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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. So yesterday I spent a couple of hours and did the dirty deed! It was laborious and challenging, but it worked! I created categories within the PSP version Brushes folder. I kept getting all kinds of warnings about duplicate files, but I just closed those and kept going. Then I shut down everything, did a restart, and OMG, the brushes were all sorted within PSP!!! I also got rid of lots of brushes I had downloaded for free but didn't use, and found some others that I had mistakenly put in the Scripts-Restricted b/c of the file extension! No wonder they didn't work for me.... Thanks for helping me out, much appreciated. I feel calmer now.
  2. I don't think I've ever renamed any brushes, but I'll watch out for that.
  3. Well, kind of technically, she's not ON the sofa, just sort of......
  4. It just seems like so much work to get this sorted out! Now I am confused because of the two file types that go together (brushtip & pspscript). You're right, when I was trying to delete some unused brushes I very likely deleted only ONE filetype. I will have to tackle this patiently. Thanks, Carole.
  5. I haven't made any layouts with my cat's weird places to hang out, but he does situate himself (like all cats) into some strange places. And he does love fresh laundry left in a basket!
  6. I have reached the point where I feel that I should delete all the brush files I have accumulated over the past few years. They are getting unwieldy to handle. I did try deleting with some I never used, but all I end up with is black circles in the brush tool dropdown list in PSP. Then, there are the brushes I THINK I added that don't show up on that list but they are in the Brush folder in PSP. This has bothered me for some time, but Carole's mention of the article What File Goes Where in the newsletter got me going on this. Does anyone have a surefire system at keeping those files organized and cleaned up? I've searched on the Blog and other places and can't find what I might need to read....please!
  7. You sure deserve A for effort! I also have trouble with the two buttons on the side of the pen tool for the tablet. Doesn't always work right away for me. I keep adjusting the settings but they still act up.
  8. E = Erin go bragh! (Ireland forever!)
  9. I started this as the last lesson of the Masks workshop but it didn't turn out, so I left it and moved on. Then someone was posting some purple paper (Ann? or Mary?) in the Kit palette and it reminded me of this. The photo is from my garden years ago. This is what it ended up being, and I like the purples which I don't get to use very often.
  10. When you say "font for the corners" do you mean dingbats? I'd sure like to know how you do that! Is it selecting the symbol, copying it and then pasting it onto the frame you've made?
  11. Some time ago (maybe a year?) I bought a Wacom Intuous Pro on sale. First I chose the large, but it was too big for my workspace so I returned for a smaller one (size S-M I think). It is easy to install and use, just need to tweak a few settings after the installation. I like using it, but the secret to it is to use it ALL THE TIME. No more mousing. I've not been able to do that yet, but I keep telling myself I will. When I feel a bit rushed or impatient, I just reach for the mouse and then the habit is broken again.
  12. I've been having fun playing with the "perspective striping" that was answered in the Feb. Q & A. This is just one, and I haven't used it for a layout yet.
  13. Great feature the way you used the corner punches in a large size!
  14. Day 6 finally done. Used my own photo taken at the marina/park near where I live on a crisp autumn day. I spent way too much time on the lino effect and then playing with the frame. I wanted to try dynamic frame style but it really didn't work for me, so I opted to cut off a bit at the bottom right. Then,, when I thought I had something, I realized I'd forgotten the mask! I know what I want in my head, but it usually comes out differently in the layout.
  15. There are so many posts for the masking workshop, I just can't keep up with them all! But I'm delighted to see so many creative layouts and projects. So many talented folks in this group who are willing to share. I just love it! I still need to work on Day 6, but no time today.
  16. You sure got some cute squirrels in your 'hood!
  17. Day 5: I spent the most time trying to get the text on a curve! That always gives me trouble, but I finally realized what I was doing wrong. Used a background paper with an overlay blended with soft light. The pic is mine from a cold, snowy day. It's costing me a small fortune to keep all the critters fed in the cold weather. But I can't say no.
  18. What an adorable face, and a great layout!
  19. Just got a chance to work on Day 4 project. Photo is a wee foster dog I had for the last two years of her life. She lived, barked, and loved with the pack here. Masking the photo is a good way to use a pic with a cluttered background to soften it.
  20. I hope you reconsider your preference to use Corel help files and videos. While they can be useful, they are NOT as thorough, well-paced, and easy to follow as what you will get here from the Labs, Tutorials, and Master Classes. They are the best I've used - anywhere!
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