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Corrie Kinkel

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Posts posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Here in the Netherlands we have a nursery rhyme about those hats you can make by folding paper, I think every one knows them. We spend a rainy afternoon folding hats. All the puppets including the barbies got one  and of course we got one ourselfs. And I have a photo of it. As I followed the masterclass on templates last sunday I deciced to combine these two things and I came up with this. This time the text is in Dutch; translated in English it would not make sense. But it goes as follows:


    one, two, three, four


    little hat of, little hat of


    one, two, three, four


    little hat of paper

  2. Hi there, as soon as I saw this challenge I had to sign up for it! I visited my daughter and her family last january/february and made a lot of photo's. I came home just in time before all the lockdown measures. I have already made a printed photobook; I always do that right away, but except my husband nobody has seen it so far. Since then I started scrapbooking and I'm lloking forward to making a lot of pages to add to my book. I already did some other challenges and I like them very much and I have learned so much in this relatively short period.


    See you soon!

  3. With the theme OUTER SPACE, one thing came immediately to mind: the Spaceneedle in Seattle. I visited there in january of this year. It was a marvellous experience! We had a fantastic view thanks to super weather. So I made this page. I made the background following Carole's e-mail. And the fonts are Hobo and Alex Brush which some of you mentioned; thanks! The quote obviously is from StarTrek
  4. Here is my last posting for may, I did the Random Challenge Generator and it gave my this:


    Photos: 1


    Titel and Text: Phrase Strips


    Paper Pattern: Gingham


    Embellishment: Button


    Color Combination: Brown


    Michelle I'll certainly do something with my PTP photo, but that one did not go well with this Challenge.

  5. Hi Annie, love what you did with the photo of Amsterdam.The Prinsengracht isn't a suburb but it is downtown! Amsterdam has a very old city centre with lots of canals, which we call "grachten". You can take boottours on them.


    I have been busy with a lot of other things and had this evening finally time to catch up on everybody's work. Amazing things ladies, I enjoyed myself very much.


    I used pic-to-painting on this photo and maybe I use it on some project.

  6. Hi Carole, You asked in an email if I already did something with the Quick Pages. I made this one, just to practise, but I requested this page because I want to use it later in the year for a family event (corona permiting). Two of the other ones I already used but they are to privat to share here with very privat photo's and I'm not allowed to post those here. My daughter will be very angry with me if she finds out.
  7. This is my take on the May Theme Challenge - RAIN. The paper with the umbrellas is generously provided by Trish Williams (thanks again) and the alpha and picture tube is by Carole (also thank you). I'm starting to like those picture tubes! Next I'll try my hand at the scraplift challenge; it certainly keeps me busy!
  8. Yes!!! I have made it through Basic Scrap Course and this is project number 5. After this I'll try to do something with the Rain. But we have, ironical enough, since the outbreak of Covid-19 the most wonderful spring weather! No snow, like Carole had in her garden, we already had to water the plants a couple of times. Ladies I see some much lovely work!
  9. Hi,


    I bought Caroles book also and astonishing in this difficult times it arrived in only 11 days. I have not read it all yet, but it gives so many very useful tips. A couple of them already solved some problems I had. After I have read it all I'll give a short review at Amazon. I highly recommend this book.

  10. The 4th of May is our National Remembrance Day for all those killed in World War II and peacekeeping operations afterwards. At 8 pm there are 2 minutes of silence in the hole country and afterwards our King will lay the 1st wrath at the National Monument in Amsterdam. There are speeches and more wraths and flowers. The next day is Liberation Day.


    My uncle, whom I never knew, was one of the victems. He was a printer by profession and took part in the resistence movement and owned a printing business. The group he was part of, was betrayed and he was taken prisonner. A few weeks later he was shot dead on the Waalsdorpervlakte, an area in the dunes near The Hague. He left a wife and 2 kids.


    In his honnor we named our daughter after him!


    To commemorate him I made this scrapbook- page to day.

  11. The result of the day 7, the last of the series. I have enjoyed it very much and I seem to learn more through these challenges than doing the Basic Scrap Course on my one. I love to see what the others have been making and that gives me a lot of new ideas for different projects. Carole thank you for all the trouble you have taken and I look forward to more of these challenges if possible. Bye, buy to all and see you soon!
  12. Hi Carole, thank you for your comment on my day 6 for the placing of the vector tube.I did it again and now it looks much nicer. Sorry to disappoint you but the word "SUMMER" is not my own. It comes from the kit Summerlovin-mini by ap-psJuli17BT wich I found on Pixelscrappers. But I find it very appropriate with my theme and I will try to make something like it in the future.


    Annie as ever thank you for your comments, I hope to get many more of them in the future! Hope you are still safe at home.

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