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Now, after another year, what would be your feedback about what took place in the Campus?


What did you particularly like and why?


What would you have wished we had and didn't?


What did YOU gain from the Campus, the free activities, the paid membership, the community, etc.?


With that information, we will be able to jump into 2022 together!

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I liked it just the way it was this year. :) Especially the challenges en webinars.


I just want to thank you for all the support, help , patience!,challenges,  and for setting up this wonderful learning space!


Love to be part of this community! :)

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I liked it all.  It's new to me so I wouldn't know what I would have wished we had.  It is a most giving/helping  online community that I've belonged to so far.  the one really big thing is how quickly you answer people.  You are very involved and I really like that.  Currently I belong to another art type group and the teacher has been MIA for 2 months. I can see where I am going to put my priorities this year as you are so attentive to everyone and everyone else is there for each other.  It makes me feel like I belong and I matter.  thank you.



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I am very glad that you like what we have and the community we have too.


I too am very happy with everyone's participation, and feedback, and support. That is the community I wanted to build :)

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I have given it some thought. The bigger challenges I like a lot in particular the Double Take, Love Story and of course the Up-To-Date for the calendar. The last one I would miss terribly if it shouldn't come back. I like those because they offer the opportunity to be on one project for a couple of days/weeks and seeing what others do with the same templates and tutorials gives a lot of inspiration too. I don't like the story time challenge or any challenge where the story is the main subject with no photos. That's because I think, how good my English may be, it's not the language in which I want to tell those stories and if I tell them in Dutch well there are just a few people here that can read them. Wordart and subway art are of course something different.


The weekly challenges are also very welcome and give new ideas to use photos and I think the scavanger hunt is the most liked from all. Sadly I have no new ideas to offer at the moment, you cover a broad spectrum with those.


The Campus, Membership and all the activities have given me a great feeling of belonging to this wonderful community and has greatly helped in the last 2 difficcult years. Being creative and meeting the other members helps a lot to keep me healthy (mentally, physically not so much by sitting at the computer!). Your commitment and instant support are fantastic and makes it all work.


I hope for a great 2022 in all aspects for this whole community

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Thank you Carole for asking for feedback and join you in wishing a great 2022 for us.


I particularly like:

the community encouragement and tips and Carole's close attention

webinars of varying subjects with Carole's unique themes throughout.

the regular e-mail newsletter updates


a Part 2 of the Bootcamp as a follow up from the beginners' Bootcamp but with extra time to complete

Diamond Membership on an adhoc basis to make the most of my free time on PC

at the moment I do not wish to have a Facebook account and wonder if I would be missing out on the Campus as a result and what the advantage is on the Scrapbook Facebook pages compared to the main site

the biggest problem for me is being alert enough for the webinars that I love as they are late in the evening for us who live in the UK. Not sure what can be done about that though!  Having the recording available afterwards has been a great help.


I have gone from knowing nothing about PSP to being able to achieve, in a relatively short space of time, at a basic level, an objective to be creative using my existing photos

the free activities, competitions and freebies have been hugely beneficial and applicable within the context of the community

have gained knowledge and in case I have forgotten a technique have reference to the projects I have completed or tutorials available

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Fiona, that is a nice and detailed answer. Thank you.


Could you clarify what you mean by "Diamond Membership on an adhoc basic" ?


To answer your question, you are not missing anything by not having a Facebook account. Members are often posting in the forum AND the FB group. Occasionally, I will have a FB live on Facebook but not often.


As for the time for the webinar, yes, I wish I could have the perfect time for everyone, but earlier in the day would exclude our Australia and NZ attendees. And that is why the replay is available, and furthermore, the edited version is always available for a month.

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Hi Carole, Yes I understand about the global time differences being a problem to get just right for everyone and am grateful that you provide a replay each time.  I thought I'd mention it because of the concentration aspect.


I always see the worth and quality of what you provide but not sure that I would get the most out of full membership as it stands. I do not think that I would be able to use a Diamond membership to its fullest and instead would waste periods of access as a result with my ad hoc approach. I realise that the masterclasses can be bought singly. Something to think about.......


Thank you again and happy new year. Not long now.



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Carole, I think ad hoc means "when necessary".  Joining only when the need to learn a certain technique  is needed (example: wanting to learn all there is to know about vectors because you want to make something and vectors is the only way to do it- you would join, do all the vector classes and un-join).


Fiona, I am a diamond member and thought I'd just do it for a couple months at time, pay for a month or two, then not be a member for 3-4 months, then join again.  that might work for you.  You get 10 free downloads every 6 days I believe.  You could download the stuff you want right away and still have 3 more times in your month to choose to download of 10 more items each...techniques you think you might want to learn.  Also you can watch the masterclasses (and the labs tutorials and the Creative Scrap ones too!) online to see if you want to download them.  It's really a win-win.  the best way to decide on the Diamond membership is the do it for a month and see what you think.  that is what I did.  It's really worth it.  I am a beginner and need all the help I can get.

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What can I say that has not been said, Carole, you are amazing for all that you do for us. I may not post a lot but I am always lurking around and reading the posts. Everyone is doing such great work and helping each other out in the forum.


I am proud to be a Diamond member and still learning from the campus. Love all the videos and tutorials on the campus.


Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR for 2022.  Please keep safe everyone.

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