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Corrie Kinkel

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Posts posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Lynda, I made the red flower with a ribbon from cas-CustomKitRibbons- Sample07. It was a freebie sometime ago and don't remember exactly when. Sorry to answer just now, my time is very limited with my husband still in hospital. It should have been a short stay, about 3 days but due to complications  it are already 12 days. It is not life threatening but very disappointing and he is not recovering enough to come home. So I'm not visiting the Campus much in these days.


    Thanks everybody for their comments!

  2. I won the Ribbon Flower Script and have been making some flowers. With my husband in hospital I have not much time left to anything else. I'll come and look what everybody is making and look on FB as well, but that is it. Hopefully my husband will be home just before the weekend, but he will need some time to recover. And to top it of; next week we get a new frontdoor fitted with its frame. For the time being here are my flowers, they will come in handy on some future LO.
  3. Dear Annie, there is nothing wrong with using all the stock you have accumulated, because you liked those things in the first place and they are in your style too. Struggling with creating something does not always give pleasure and I think you must scrap for pleasure! I love this community because it is not about competition! And everybody tries to create and make LO to there own ability. Your mojo will come back and in the mean time make lovely LO's.
  4. Thank you Annie and Cristina for your comments and I decided to leave the orange paper without some texture. I tried it but it didn't work out nice. I don't have much inspiration either at this moment. The Covid-19 is back in full force around Europe and it is early dark outside and on some days grey and misty but with mild temperatures. Something positive. There will be better times ahead!!! Best wishes my friends
  5. Annie, thank you and like you I love ginger too. Nice page and where would we be without sites like Pixelscrappers to find very nice things to use. I find your idea of making a cluster with psp tubes great. I have never thought of that and perhaps I will give that a try on another LO. I learn so much here and get so many good ideas to follow up.
  6. I just finished my LO and it is about my faourite drink of all: COFFEE! I'm nowhere without my morning coffee. I reused the Wise Words template nr. 5 and adapted it for this LO. The coffee-words I found on Pixelscrapper, the papers are in my stock. Furthermore I used Caroles floppy bow, flower, datestamp script and miteredcorner script. I took photos of my coffeemachine and the coffeecups. Maybe I should have given the orange paper a bit of a texture?
  7. Karon, thank you! Bonnie, what a very nice calendar you made!. I'm in the proces of printing mine and as usual the paper and ink are not sufficient, so tomorrow to the shop to get more.


    Ann, I feel the same, for next month I'll have to find new inspiration, but I too am l looking forward to the coming masterclass. And besides that I have to clean up the computer, I always make a mess when I'm working on a big challenge. All the elements and photo's that I use must go back to their original files or must be deleted if I copied them to my workspace. Then I'm ready for something new.

  8. Sharon, thank you! Monique, your pages look lovely! Now I have the cover page too and comes the proof of the pudding: printing all, sometimes that becomes a struggle. I will print a testpage and look closely if all the little details are on it. On the cover I have placed all the little flowers of the month beside the big photo, so they unite all the pages. Carole thank you for this challenge, all this calendars will make such nice gifts, so hopefully next year another one? See you sunday on the next masterclass.
  9. I figuered out with the help from PSP that if I resize my page I must do it not by Pixel Resize but use Bicubic instead and now everything is visible! This are the pages that I have done sofar. I'm not completely happy with how I have put the names of the days on the calendar . I will tweak that and put those days on the other month as well. But first the coverpage.
  10. Carole, I have a question. As I resize the pages of my calendar I'm loosing the line under the square with the dates, everything else is keeping its place. It only happens with the resizing, the full JPG is oké. I checked but cann't get it right. So I wait with posting the rest of my pages. It has been a lovely experience making this calendar and seeing all the marvellous ones!
  11. I had a productive sunday and completed 3 more pages. Here are april, may and june. The text on my calendar is in Dutch as I want to make it gift to a friend and she never learned English. All the photo's are mine except some of the little ones with the flower of the month.
  12. What a lovely work everybody is posting. I have finally something to as well. I deceided that my theme for the calendar is nature. I wanted to include somewhere the flower of the month and, thanks to Lynda, I got the perfect idea. I hope you don't mind! Here are the first 3 month, the rest will follow as I finish it.
  13. Whole yesterday evening I spend trying to get the extra characters. The first problem was: I have PSP in English and my Windows and Word are in Dutch. So it took me some time to figure out where this charactermap with the unicode subrange was located. The second problem was to find a font that had those fancy letters. Most didn't or had only a couple. So in the end I decided to use a fancy font I have and then I could change the names of the month to Dutch, because if I really make a gift of this calender it has to be in Dutch. Besides that I wanted to change a photo I wasn't happy with and select more photos for the next month, because I like to see where I can put the photos. I am just like Shirley! At that point PSP frooze for a couple of times. This evening I'll continue. I only have saves my pages in PSP formate and not have not saves them in JPG. Later this day I hope I can show something. Now it's almost time to cook dinner. See you later.
  14. Halloween in the Netherlands is not such a big event as in America, but it is becoming more and more popular these days. So I have no photos about it, but I have on of my granddaughter dressed up as a witch and used that one to try to make a LO about halloween. I had to search for all the elements I wanted to use, luckily there are several picture tubes! I made the frame from a paper with a radial blur and gave the moon a spooky glow (thanks to the lights challenge I know how). The font is Brush King. Perhaps it is a bit early but the Up-To-Date Challenge is coming up and I'm a rather slow scrapper, so here it is.
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