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Double Take Challenge 2021


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Laurie, that bottom border is a clever way to use a photo!


Annie, those flamingos are beautiful. I also love your font. Is that a free font? Yes, I think we have guessed that you like birds, but we LOVE to look at them so we are even! :)


Raymond, the reason I was asking was because the images were similar yet different so I was wondering if it was two different sets in the same year, or two different years, or even maybe the same set at two different times (the mom might have moved them around). I guess I am curious, and that is a good thing: it means your layout piqued someone's interest!


Jnet, nice and colorful layout about your trip. I like that semi-solid background! Is that a glitter pattern? That last project is a real gem with all those photos. We might not think of putting that many photos on a page, but double pages allow us to do that, AND since you likely don't need text, it is very pleasant to look at each of them.


Gerry, you can make a very simple frame just with a vector rectangle. Something solid can be very elegant. And if you want to get even more elegant, look for some corner fonts that you can use (maybe corners could be a future class... hum... something to add to the poll maybe?). What font did you use? It is very elegant. A beautiful tribute to Lynda. Those fur babies are our babies, even with 4 legs.


Sandra, I think you aligned and chose the images perfectly to have the option to split it into two pages if you want, and if you want to print as one piece, it would be perfect too. I don't have any suggestion for the color other than maybe pick the red and the blue from the kids' clothes? Try it. I am not 100% sure how it would show from the background.


Ann, this is another example where a thin crop of a photo would not be "expected" on bird photos, but it becomes a creative cropping, which gives a very unique effect.


Corrie, nice white flowers. This might just be a personal preference but to showcase white, I would have tried a darker background. Did you try that? Maybe it didn't work? Just a thought (again, it is only a personal idea).


Jean, great panorama! yes, a tick is sometimes all you need to success or pull your hair (and there are so many boxes to tick or untick in PSP!)


Cindy, why don't you try one double-page? Even if you don't do all of them, give it a try. Everybody started where you are. We are here to help you.

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Carole: I'm a little confused. I didn't know I was supposed to crop the photos for the slats. I just chose photos that seems to work vertically. I actually enlarged them to 2900 in height to fill the slat and then slipped into the mask to get that effect which is what I saw you do on the video.


Here are the full photos of each bird, resized for posting here.

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Cassel: a lot of designers are arranging their kits so that the elements jump off the page.  I know they use large drop shadows and I'm guessing they put the elements with drop shadows on a number of layers before merging everything. I could be wrong, but the shadows don't seem to all go in the same direction. Do you have instructions about how to do this somewhere in Scrapbook Campus?  I wanted to make the birds on my day 5 page pop more.  But I couldn't figure out how to do it.


The cat kit is from Pixelscrapper and I guess it's okay for me to show a picture of it since it's free.  The second is Scrapgirls.  I'm not sure about the ethics of including a picture of it since it has to be purchased.  I'll delete it if it isn't right to show it.

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My day 1 was ready earlier this week but forgot to upload it :D


The animals on the pages are the ones we had over the years. (We had more, but before the digital era, so don't have pictures of them scanned yet)


Two of them are still here, the rest are in heaven ;) You could say I'm a pet lover (and my husband too)



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And day tw0 :)


I think I have a double shadow on the banner at the dog page.


If that's correct, I'm gonna jump for joy because I finally (maybe) see shadows better (well how they show) :D :D




Text is in Dutch, so translated it is:


The favourite color for our cats is really red, we've had other colors, but red ones....

Our dogs are accidentally all brown, brown/white or dark brown.

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Wonderful pages submitted by everyone,  they are all inspirational, educational, and fabulous layouts.  Well done ladies and gentlemen!  I've had a couple of busy days in the saddle moving cows, so I'll miss the two days and create day 6 later on to post.


Monique,   what I do is duplicate the mask with the photo in, close one, and merge down the other before adding  a shadow.  That way you will always retain the original masks you created. As you have to merge the group in order to add a shadow.

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Worked up another double page, not necessarily a particular lesson, though this had the three photo masks. Good for me to practice doing them. I still have to have a "cheat sheet." LOL I used a "template" from last year's Travel Time Challenge but it is really a sketch as there were no layers included. I used several baby kits that I've accumulated since the great grands started showing up. ;-)
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Day 6.  I loved doing the grunge background.   Now that I know how to make them I can stop buying the overlays so thank you Carole for the wonderful tutorial.


I know I keep posting some of the same pictures but my 500 gb hard drive with all my older pictures crashed recently and I am not sure if they can pull the photo's off.  I did thankfully also put all those photo's on disk I just cant get to them right now.


I love everyone's page.  All the animals are gorgeous.  I am a flower person so I am also enjoying all the photo's of them and the babies are just precious.  Great job everyone.

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Day 6,   I cheated a little, I used the  Saskatchewan element which I created a long time ago. At the time it took quite a while to do, to get the  beads to  align on the rope correctly. As the word is a long one! :-)  I also used the  BIRD word, which I also created some time ago. Using  letters and numbers are a great way to showcase  lots of photos. I like to add subjects showing at least one of their eyes.  I used an overlay on the background paper.  I have several grunge paper templates which I have created, and they are great to add to  a flat  background paper.
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You are most welcome Monique.  By retaining copies, and saving the pages as a PSP file, you will  always be able to go back at a later date to copy and paste masks, text, and lots more into new projects, without having to start from scratch.  Same goes for the   grunge papers you  create.
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Sandra: That's a wonderful story! We have something similar here called Pennings' Farm and when they wanted to expand the town was fearful they would bring in outside produce but they eventually got permission and my grandkids loved it too. I do love your red background! A quick hint, your title APPLE CHARLIES has too many "Ps". ;-) I used to work as a proofreader and the hardest mistakes to catch are those in the largest type!
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Our  resident campus proof reader doesn't miss a typo!  Well done Ann!  :-)  You beat me to it, Sandra posted this page after I had  scrolled through what I had missed over the past few days.  I spotted it after I had  posted my day 6 page.  I was about to comment, but you beat me to it . By the way Ann,  great work!
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Ann and Sue:  Thank you both so much for catching my typo.  Very much appreciated.  Thank goodness Carol taught us to always make a copy of our text before doing anything with it.


Ann sometimes its the little places that are the most fun.   I find it sad when they go all big and commercial. They seem to lose their charm to me.


Here is my corrected copy.

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Annie Tobin, your photos seem to fly at the same rate as the flight of birds.  Babies are beautiful on your pretty page


Thanks Carole, I used a red rose photo and adjusted it for my background


Barbara a beautiful photo montage for your day 5


Monique, many pages on animals, they are so cute


Laurie, the pictures come out bright against this darkened background


Sandra, sorry for your photos, hope you can get them back


Sue, original letters and numbers.  I think your layer from the first photo has moved

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