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September SKETCH Challenge


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Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration, and trying to recreate projects we admire. Sometimes, we can be inspired by finished projects, but sometimes, we also have to use our imagination to interpret something.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to envision something from a "boring" base, and you will have to imagine the end result differently. The sketch is only a written idea, and you can fly with it, modify it, and customize it to fit your vision, your photos, your supplies.


This sketch has lots of room to add stories about your photos, or you can focus on the stories instead of the photos.




And if you want more information on using sketches, check out this article.

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A cruise ship that often goes by out front.  I don't want to go on one, but they are very pretty to watch.  I used a font called Amontesa and I purchased a ton of navigational maps which I used on the background.  The ship is interesting to watch as it goes by as I hear the arm on the top extends out and holds a small swinging pod-like vehicle that you can go up in for an extra fee and take pictures as it swings 360' around the ship.  These pictures do not show it fully extended, but you get the idea.  It's really a couple miles away, but these ships are pretty big and it feels like you could just reach out and touch them sometimes - like they are skimming the tops of the cottages on the shore.
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I also made a lot of changes to the sketch and I used a photo of a Hop that is growing on a little piece of waistland by the station. As our stationsquare is still being reconstructed the builders use that land for their materials and it is fenced of with a chainlink fence. There were a lot of wildflowers too but those are already gone over and now this hop takes centerstage. As soon as I saw that ID template I knew that at some point I wanted to use it as a plantpassport. I fastened it to the chainlink and I made the letters following the stitched shape tutorial from Lab 11-2. The font is Segoe UI black
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