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Love Story Challenge 2021


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Finally finished all 7 Days - the pages were a bit rushed but I wanted to complete each challenge and learn the various  techniques each had to offer, now I can go back and tweak and improve the pages.  The sharing and advice amongst the  group is wonderful and there is so much talent here.


Carole, with the glyphs not appearing  I discovered there was a clash in my fonts with another mama font,  I ended up deleting that one and reinstalling the new one and all good thank you.


Day 5 - Shark Bay - is one of only a handful of beaches in the world to be made up of solely of shells.  You won’t find a grain of sand in sight!  The beach is made up of trillions of tiny white shells all from one type of animal, the tiny shells have accumulated up to 10 metres deep forming a beach stretching 120 kilometres. (courtesy of google!) It is amazing to see. The pelican was from another beach further along the coast.


Love the accidental discovery of the background on Day 6 and the possibilities are endless and that can be seen with how everyone has used it on their pages, such variety.

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Being a 'Love' challenge I thought I should include a heart!  The heart I made from a Pinterest tutorial post  last year and  I spent 2  days recently searching my computer and Pinterest trying to find it again but no luck.  It was red, I recoloured it to blend in with the photo.   Broome is a wonderful place to visit with a rich history in pearling, amazing sunsets and camel rides along the beach.


The way this mask was created was basically how I made my scalloped paper template, although I never considered it as a mask until now.


Thanks Carole for this challenge with so many aspects to it and new techniques learnt, now to put into practice what I have learnt. Thanks also to all in the group for sharing your photo's, stories and amazing talents.



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Mireille, j'aimerais bien avoir de beaux animaux comme ça à mon lieu de travail. J'adore les animaux.


Alicia, you really caught up fast!!!


Gabriella, great photo to conclude this challenge with the grandkids!


Annie T., nice tribute to Jasper to finish.


Shirley, what a smile your baby daughter has!!! The plaid is colorful and really gives a happy feel.


Gerry, did you share the layouts with them yet? It will surely put a smile on their face!


Susan, what a clever way to focus on the important persons on the photo without having to crop it!


Monique, if you ever want to use a plaid that seems too busy, you can reduce the opacity, or even the scale to make it smaller. It is one way to use them without overpowering the rest of the project.


Corrie, discovering by making mistakes is what I do. That is how I found that linoleum technique (have you EVER seen that anywhere else??)


Mary, I am glad that you could use the musical note tubes.


Euka, you managed to work quite fast. If you feel they are rushed, you can always come back to them later and tweak your pages.


I am particularly happy with how many people actively participated in this challenge. Almost 60% of the registrants posted in the forum, which is great! Now, remember to fill out the survey!

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Here is my Day 6.


I love the linoleum technique; it creates unique patterns depending on the starting color, as we can see here.


The "linoleum" butterfly was created with a brush.


Credits: Background paper "Dady_DCS_Les DiCtonS_Pap" -- Border stitch "KAagard" -- Alpha "Cassel" Alpha Maker Sample


Fonts: Britannic Bold, Love Valentine, Abraham, and Typewriter.

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I finally finished the last project.  I am not much for polka dots so I didn't use them.  I love this Osprey love nest sight on Explore.  They are nice enough to leave it up even when the Osprey have migrated for the winter. This is the current female from that nest which is why I gave it the pink background.  https://explore.org/livecams/ospreys/osprey-nest.
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Day 3


A great tit leaving the nest in our garden, such a wonderful moment to capture! Was het first year we had a nest box :)


Does PSP take a lot of memory when you used the kaleidoscope? Tried several settings/layouts before I was satisfied with the look, so maybe it took too much memory? Even a day later, I takes ages to open and save..


I took 3 or 4 minutes to save/save as again today.........





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I finally managed to finish layout Day 7.


Credits: Carole's Alpha Maker sample (2020Jun) and PBS-Escale amoureuse- Talie - elt2


Font: Moonbeam


Thanks, Carole, for the challenge; I not only had the opportunity to practice creating masks, but I also learned new things.

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Cristina, did you colorize your butterfly in a certain way to get the wings to show this way with the linoleum pattern? I am curious to know what are the things that such a veteran PSP user like you has learned?


Anne L., have you used polkadots for any smaller elements than a full background paper? Sometimes, you can use that for a decorative element so it does not overpower anything.


Linda, it is ok to keep posting. There was no deadline. how can you distinguish between those three kitties??


MoniqueN, I don't think the kaleidoscope should take more time to render. It is strange. Do you notice other tools being particularly slow? You seem to be getting quite comfortable with those "homemade" masks!


Shirley, that background paper is great. It is colorful yet not overpowering. And a nice face too :) I like how you added that double frame on the last project. Very interesting.


Mireille, the eyes of that cat!!! Beautiful!

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I 've tried again. When I use the psp files the program freezes. File--> or File--> close etc. it takes ages to pop up, even when I try the 600 pixels version of the project. It's like the program is frozen or something.


The jpg file does not have that problem, odd.........

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