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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. Day 3 - Used a photo of my friend's dog. They have a second home in Hudson, and their pooch loves being in/on the water. Made a kaleidoscope design but didn't take too much time or trouble with it. Added the brush flourish because I thought it looked a little bare.
  2. Day 2 mask project: Photos are mine taken on a snowy day we had a couple of weeks ago. We haven't had much all winter, so it was fun to get out (a la Sue Thomas) and get some images. Just a simple background paper with an overlay, some blending, and a bit of text. Voila! C'est fini!
  3. Good call, Ann. I think that might've messed me up too, so I went back to my own notes from the previous mask workshop and followed those.
  4. Is that Sokol as in the Czech camps for gymnastics, etc?
  5. It doesn't matter how many times I do the steps for converting to a mask, I still manage to mix it up and have to re-do and re-do! This one was fairly straightforward to do, but I had so many interruptions while I was trying to do it! But, done for Day 1. (It was, however, easier than the first time I did this workshop.)
  6. I'm in and happy to be doing this again.
  7. No please! Keep playing. You do such lovely work and I enjoy seeing it.
  8. Well done, Mary! I'm impressed by your willingness to take on a challenge. Lovely result. You're using a tablet, right? I'm trying to use mine more often. I was using it then switched back to the mouse. If it makes layouts like this easier, then I'm back in!
  9. Since February means Valentine's Day, I played around with a layout for that. A lot of brushes were used, a mask, some overlays and blending modes. It was fun to do. No text since I think the layout does the talking.
  10. Mary Solaas, these are the perspective lines in the background that I was so interested in. Love the effect and the photo.
  11. I came across this sample of a L/O on Digital Scrapbooking (I think). The perspective lines are so unusual and eye-catching. I'm sure there are folks here who will know how to reproduce this effect, so I hope someone will share the magic.
  12. It was! I wanted it to not be too noticeable, but I guess it is with the blur!
  13. After going through my stash of photos, I realize I could do this challenge for weeks with all the uninteresting or bad pix I have! But it's a great way to use a boring photo. I made the "hola" text using individual images for each letter for the first time! That was fun. (Some edges on frames still a bit ragged....oops!)
  14. That's a great layout for the pier! And that pier is over a mile long! Wow
  15. Susan, I admire your grit and determination to get through those Labs! I start and stop and start and stop....and jump from 3 to 8 and so on....but they are so helpful. I will persist.
  16. I've known for some weeks that this day would arrive, so I began working on a small tribute to my mother and her siblings, all of whom are now gone. The last uncle just died last night; his brother died last September; and my mom and her sister have been gone longer. I'm not just an orphan but uncle- and aunt-less too! Karel (called Charlie) was 96, so we are not in deep mourning, but I do feel the loss right now...of all of them. Requiescant in pace. The photo is likely from the mid-40s b/c the uncle who died yesterday has on his navy cap. He was underaged but sneaked into the Navy and served on a corvette in the North Atlantic. I do genealogy layouts for my family history, hence the tree.
  17. I see only "spacer.png" at the bottom of your description. No actual pic.
  18. Thanks. I thought maybe that one or Slats 1. Love the effect. Don't know why I didn't notice this in the store before now!
  19. Anyone suggest which Cass script I might get to achieve this slatted photo effect. It's from Digital Scrapbooking and it caught my eye. I looked in the store and there are about half a dozen that look as if they will produce similar results. Thanks in advance!
  20. When I read how long you waited to install a ceiling light I just laughed out loud. I've had so many projects around the house over the years and waited way too long to get some of them done. When they were done, I couldn't figure out why I had waited so long!!!!! They made such a difference in the general comfort or ease in the house. Years ago, in a smaller house, there was a metal post in front of the laundry sink in the basement. I always worked around it. Then after maybe 15 years or so I had it removed since it wasn't a support of any kind. It was like freedom at last! In this house, I have a few of those types of jobs that need doing. The difference today is how hard it is to get someone to do a small job. Enjoy your new well-lit room!
  21. When I see these wonderful Bootcamp projects, I am amazed at how good they are! Well done everyone. When I look back at my very first attempts, they make me laugh, and not with good humour....but with embarrassment! ?
  22. I don't know if it's the colours or the beautiful pooch, but this is just outstanding. Love the little details you added to make it so unified.
  23. Ah, a nudge to my design sense. Thanks for that!
  24. Susan, I think you nailed it: they are really challenging in a design sense. And I don't have much of that! But it's fun to try.
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