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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. Marlene, your pages are lovely, and this was probably an unforgettable trip. The inclusion of the leather tags, date stamps, postcard etc added a nice touch to the page. These short tutorials that Cassel included in the emails are great, not only for this challenge but also for future projects.
  2. Very nice work and techniques posted here. In the end, this is what is important when participating in a challenge, where we have the opportunity to share our work and learn from each other.


    Eileen, the end result of the sand letters came up good. I like how you blended the light house and flowers.Nice colors!


    Dawn, I love your pages, your photos, everything... Even without you being there, you took us on your dream trip. I am glad you decided to participate. Lovely work!


    Marlene, with you I went to Québec and Montreal... I think I would love this cable ride! Nice work!


    I haven't done anything yet, but I am working on it, separating photos, choosing template etc. Like Cassel said, although officially over we can always post our work here.


    Cassel, this was a great challenge, in which you gave us new ideas and great small tutorials. Thank you!

  3. Hi, Kay! I agree with all statements above... Before joining the Campus last year, I knew PSP but zero knowledge of scrapbooking... I started with the Start Here free videos and move on to the Basic Scrap Course. I can only talk for myself, but it was as opening a whole new world to me. So many tricks, techniques ... And we also learn from each other participating in the challenges. Welcome to the Campus!
  4. This is my take on this Word Challenge. Papers: I made the plaid paper (Cassel's tutorial); the second paper >Basic Color > Effects > Texture > Parchment. I added cass-CornerPunchesA brush and ran cass-TornEdge script.


    Mats: cass-EdgeFont2 Mat02 freebie //// Ribbons: cass-RibbonFactory-May freebie and ran RicRac Basic script /// Notebook: cass-Notebook freebie //// Flowers: cass-Precious-Flower freebie //// Confetti: cass-StarConfeti Gold freebie

  5. Sheila, very nice page! I like the textured papers, the glitter sprinkles, and the rose you extracted really calls attention. The photo of Precious in the basket is very good, make us wonder too how she did it. :D ... Great work!



  6. Thank you, Cassel. I guess I know... I made once a string tube following your tutorial Fastener>String for a challenge in April. But I also have your Twisted String picture tube to speed up the process
  7. My goal for this challenge was less to be creative but more to try to replicate the techniques I saw in the video. So, don't be surprised with the similarity with Cassel's example.  But I have to say I had fun doing it.
  8. Marlene, very nice page! I like the contrast of the background color with the colorful photos. I like also the texture/color of the letter D.


    You sure have memories to tell and you know how to make a page full of good stories. I think you are great doing this... this is not my forte. ;)

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