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May Theme Challenge - FRAMES


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Fabulous artwork here Ladies. You have all been so busy.


I have been watching the late Bob Ross shows on You Tube and sad to think this lovely, talented man left this world some time ago now. His working left me mesmorised and what he achieved with a palette knife and few brushes never ceases to amaze me. Then I got to thinking, dangerous I know but I considered that this could be done with PSP and not one messy brush or clothes would be in sight. So, I tried to remember how he did things and came up with my painting. After I had completed my masterpiece, it needed a frame, which fitted in with this months theme. So, I added different size borders, filled and bevelled them before adding a corner tube, a plugin Simple top left mirror to make it look posher. Was really good fun and think I might be going to have another go and watch more of the lovely Bob Ross. TFL.

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