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Template Workshop 2022


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Hank, (#73753) very interesting variation on the tutorial, and it works well.


Ann (#73755), I laughed at your "torturing" of the circles into eggs! I am a little uneasy with the shadowing of the "eggs". I suspect you wanted to add a shadow based on the light coming from the incubator, but it seems inconsistent with the other shadows of the page. (#73759) Are you assuming that the dots are made of snow? Is that why you added shadows?


Sue (#73761), very good idea to replace the dots with birds. I am sure that will inspire others to create out of the box.


Minka (#73763) I never would have guessed it was the same supplies! You might want to add some shadows to give your page even more 3D effects. (#73783) that is a definite splash of colors!


Fiona (#73765), that dandelion looks perfect for that circle spot!


Jnet (#73768) beautiful photo and great changes to the template. I would suggest that you avoid the cut edges of the string of flowers, or you can enlarge it to reach the edge?


Joyce (#73771) yes, you can use her favorite color OR pick a color from the photo. HERE is an article in ideas on how to pick colors for a layout.


Lois (#73773) that is a great photo to showcase. Did you shrink it a bit vertically? I suspect it is slightly distorted. Is that possible?


Liz (#73775) it is ok to follow to the letter at first. It is just like a recipe: the first time, you follow it to understand it, then, you can start tweaking it to suit your photo and your own preferences.


Mary (#73777) I also prefer the mask technique, but for someone totally new to using templates, this is the simplest way. Tomorrow, we will look at masks.


Marie-Claire (#73779) great photo that reminds me that today is the first day of spring, even though it was snowing here today.


Sharla (#73781) it is funny how for me, snow is as normal as mosquitoes in the summer, while it is not the case for everyone.


Rene (#73784) I don't mind at all. Resizing the image is a good idea when it is larger than the full project size. I also tend to use a certain percentage and then finish resizing "manually" while I can see where everything goes.


Corrie (#73787) playing with the opacity gives a lot more flexibility as you can tweak just the way you like it.


Anita (#73789) is that your cat? Stay safe, and come back tomorrow.


Bonnie (#73791) the "bubbles" could just be a splash of color as if you had some brush work. With some blur, it could become a sort of "texture".


Gerry (#73796) great to see the FB header template used.


Sharon (#73798) what a cutie smile. Definitely worth showcasing it!


Pirkko (#73800) another good idea to replace the bubbles with the paw prints.


For those who have not posted yet, don't be shy. This is not a contest, but simply a series of practices for you to get more comfortable with PSP and scrapbooking. Looking forward to your projects.

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Here is my Bonus Template for Day 1. The storms have left Central Texas and I am happy to be able to continue with the templates. The Paris picture is from PinInterest. 2 of the papers  (Flowered and striped) are from Digital Scrapbooking and the pink and grey paper I made by selecting colors on the picture. Font is Fiolex Girls, and I added inner bevel and drop shadows to all. Tried to use a different color on the texture bubbles, but ended up keeping the white. This was a lot of fun and I learned  a much easier way to fit  papers and pictures to a shape. Thank you Carole!
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I'm in it too. I learn something every time I watch a lesson (several times) so even if it's considered "basic", it's good for me. I have no idea what photos to use even though Carole advised us to gather some. I'll just wing it for now. Likely most will come from the 'net.


Here's Lesson 1 which I was able to do. I have avoided templates up till now, so this is helpful. ***Just realized, after I uploaded the image, that I forgot to do the "bubbles".....which explains why the layout looks so bare!



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Jnet, not exactly. Everyone can access the basic supplies and the tutorials, for this week and a couple of weeks after. Then, it will ONLY be available for the DIAMOND members, just like the extra supplies included.
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Day 2 Templates Workshop - for some reason my last upload didn't work so here it is again.  For this workshop I chose some doctored up pictures taken at my local state park - of course, minus the faces.  Interesting effect when I buttonized on 2 different layers.  Both attached.Trees Watching





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Lesson 1.  I've never used templates so this was a wonderful lesson.  Glass art by Melanie Rowe, photography by me. papers from DigitalScrapbook and Creative Fabrica. Font is Mystery Quest (Creative Fabrica).  Reduced opacity on the dots, they are moons.  Was glad we learned how to change the papers, I need some more practice to get the right hue and saturation I was after.





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THE PICTURE -- I used a picture I developed using PaintShop Pro. I actually started with something that I set up in Corel Particle Shop and brought it back into PaintShop Pro.  There I used it as a seed to play around with and come up with interesting things using Kaleidoscope. - used also for the background and the bar on the left by selecting as a pattern (I actually took the cropped picture and pasted as new image to be able to get from the pattern - without the surrounding part that I did not want, allowing for a transparent part between each occurrence).


THE FONT -- Cinerama - The Up and Down effect was accomplished by using lower and upper case alternatively - one has up hill and one has down hill. I really liked what the bevel did to this but I decided to reduce depth to 15 from Carole's setting as I liked that better. It was nice that the number of letters allowed me to have an even number of letters to have the first and last letter in opposite orientation.


THE PAPER -- from DigitalScrapbook.com - used as background for the text and for the bar on the left.


OTHER THOUGHTS - I was thinking that it might be nice to work with each of the while circles with this picture also but maybe that would be too busy.


THE SIDE BAR NOTE - I decided to keep adjusting the setting for the pattern until it fit with the border. If I had been doing this without the template, I probably would have worked a circle to set the pattern in, or made it part of the pattern.


LEARNING GOES ON - As noted by others, these workshops have the benefit of teaching new things and reinforcing what we have learned in the past.


CTRL+Y (Redo) - in one of the things I tried, I wanted to add Gaussian Blur and tried multiple times to get it more and more blurry. I wondered if there was a way to get a Gaussian Blur with attitude so that I did not have to apply so many times.


QUESTION - With the Font, I had to stretch using the pick tool to get to fit to the height and width I wanted. Are there settings on the TEXT tool that I could have used to make this fit without using the pick tool?


Thank you, Carole for your instruction.


Thank you to everyone who has posted. Really great works of art have been presented.













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