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Corrie Kinkel

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Posts posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Kim how nice to hear you have Dutch roots after all. I hope the Covid-19 situation will get better some day and you can come over to see Holland for yourself. In the meantime enjoy this Campus and all it has to offer. By the way since today we are in partial lockdown. So no travelling for the near future. Neither for me; my daughter and the grandkids live in the USA. Stay safe!
  2. Hi Kim, welcome from The Netherlands (in Europe!). I know there are a lot of people in New Zealand with Dutch roots! I hope you will enjoy your time here with people from all over the world. This place is very inspiring and you always get good feedback and tips from the others. Check out the Facebook page also.
  3. I'm surprised that I'm the first to show a LO about lights. I admit that it is a difficult theme because it is a bit about how to make light visible in a LO. I just happened to have a couple of photos about a city as it turned dark and the lights came on. I used one to make the background with the blend mode set to luminence. And then the 2 other photos with a simple frame with selection borders . I gave the lanterns a little glow and the word LIGHTS also a glow. I found how to do that in the Tips and Tricks book. Further just a couple of embellishments.
  4. Just in time for the end of september I finished this Scavenger Hunt. All the elements are there. I made a ribbon frame around the biggest photo with the Miter Corner Script I finall bought! The glitters are sprayed over the title. I made a ticket from a little template I found at Pixelscrappers. The pin and string I already had in my stock. All the photos are mine and indeed partly taken on a real orchid show and at home from an orchid I have at the moment.
  5. This is the result of some experimenting, using some of the tips from Sue Thomas. I made a background from a part of a photo and created the border with a free script I found here in de resources section, outside resources, scripts! And furthermore I used the Blendmode+Opacity to get the color for the rest of the background. On the mushroomsphotos I used masks and I made my one mushroom picturetubes. I like this experimenting when I have a little free time to do so!
  6. I was trying to do the Sketch challenge, but it did not inspire me at all! So I was doing just a LO of the summerflowers on our patio. And I adepted it for this Speech challenge. Instead of a titel I used the speechbubble and the stamps-template from Cassel. All the photos are mine and I also reused some of the lessons from the TravelTale Challenge. My hand is still not fully healed so I have to take it slowly.
  7. While doing nothing (except housekeeping as good as it goes with one hand) I have admired all the beautiful work that is done. Art love your photo! But now I have managed to do a tree page of my own, it took me several days to complete; every day a little bit only for a short period of time. I hope that in a week or so my hand will be fully functional again. I experimented a bit with different borders and made a picture tube out of my name as well. The photos are as always mine and are taken in my neighbourhood in the autumn of last year.
  8. What a delight to see all this wonderful layouts and photos. Especially now when I cann't do much with my heavily bruised hand. Hopefully I can do something in the second half of september because I was already thinking abougt a tree LO. I was planning to take a second bootcamp to see what I missed on the first one when I was totally new to scrapbooking, but I'll postpone that becausse it will cause to much strain on my hand. In the meantime I'll come and look what everybody is working on!
  9. Minka, that crayfish is also called red crayfish and is about 10 cm long. It lives in fresh water and is apparently delicious to eat. It is some sort of fresh water lobster. Thank you for your concern, I will take care.


    Dawn, thank you, while doing nothing I can enjoy all the nice work that is done here and get inspired.


    Shirley, nice trees. It is a strange thought that while we  are going into autumn, you are into spring! I find it the loveliest season when everything gets green again and in bloom, enjoy it.



  10. Minka, what a beautiful pictures!  This  American crayfish was walking across our street the other day. I have never seen one so far away from some water. They are not indigenous to my country but pose a thread because they breed very well here.


    I will come and look what everybody is making, but I will not be doing very much because I took a fall and heavily bruised my hand. After X-rays it was clear nothing is broken and that is a relieve. Unfortunely it's the hand I use for the mouse on my computer. Typing is okay, but working on a LO not! But I can attend the masterclass coming sunday, at least something to look forward to.


    See you all

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