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Everything posted by Cassel

  1. That is an interesting (and probably easier) twist on the P52 idea.
  2. Making it through 52 weeks is quite an achievement for anyone who managed it. Whether you did or not, would there be interest in making another P52 for 2025 or would you rather have something different for that year? Maybe you had enough of one year. Or maybe you are just starting to enjoy it and want more.
  3. I am really happy to read that the book, in itself, was useful even for someone who has access to the DIAMOND membership. Believe it or not, I always doubt myself, wondering if what I do is useful. You made my day!
  4. Maybe the Campus gremlins are visiting you just like the Elf on the Shelf!?
  5. That is interesting. The file generated at the time of the crashes, were not the full crashdump.
  6. I remember that 2023 WAS very stable until the last update. I had even mentioned it to Joseph and wanted to send the crashdump so they could investigate but that is when I found out that crashdump is only generated during the beta cycle, and not once it is officially released, so that didn't help.
  7. Now that you are getting more and more familiar and comfortable with your PSP, what other projects have you used it for? Do you have friends or relatives who ask for help? Are you making presents? Volunteer in your community? Aside from the typical scrapbooking and card making, what else do you use your skills for? Share examples that are new to us.
  8. Moving a selection In PSP2023, if you have a selection and you want to move it, using the Right-click is wonky. Although it will move, you have no reference point as it will temporarily move the whole image, not the selection. Once you let go of the right button, it will have moved, and the image will be back to normal, but you won't be able to accurately move it like you would on previous versions. Solution: use the Edit selection, move it with the normal Move tool or Pick tool and Edit selection again.
  9. Not necessarily. Just uninstalling it with the Windows Add/Remove programs should do enough. So you have the version?
  10. Yes, I find that it is not just on 2023, but the snapping is not as accurate when working with vectors.
  11. Selecting multiple layers If you select multiple layers in the Layers palette, holding the Ctrl key, sometimes, additional layers will get selected and not just the ones you want.
  12. Wrapped text gets unwrapped It might not always happen but once you have added wrapped text into a selection, when you edit the text afterward, it might loose its "wrapping" and go back to a straight text with no way to put it back in its shape.
  13. We have concluded that PSP2023 will be the last version developed by Corel/Alludo. Unfortunately, it also means that the existing bugs might not be fixed. Let's make a list of the bugs you have experienced so far. As a beta-tester, I saw several reports of bugs but not all of them are consistent or affecting everyone. To start, make sure you have the latest patch for it, and the number is If you happen to have version, you will HAVE to uninstall your PSP and reinstall it from scratch as that particular version will NOT upgrade to the correct version; it is kind of "stuck" there. Don't report bugs for that older version: they are very serious and were fixed in the upgrade. To make it easier to read and refer to, indicate, in bold, a name for the tool/effect/function, then describe the issue you are encountering. If they are actual bugs, I will leave them there. If they are just technical issues that should be troubleshoot, I will remove them from the thread into their own thread so we can address them separately.
  14. Let's continue this new challenge. We might be the ones taking pictures but we are not the feature of our layouts, so let's change that since we ARE important and have lots to say. Every month or so, the layout will be about YOU, and a prompt will be given. If you have taken the Story Week Challenge, you will find some similarities but it won't be the same. For the December layout, tell us something about family traditions. Most families or communities would have traditions for various holidays or periods of the year. Of course, some are pretty typical like a Christmas tree for Christmas, but what about something that is less typical? That will be something that we want to read about. Something about decorations? About when something is done or how? Who does something and how is that person selected? It can be something major, or not. Little anecdotes are just as fun to read. Remember that if you want to create pages for previous prompts, those threads will stay open. There is no right or wrong order to share about YOU.
  15. I might try to install it in the coming weeks. It came with the bundle, but I am not that much into AI. However, it might change once I try it. I'll let you know.
  16. Do you tend to do holiday baking? Or maybe you used to but don't anymore? Do you have a favorite baking recipe? Would you care to share it? You can even make a layout with that favorite recipe! Let's chat.
  17. You don't need to download and send me any file. It is the license code that you would send me, as Rene mentioned.
  18. At the end of the year, you might celebrate Christmas, be in the holiday season, or experience winter (sorry for our Aussie friends who are experiencing summer!). So this month, I am offering you two fonts: one you can write with, and one to use as decorative elements as they are dingbats. Remember that if you want, you can convert those dingbat designs into preset shapes, which could be easier to access in the future! Here is the first font that you can download. It is available on DaFont. And here is the dingbat font, also available on DaFont. How will you use those?
  19. And snow sculptures!
  20. Cassel

    New PC

    I am so lucky that whenever I need to upgrade my computer, I go to a technician (I have been a client there since the 90's!) and they transfer all my data for me. I don't have to reinstall anything. I have four internal drives and typically, they just move some of the drives into the new computer when they can, or transfer everything if they need to. Last time, they had to "upgrade" the C drive because the new "enclosure" was too small to accommodate all the drives so I got a bigger (more capacity) C that was smaller in size and could fit in the box.
  21. @Dee Morris It is giving me ideas for making a "picture tubes" workshop, someday, in the future! You did a fantastic job!
  22. Do you usually have a green Christmas or a white Christmas? Do you have a preference? Do you wish you got the other one? Share your thoughts.
  23. In December, our monthly theme is FESTIVE OCCASIONS. This month, we might discover various occasions that are celebrated throughout the year, all around the world. What "days", holidays, and festivals can you think of from all the letters of the alphabet? What components, elements, food, and greetings can be associated with them. Hopefully, it will give us enough to cover all the alphabet! If we we are stuck on one letter, after 24 hours, let's skip it, ok? Let's go!
  24. It is a new month and new projects. Show off what you are working on in November be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want. We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired. These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming! Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save it in .jpg format before posting it (if you are creating a double page, you can resize it to 1000 pixels in width if you don't want to post the pages separately). Here are a few guidelines for everyone: when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same. if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyway). if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone! if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better-quality image than the resized image anyway.
  25. The theme for December is FESTIVE OCCASIONS. We all know about the traditional holidays and "days" in a year, like Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Valentine Day, and Halloween, but there are many more and they also vary throughout the world. This can be a great opportunity to share about festive occasions that you celebrate with your family, in your area of the world. Do you have a layout (or maybe a greeting card) that showcase some of those occasions? Remember that you can also share older layouts you already made. You don't have to create a brand new one! Let's go! Post your project in the gallery.
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