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November SKETCH Challenge


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Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration and trying to recreate projects we admire. Sometimes, we can be inspired by finished projects, but sometimes, we also have to use our imagination to interpret something.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to envision something from a "boring" base, and you will have to imagine the end result differently. The sketch is only a written idea, and you can fly with it, modify it, and customize it to fit your vision, your photos, your supplies.


Here is the sketch you will want to start with.




And if you want more information on using sketches, check out this article.

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This is my first play with the sketch provided for the November Sketch Challenge.  I used a scrap kit from Dee'Sign Depot called Grandma's Garden.  Font used for the title (an add on to the sketch) is Autumn in November.  This was really fun to play around with ... conservatively to start, ;)  Cassel, thank you so much for your introduction to Nexus Font.  It has opened up endless font possibilities for me ... still learning!  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.
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And ... another my friends.  A few minor adjustments to the sketch plus this time I used Alicia Mujica's scrap kit 'The Lighthouse'.  The font used for the title is barber pole.  As there were no papers in this kit I made my own following Carole's tuts except for the aqua swirl border which I simply colorized to match the page.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
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Annie, both beautiful! I love everything: papers, colors, elements... You definitely got your mojo back, my friend!


I am postponing, but I think I have to install the Nexus Font to better view all the fonts I have installed. Thanks, Annie, for reminding me of it.

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Here's my shot at the November Sketch Challenge. I somehow feel like this kind of layout is from earlier classes, probably because I did the Bootcamp in July and again in September! I think I got it now! :)


These are my little twin tufted titmice that just arrived this fall. I was on the Corel site and downloaded some freebies.. one is a script that treats a photo to become what they call Minimalist Gray 4. I tried it on the bottom photo on my layout; I like the effect. Also got the freebie Thanksgiving clip art package and used it for fall decor here.


My PSP 2021 keeps freezing up. This time when I was downsizing for posting here. I shut down my computer, waited a bit and when I reopened I went to PSP2020 as I think the cache in 2021 got overwhelmed. I'll have to look at my preferences; I think I told it to do something that's causing my problems.


Here's my twin birdies!

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Thanks dear Cristina. I know what you are saying regards postponing. That is what I was doing and before you knew it days then weeks then months had gone by! I hope to get into some more creations today. Mojo is what it is ... there or not, lol! Do have a play with NexusFont. It takes a little to figure it out (and I am still working on that) and once installed it takes a while to load up but only because I have thousands of fonts ... and I don't think I am exaggerating on that. There is a method for creating sets and that is what I have to figure out! I wish you well my friend and before you know it ... voila ... your mojo will have reappeared. ;D
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Hello Scrapbook Campus Friends.  This time I followed a sketch by Rochelle Spears ... she has many of them and they are a lovely source of inspiration.  I used an Alicia Mujica tube, Corine, and one of her scrap kits, October.  This scrap kit did not contain any papers so these are my own creation. The title was created using an alpha by Gina Jones of Pixel Scrappers and the font used for the tube's name is Cinnamon Roll Frosted.  After putting it all together and adding shadows (still my biggest bugbear) I noticed a fault of the sort I could not do anything about.  Alicia had added a shadow on the log of Corine's legs and the leafy twig.  Her light source was coming from top right and I always use top left!  I was too lazy to go back and change everything so I left it as is ... hopefully lesson learned for next time.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
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I had a go at this, as well. Mack and Ethelynne Tucker ... were my grandparents of sorts. They weren't really my grandparents, but don't ever try to tell them or me that. My grandparents all died when I was very young so I was very fortunate to have them. When THEY were young, they were quite the live wires. Loved parties and socializing. They were some of the first to have cars in our town. He went on to own his own Packard Garage in Portland, Maine. Much that I have I owe to them. Sadly, he died when I was 17, but I had her well into my married life as she lived to 103. :o)
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Thank you, Annie. You've no idea how much we all missed your encouraging comments while you were taking a break. I - along with everyone else, I'm sure - am so happy you are back with us again. Sometimes you are JUST what we need to keep motivated!
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I love what you have done with this Bonnie ... it is you! Sometimes we just have to sit back and play with what others have provided for us. We are marking time and that is quite ok. Pixel Scrapper provide some lovely kits, elements, papers, templates etcetera and they are there for us to use when out mojo has taken a hike. You did well my friend, I love it. ;D
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I am not keeping track of all the beautiful work posted in all the challenges threads...You all have been busy!


Ann, these are lovely visitors. I also have a bird food house on the balcony, and I love to watch when the birds come to eat... sometimes, some wait at the railing while others are eating.


Annie, what fun and lovely page! Well done, my friend.


Minka, this is a lovely memory page... I can almost "hear" Carole saying that you could add the story to the page. I am not good with journaling, but yours would make the page special.


Bonnie, I think we are on the same boat, so meanwhile, I am participating in the Bootcamp Challenge, so mostly I have to choose a photo, and everything else is from a kit... Having said that, I find your layout great, and I love the colors.

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My first attempt at this challenge, It took me awhile as I made the brads, flowers and some different snowflakes with gold pins . Of course I chilled the pins to below freezing to make those snowflakes last.  You will also notice my flip flops are also frozen becaude I left them outdoors the day before s that was a shorts day.


Like they say if you do not like the weather here,  it will change in just a minute.

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