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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Bonnie very nicely done, so attractive!
  2. Thank you Donna and yes I don't know what I should do without the modern appliances! I for certain wouldn't have taken up scrapbooking. Think what we would have missed, all the great people that make this community much more then a scrapbook site!
  3. Yesterday I found them all too and send them in. It is always such fun and offering an opportunity to read blogs that I have forgotten about, although I have some of them printed for easy reference. Thank you Carole and happy easter!
  4. Sue such a lovely page with those squirrels and you use a lot of techniques. I love those punches and they are on my wishlist. Thanks for reminding me of the masterclass on paper templates. I will have to rewatch that one, maybe when I'm in the States and have some time for myself when everyone else is of to school or work.
  5. I had to send a couple of Estercards through the post and I have made this one in the 3 languages I needed. I used a card idea from the Card Workshop and made the background with a Quatrefoil overlay that I had done sometime ago. The eggs and bunnies come from different easter themed sets I have in my stash for quite a long time and I think they were a freebie from CF. I wish you all a happy Easter weekend if you celebrate it and otherwise have a nice weekend too.
  6. Just as I was pondering what I could use for this week, the evening sky treated me to this colorful display which only lasted for 2 minutes before fading. I took a couple of photos from our upstairs room. The buildings on the other side of our small street are already very dark, but that is ok by me the sky is the highlight!
  7. Rene I have the same problem and nowadays my handwriting is so terrible that I use the pc to print address labels otherwise I'm afraid the postal services are not able to read the addresses and the postman/woman has a hard time delivering my letters. Getting older isn't always plain sailing but it is what it is, so keep smiling! As long my head and thinking stays in tact I can live with a lot of the aging problems.
  8. Thank you and after a day in the hospital for tests that involved scan, eye pressure, lots of different eyedrops, testing, talking with the doctors and so on, the doctor couldn't explain what the problem is that caused my eyesight to drop 25% in a short time. The scans showed no difference to last year, my lens is clear, so no laser treatment. The only thing that came up was the fact that my eyes were rather dry despite the eyedrops I use. Therefore I got not drops but a gel that should moister better. I have to use that 7x a day for 2 weeks and then 6x a day until I have to come back after 2 month and blink my eyes a lot. Hopefully it is going better and if not or not enough, more testing and scans. Luckily I am allowed to fly with more drops during the flight, I can go!!!! But it is a nuisance I can only read with 1 eye and being at the pc is also awkward, maybe it isn't bad that I don't take my laptop with me! I will be kept busy by the girls and the dogs anyway.
  9. So far I could only come up with the quote in different colors on a spiral. I put it on a T-shirt just to see if it would work. It is not very original, but I have more pressing things on my mind at the moment. As no one else has posted something here yet I want to give it a start, maybe somebody else will follow. Depending on the outcome of eye tests tomorrow in hospital I'll try to come up with something else. Hopefully my eye only needs a laser treatment which will be the best option, otherwise there is something seriously wrong and my trip to my daughter is in 3 weeks...... Keep your fingers crossed for me!
  10. Exactly my thoughts, this is becoming uncanny!
  11. Be on my way.........😉
  12. Like Chris we had a little bit of snow which had already almost melted when I went outside. I was just in time to make a photo with some snow on my little container with bulbs and I used that in the P52 challenge. Instead snow we had rain, rain and much more rain for the best part of December, Januari, February. It was quite depressing all those dark, gray days which at the same time had mild temperatures up to 5 or 6 degrees Celsius above average. Luckily March brought better weather with some sunshine and not so wet anymore but it still is changeable weather and Easter will bring more of the same. Due to the wet but mild weather spring is early with a lot of different trees and bulbs in flower. Over many shrubs and trees you can see a green haze coming and leaves appearing, but hay fever season is starting as well.
  13. The cake looks delicious and I would love a slice for Easter 😋. I love the colors on this layout, very subtle but unmistakably Easter!
  14. Don't mention programs that won't cooperate! It is so annoying......... but we learn to live with it and "pray" to the fontboss that they will work the next time we need them. Your layout hasn't suffered and it is lovely to see the daisies on the cup replicated in the font.
  15. I won the Photo ZigZag script last Sunday and I have been playing with it. The colors that you get depends on the photo that is used. The more colorful photos give a very colorful zigzag and I feel that that is too much to my taste. This photo however had more muted colors and I even reduced the opacity of the zigzag layer. I could have made only a small strip like a ribbon and that is something I certainly will try. For now I just wanted to show my "win" and the font is aptly named Baby Magnolia.
  16. At the start of this freebie challenge I had the jpeg file and I only noticed much later that I should have downloaded the psp file! So here is a new layout with the psp file and that made it all so much easier, plain sailing like Sue said! I decided to have a bit of fun and made something not from scratch but I used papers and elements from my stash. I used a kit from the March 2021 Blogtrain called Spring Magnolia, which I found rather fitting because my photo is of a magnolia bud.
  17. I would have loved to see this eclips as it is on my birthday too but that isn't to be; 😢 it isn't visible in Europe!
  18. Yes you are right about the fun part of it and at the same time it works as an incentive to get to know more! Although I have to take a break with my upcoming trip and all that brings, but after that I'll start reviewing the lessons. I'm forgetting some of the stuff that I didn't use very much with making my own scripts.
  19. Of course I use and love this script as I supplied Carole with the Dutch and German words. It feels a bit as my script without going through the scripting part of it and again of course I looked inside the script to see how it was done! Something I now do with all the scripts that I have or are going to buy! 😉
  20. U = Unicorn Sundae bright pink and blue ice cream layered together with whipped topping and a choice of favorite toppings.
  21. In the small country I live there are only a couple "woods" privately owned, so that option didn't even cross my mind!
  22. Project #5 The end of this Bootcamp and the end of the trip to Berlin. I used the minikit crafty-eve-cpjess from the 2022 blogtrain and a frame from Sharon Dewi Stolp that I have in my stash because this kit had no frame. The font is Bremlin, the font Berlin that I used for the other layouts was to thin for this one and Lucinda calligraphy. And of course again a postage stamp with my own script. Instead of the little rectangles I used stars, like a rating for the trip to Berlin, just for the fun of it. It was good to have a little refresher of the basics after having learned more over the last 4 years. I completely forgot that you can use a paper as a pattern for text, so it will match perfectly with the rest of the papers. Carole thank you for offering the Bootcamp again, I have enjoyed it as well as seeing all the projects from the others, that is always inspiring.
  23. Nice daffs and I am astonished that you can dig them up in the woods. Over here it is forbidden to do that kind of things. Of course there are always people who don't care and do it nevertheless, but the rangers (boswachters) can report you to the police when they catch you.
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