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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. Royanne, I love your page! Beginning with the photo of the two exhausted ladies. The use of the 3 Sleeping Beauty element is a great choice, together with the sparkle. I also like the idea of using the same photo in a different way. Nice font.


    3 great pages shown here, each one in its own way. Congrats, ladies!

  2. Marlene, Dawn, very good pages and ideas for this challenge!


    Dawn, coming up with a story helps a lot to do this challenge... great idea. I love the butterfly you created.


    Like Marlene, I am struggling to come up with an idea, story for the challenge... Yesterday I started to collect some forest photos from Pixabay... I don't know what yet, but I will for sure do something.


    Have a nice day, ladies :)

  3. Sheila and Royanne, thank you for your comments. :)


    Royanne, your page is lovely! It begins with the cute little girl and her big smile; we smile just by looking at her. :)


    I like the borders and the edge effect on the photo. It looks like cass-EdgeMagic script. I  have it but haven't used yet... It makes the photo stands out. I didn't know the cass-Clouds script. I like the effect.


    It is nice to see different takes on the same subject... different colors, techniques

  4. Thank you, Dawn. I wanted to insert the photos in the letter... I started a page with letter M, then W, but none of the layouts pleased me, so their destiny was the trash bin. :)


    I consider these challenges as an exercise, as I know I still have a long way to improve my scrapping skills. :)

  5. After several attempts, I finally came up with something for the challenge. I created the background page with ribbons done with cass-RibbonFactory Script. I draw some lines (Pen Tool) inside the outline of the letter and created this way space for the photos. I select the outline > Effects >Texture > Sculpture.


    I clipped the photos with cass-ClipToIt Script. Very helpful and saves time. The 2 sequin elements are freebies: cass-SequinWeather

  6. Joe, your vector images are really good! It is nice to see different projects here, and your work with vector is definitely unique here.


    Sheila, your page is lovely... the colors, textures, elements, everything match together so well. The Start Here videos and Basic Scrap Course helped me a lot to learn about scrapbooking, as I knew nothing before... I am still learning. I can recommend it.


    Solent, great work! This technique will definitely look great in calendar or cards.

  7. Hi, Dawn, thanks for your lovely comment. As I mentioned above, I didn't know what to do... totally blank! :)  The inspiration came when I was looking at different photos from Pixabay site. The photo buttons idea I had when I was creating a page for my niece, about her first snow. I had five photos and didn't want the page to look too crowded.


    Marlene, thanks for your comment. You sure didn't have to go far (your kitchen window) to come up with this lovely page and photos. Good idea to have a blurred photo for the background and to have the title over the cloud. I didn't know this plugin, but it really made the photos stand out. Nice page!

  8. Sheila, I have to say that I was also struggling with this challenge. I went through my photos, read Cassel's post about this theme, saw the pages there, but nothing inspired me to tell a story about sky. In the end, I decided to go a different route and create a story. I forgot to mention that the photos are from Pixabay site that Cassel mentioned. Thanks for your lovely comment on my page!
  9. This is the page I made for the Sky Challenge. I added a sandstone texture to the solid color background paper. I created some ribbons with cass-Ribbon Factory Script and added cass-sprinkles-Rainbow element freebie. For the photos, I used a cutout effect based on the button tutorial. The title was done with cass-Cloud Alpha.
  10. Sharon, I also took advantage of the trial Diamond membership and I could see that there are tons of good stuff. I have watched a few videos but haven't done anything yet. Your flag came out very good. Nice work!
  11. Marlene, glad to see you back.


    To see all this devastation and losses of homes and especially lives caused by bushfires is very sad. Fortunately, nature regenerates itself and plants grow back again although it takes some time.


    Like Sheila I also like very much the different stitchings and the texture and color of the papers. Nice work!

  12. Dawn, thank you for your comment. :) Like you said, it is an encouragement to one another.


    It is the first time I am using the corner punches, although I have had the brushes for some time.  I've seen you using it and always loved the effect.

  13. Hi, Anja, welcome!


    I really like your designs, beautiful colors and very creative! Here in the Campus you will have the opportunity to learn PSP a lot with the help of Cassel's classes. Like Dawn said, looking forward to seeing more of your layouts.

  14. Here is my contribution for this challenge. For the papers, I used a free icon from Wikipedia and ran the Cassel's Embossed Script. Also used Cassel's Corners Punched A brush. For the photo, I used one of the Distressed Edges freebies and ran the Split-Photo script. As I had 4 pieces of the photo and I only wanted 2, I merged them, and after that, I ran the Lifted Photo script.


    For the papers, I used a free icon from Wikipedia and ran the cass-Embossed Script. Also used cass-Corners-PunchesA Brush. For the photo, I used one of the Distressed Edges freebies and ran the cass-Split-Photo script. As I had 4 pieces of the photo and I only wanted 2, I merged them, and after that, I ran the cass-LiftedPhoto script.


    At the end, I added this cute cass-StripCluster-SpringThing1.



  15. micfin, I like your layout very much ... so colorful and creative. Great work!


    And about your doubt, right now I can only think of creating the text in two layers, one for each word. Maybe others have a better idea.



  16. Anja and Dawn, nice layouts, colors, and photos. Great work!


    Dawn, I love the page edge and the preview book. I knew neither the font nor the script... I will add to my wish list ;)


    I haven't done anything yet to this challenge... Let's see if I can come up with something.

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