yard. I'll check to see if they can grow here. I love Peony's too, and yesterday saw one in a garden so I think I could have one of those too. The in-ground variety you speak of would also be good cover for the little brown birds I would presume. My mom wouldn't even know me if she saw me gardening and growing flowers. I couldnt resist when I was getting groceries today, they had a pretty potted dahlia variety so I bought it. My flowers from seed are a ways away (at a few inches talll) from any photo opportunities so I bought some in-bloom plants for right now. Just need to find a block of time to take some pictures.
  2. Very pretty Corrie. Are the pink flowers hortensias too? They look a bit different (the flower and leaves).
  3. Love the touch with the punches in the bottom corners. It adds a nice touch.
  4. So true Corrie, I love Julie's style and find it hard to do myself.
  5. I LOVE the birthday girl one. Your style is so awesome, the ethereal quality I love, but cant seem to replicate.
  6. Thank you Dawn. I've learned so much here at the Campus from Carole and everyone. I've come a long way, and have a long way to go. Wish I could live till I was 150 (in my current physical good health of course 😁)
  7. Thank you Cristina, that means a lot to me.
  8. Thank you so much Mary, Julie and Corrie. That means a lot to me. You know what they say, "It takes a village..." Without all of you (my village), this and many more layouts wouldn't have happened. I've learned so much and keep learning new things from Carol and Campus villagers.
  9. Thank you Ann. There's a few spots I didnt quite get right, but overall I am happy with it. The photo really had a lot to do with how pretty the colors are.
  10. Thank you so much Michele. I feel like I'm walking on clouds!
  11. My physiotherapist is moving to the the interior of British Columbia (Kelowna, also part of the what we call the Okanagan area - home of the Ogopogo). I have lived in that area twice in my life enjoying mountains, lakes and lots of fruit (cherries, peaches, apples, grapes) and lots of wineries...even though I don't drink wine. This seems to be my go to e-card style of the moment. they are quick and easy to do...well, I say "quick", deciding on the font is the hardest part and takes forever playing around with it. You will notice the kerning on the word "Bye" is weird. I wanted the swash of B to blend in to part of the swash on the "e". I made masks for each, the upper and lower portions thinking I'd be using two different pictures (Lake shown is Lake Okanagan). I like the original photo, that I found on the internet so I put a copy into each mask but I wanted it to seem like it was two different elements. For the top portion I added two textures and some noise and used brightness/contrast to darken it a bit. That is also the area I added my sentiment on the copy I sent to her.
  12. if you go too big though, you see less layers. It's a trade off.
  13. I do the same for small ones especially, or if I have a lot of layers that are similar then i"ll for sure name them, or group them and now I highlight the orig. vector (in yellow) in case I need to get to it, it's really easy to find.
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