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Corrie Kinkel

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Posts posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. This is day 6. I'm also a little behind but we had such lovely weather for april! It was a joy to be outside and be able to go for long walks or work a bit in our little patiogarden and have your coffees or meals there. Tomorrow the weather will change and we are getting (much needed) rain. So tomorrow hopefully the last project.
  2. Here is the result of day 5. This are my granddaughters making glasses of some wire, so that explanes the title. I'm not a great fan of so many patterned papers, therefore I have chosen some that are somewhat subtle. Everybody is making great stuff!
  3. It has taken me some time but here is wise words day 4. The problem was not in the vector path but I started out using the template and that did not work at all with the theme and photos I wanted to use. Yesterday was any how an off day; with everything I did something went wrong. So in the end I realised I simply should not use that template! Now is an other day and it went smoothly.


    Carole I saw your comment on day 3 and I agry with you. It shows one really should not try to finish something off if it has become very late at night. I'll rectify.

  4. These are my wise words day 3. It took me a while before I had figured out how to work with the template, but I saw a comment from Carole and could find the solution to my problem in a blog! This is becoming addictive; it is already after midnight in my part of the world but I wanted to post the result of my work.


    Oh and Carole I ordered your book and despite the Covid-pandemie it arrived to day, only 11 days after ordering. The ordering in itself was a problem, because Amazon Netherlands (it just started overhere) did not have it. Then I tried Amazon Germany, they had it but did not deliver to the Netherlands because of the situation. So next: Amazon UK and they had no problems at all!

  5. Hi Annie


    What a nuissance your hand! I hope it will get less painful, but my own experience with carpal and artrosis is that it probably will take some time. I had to stop with most of my handycrafts; I did lacemaking with bobbins and embroidery and so on. But the results were no longer good and therefore did not satisfy me. A long time I had no subsitute.  for it but then came photografy and following that came PSP. So now I'm here. You see there is hope!

  6. Hello there,


    I signed in also, after bootcamp and now going through basicscrap course I look forward to this new challenge. I see a lot af names/photos I recognize from the other projects, so nice to hear from all of you again.


    Carole I hope you get well soon and your teddybear looks lovely.

  7. After a very full last week with my birthday and easter I had now the time to make my module 3 from Basic Scrap Course. As that one was about lunch I immedately thought about a favorite dessert for summerparties. By the way it was a very strange birthday without visitors and presents etc. But with a lot of (video)calls, cards and my husband managed to get me flowers!
  8. Besides  following Basic Scrap Course I have been working on the following 3 pages: all about easter; 2 for my granddaughters and 1 for wishing all my loved ones a happy easter. I tried to follow and combine the thing I just learned.


    Next week I'll continue with module 3.


    Best wishes and stay safe and at home!

  9. Well here is my last project #5. I enjoyed making all of them and I'm a bit sorry it is over. But now I have time to browse the internet for more kits to my liking, maybe on PixelScrapper. If anybody has other ideas for freebies, please let me know!!!


    All of you stay save wherever you may live.

  10. Hi everybody, here is my project #4 at last. I'm not entirety happy with the result but it will have to do for now! I spend a whole evening looking for other kits on the internet and found some I liked on PixelScrapper but I defenitifly must go back there and browse some more. You see the kit provided for this project did not appeal to me, it didn't go well with the idea I had in mind. I wanted to make something to cheer us up in this difficult Covid-19 world.


    Annie thank you for your kind comments, so encouraging!!!


    Carole the problem on the #3 project with the glitter tile was not in making the tile itself , and I used the glitters you gave us, but with the floodfilling of it. I didn't get the pattern in the materials palette at first. I think I had the sequence of the commands wrong, but in the ennd I got there.



  11. My project #3. At first I had a lot more elements in it,  but as the photos are quit colorfull that was way to much; at least I think so and toned it down a bit. Getting the glittertile right was a chalenge but in the end I got there. Sorry I see now that I misspelled glashouse, it should be glasshouse. But I'm Dutch so......
  12. And here is my project #2. I am catching up, as the Netherlands are almost in lock down since this evening. So no going out for a coffee or a meeting etc. The shops are still open but the mall is very empty without many people. Its has a strange atmospher.


    You asked: what did I learn sofar and the best tip for me was to uncheck the Tabbed Documents. The shortcuts come in handy and I assume they are always the same for every thing you do in Paintshop. I am beginning to like this. Tomorrow  hopefully the next project!

  13. Hello, this is my first attempt at scrapbook - homework for day 3. Due to the corona-virus crisis I am a bit late. I am living in the Netherlands and this corona thing is a big issue overhere. So lots of television reports and phonecalls, emails, skype and facetime from family and friends. Very much appriciated but it costs a lot of time, but I'll try to catch on. We have tot stay at home anyway,  almost everything is closed down and shopping is becoming a nuisance as people are hoarding.
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