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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Created the polka dot paper using a pattern I made (I'm sure I learned it from Cassel). The yellow stripes were simply rectangular selection on different layers flood-filled with the color from the original illustration by Bahar. The font is Morebig Sans found through the Free Design Resources newsletter. Lately I've been using drop shadows with zero blur to give my text a little more depth (don't know if that's the right word.).
  2. Being a big Doctor Who fan, I downloaded those time travel backgrounds, too. I love what you did with this one!
  3. I use my mouse on my laptop which is definitely not as good as a tablet and pen. I've never entertained a tablet and pen; as I told you earlier I cannot draw to save my life. LOL
  4. I absolutely love this, Mary. Not being gifted with drawing skills, I have a tough time using the Pen Tool. Do you remember which mode you used?
  5. For today's daily theme I had these wonderful illustrations by Lorraine Dell Wood from her Flirty Hat series. I used a template from Corel and made it my own. In order to get the borders around the pics: 1) Merged each of the groups; 2) Selected the outside of each one with the magic wand; 3) Inverted the selection; 4) Select selection borders and flood filled. I followed the Lined Paper tutorial in the Campus for the background. The font is RiotSquad, free from DaFont. I actually had a tough time picking a font and settled on this one as my deadline was quickly approaching.
  6. Susan, your words of encouragement are both appreciated and inspirational. I'll try to remind myself to share other non-"scrapbooky" layouts.
  7. Thank you, Marie-Claire, Fiona Cook, and Suzy. I almost didn't post it at all because it was not "scrapbooky." I'm glad if I could help some newbies!
  8. Thanks so much, Ann. I didn't realize the "ingredients" would show up so large. lol
  9. Never underestimate what you can do by combining several different pics to make one cohesive project. Removed a few backgrounds, recolored the abstract background, and the font is Airport. It actually took me a lot longer than I thought it would, mostly due to the different proportions of the originals and my OCD need for perfection. ?
  10. I thought I would have a little fun with this theme. It started out as a black on white illustration by Henn Kim. The font is Sleepy Fat Cat. (It's a duo with one being dingbats of cats and I think I got it from DaFont.)
  11. Q = Quietly trying to survive your hangover on New Year's Day
  12. Cass gave us a bargello sample pattern that perfectly matched the girls I used for this! Thanks, Carole. (The font is Argaka Fashion from Fontspace.)
  13. Thanks, Susan. WWSTD is a great thing to remember! I didn't realize I actually had a style yet. ?
  14. I used one of Cass's Sports Card templates which I edited to fit my theme. That beautiful illustration is by Magali Barbe, inspired by Galliano, I think. I added a little texture to the background just to make it a little more interesting; I learned that from Sue Thomas. The font is, coincidentally, Unique free from 1001Fonts.
  15. It took me a while, but I was finally able to create an album in the gallery and post the pic from there. Whew! I think I was using instructions from the archives and not from the new format. I'm still a little lost, but I'll figure it out sooner or later. ? Most of the elements and the backgrounds are from Digital Scrapbook (Pixel Scrapper), For the Love of Chocolate kits by Sharon-Dewi Stolp. Cass's corner hearts punches really came in handy; gave the l/o just the touch it needed to break up the empty space. The "lovers" are characters from the game. The fonts are a duo called Flatface Haleys which was included in this week's freebies.
  16. H = Happy New Year (A little obvious, but I'm tired.)
  17. I haven't had a chance to participate in this workshop, but I downloaded everything so I can do it at a later date. It's been delightful looking at everyone's results. Your personalities come through along with your creativity and I love it!
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